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Zephyr Challenge #3 Poll

Which entry did you think was the best?

  • Elemental Smite - rulerofiron99

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not open for further replies.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Zephyr Challenge #3 Poll

Contest Theme:
Dual Effect

Each contestant had to create a spell that alternated between two effects, depending on a condition.

  • 50% of the contestants' final score will be judged by the judges. The other 50% is to be determined in this poll

  • 35% of the 50% will be determined using a Ballot system. You are to fill out the ballot located at the bottom of this post, and post it in this thread. If your ballot is valid then your vote will be logged.

  • The other 15% will be determined by a simple choose-and-click poll, with no reasoning, etc, required.

  • The 50% judge score, plus the judges' votes, will be revealed at the closure of the poll.

Voting for oneself is not permitted. Any votes for oneself will be disqualified.

The Entries

Mass Worp - DesKaladA
Tooltip (from level 1, if applicable):
Turnes A Creep into a chosen unit

Makes a chosen unit a shosen unit(yo'll get it when you use ir)

Original Post
Arboreal Osmosis - HINDYHat
Tooltip (from level 1, if applicable):
Arboreal Osmosis - [Level 1]

Once cast, the nature revenant absorbs all arboreal essence within 600 range, drawing transfer lines between the caster and each tree. If a tree is blighted or dead, the caster loses 10 HP/second, else he gains 20 HP/second. A tree dies after a certain time of it's essence being drained. Lasts 8 seconds.

Original Post
FrostBurn - AussieLauren
Tooltip (from level 1, if applicable):
Frostburn [Level 1]

Summons the elemental spirits to destroy surrounding enemies
If the user is under the effect of fire, the elements become enraged!

Level 1 - 70 damage, 300 AoE

Original Post
Elemental Smite - rulerofiron99
Tooltip (from level 1, if applicable):
Elemental Smite

Strong elemental energies surge through an area, striking units above you with lightning and units below you with crumbling rocks.

The Lighting does area damage at the position of each unit in the area.

Earth damage has a large splash and slows down enemies.

Original Post
Ancient Spirit Wolves - Mini-Me
Tooltip (from level 1, if applicable):
Ancient Spirit Wolves - [Level 1]

The caster releases a pack of ancient spirit wolves who will tear down your enemies and protect your allies.
Damage inflicted and healing power will increase every level. Cooldown decreases and manacost increases. The effect doesn't stack.

Original Post
Open Grounds - DiscipleOfLife
Tooltip (from level 1, if applicable):
Open Ground - [Level 1]

Cracks the ground wide open either causing flaming rocks to burst out of it or surrounding waters to stream into it. Deals 15 damage per rock or 2 damage per water particle.

Original Post
Rays of Life and Death - Bobo_The_Kodo
Tooltip (from level 1, if applicable):
Rays of Life and Death - [Level 1]

The Shadow Hunter starts channeling his energy to Leech life from enemies in the target area and to Redirect his life to allies in the area gaining 25 life a second and dealing 25 damagfe a second to targets in the area and losing 25 life and healing 25 life a second to allies in the area.
The hero will only gain/lose 66% of the life lost/gained by the targets

Original Post

The poll will open on September 15th, 2007 and close on September 29th, 2007, at 00:00:00 GMT

Copy and paste the ballot below to vote in this thread.


[center][size=4][b]Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot[/b][/size][/center]

[size=4][b]Chosen entry:[/b][/size] (write the name of your elected entry here)

[b]This entry was chosen because...[/b]
(write stuff here)

[b]How I would rate this spell...[/b]
(rate this spell however you wish here. You can use a judge voting system or your own, or just talk about what made it good (among other comments) in your eyes)

[b]Other comments...[/b]
(write comments on other entries here, if you so desire)

Last edited:
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Arboreal Osmosis - HINDYHat

This entry was chosen because...
My favorite spell in this contest, very versatile. A close runner up was Ancient Spirit Wolves (Mini-Me), followed by Open Ground (DiscipleOfLife), not necessarily following how they were marked.

How I would rate this spell...
It was strong in terms of originality, polish, etc, and the code was fairly good (though the wrappers could have been fixed up a bit)

Other comments...
Ancient Spirit Wolves - Mini-Me:
Nice, but you need to work on your scripting some more. Otherwise, very nice.​

Open Ground - DiscipleOfLife
While lag was a forseeable issue and the code was a bit of a mess, the spell was quite original and cool.​

Mass Worp - DesKaladA

Scoring: This accounts for 25% of your final grade (wyrmlord's scoring accounts for the other 25%)

Mass Worp - DesKaladA
  • Originality: 1 point
    Many 'kill an enemy to make an ally' spells have been done before​
  • Triggering/Coding: 3 points
    Many useless calls were made, the trigger was done really inefficiently (even for GUI), the trigger wasn't even named, there were leaks, the event allowed abuse. Basically the only up was that it worked.​
  • Visual: 0 points
    The spell had no effects whatsoever, did not look smooth, and had nothing at all to make it interesting​
  • Overall Aspect: 3 points
    The spell sort of fit into warcraft, though was overpowered and not particulairily creative. Also, the spell does not fit very well with the actual theme of the contest, not having a 'dual effect', and a 'multi effect' instead.​
  • Polish: 0 points
    The icon was random and unrelated, and switched between learning the ability and it's picture on the command card. There were no effects to speak of, nothing that looked nice. The tooltip was uninformative and full of errors. The spell was not named.​
  • Total: 7 points
    It looks like no effort was put into this spell whatsoever.​

Ancient Spirit Wolves - Mini-Me
  • Originality: 5 points
    Very vaguely resembles stampede, but not close enough to anything I've seen before to speak of.​
  • Triggering/Coding: 10 points
    The scripting really varies in places. It works, but it could be done a lot more efficiently and more polished. You seem to have bits of code above average, and others below average.​
  • Visual: 3 points
    Not the most visually pleasing, but it did pretty well. A hit effect would be nice, though.​
  • Overall Aspect: 9 points
    Seemed to be balanced to work well ingame, and it fit the theme well, among other things.​
  • Polish: 4 points
    The icon fit nicely with the spell, and the spell had an informative tooltip. However, the colors (in the tooltip) were a tad obtrusive. (spamming colors is not the answer!)​
  • Total: 31 points
    Nicely done. I like how you incorporated both effects happening at once and yet still stayed true to the theme.
    You seem to have ideas and such down well, but you could still use a lot of work on your coding​

Good/Dark Side - NearbyHermit
  • Originality: 2 points
    Sort of like Militia with a negative effect, or an instant Parasite. Nothing totally different, but a decent concept nonetheless.​
  • Triggering/Coding: 0 points
    The triggering for this spell did not have much of a place in a spell. Even past the leaks, flaws (like being able to cast it on an invalid target and still have it waste the mana and cooldown), the triggering was unit-specific, with no support for anything close to implementation in a game without redoing the entire spell. Also, it would have been preferrable for the triggers to be in one, using an if-statement.​
  • Visual: 1 point
    The visuals for the most part very simple, and looked a little weird, but mainly the final replacement was a bit too sudden and awkward.​
  • Overall Aspect: 3 points
    This spell may have problems fitting into games (bar the triggering problems) due to the fact that it's too specialized for most use. It would also be really imbalanced to be able to summon an army or knock off enemy warriors on a whim.​
  • Polish: 2 points
    The icon wasn't the best, but I understand that it'd be hard to find one that represented this spell well. However, the tooltip was still very vague and did not emphasize what units had to be targeted for either effect. The name also had no real relation to the effect. (peasants being evil and footmen good?) (don't worry though, no points were docked for the name)​
  • Total: 8 points
    Seriously lacking in implementability, with some other flaws. The triggering department needs a redo from the ground up, though.​

Elemental Smite - rulerofiron99
  • Originality: 5 points
    Haven't seen anything semi-similar before​
  • Triggering/Coding: 12 points
    h could have been calculated out of the unit group for better efficiency. The spell also could have used some easier way to scale it by level, but otherwise worked beautifully. (about as good as GUI can get)​
  • Visual: 3 points
    The rocks didn't look the best, (movement etc) and were hard to see when there were several units there.​
  • Overall Aspect: 6 points
    The spell seems like it would be very hard to balance, with its power from the Ground Strike scaling hugely per enemy (due to the large AOE). Also, a spell which depended on terrain heights would be a nuisance to use in many situations.​
  • Polish: 4 points
    The tooltip could have been a little more descriptive ('above' and 'below' were not that clear, could have meant x/y among other things)​
  • Total: 30 points
    Very nicely done, you should think of moving into JASS and working on some more complex stuff next ;)

FrostBurn - AussieLauren
  • Originality: 3 points
    The idea of a second synergy spell changing its effect was nice, but otherwise it was a standard "war-stompish" spell.​
  • Triggering/Coding: 12 points
    A few places could've used loops that didn't, and also a boolexpr for the groups would be much better. Finally, having only one ability instead of two would've been nice.​
  • Visual: 3 points
    The visuals were a bit messy, but decent otherwise.​
  • Overall Aspect: 8 points
    Would fit into warcraft nicely, with some great synergy involved. The idea of synergy is also a fairly rare one in warcraft, and additions are nice.​
  • Polish: 3 points
    Generally nice, but the Icon could have been a bit better, and the tooltip could use updating (only listed level 1, and if you use 2 abilities anyways you may as well change the tooltip a tad)​
  • Total: 29 points
    Fairly good spell, had its ups and downs.​

Arboreal Osmosis - HINDYHat
  • Originality: 5 points
    Very original, I think it's safe to say that this is an all-new spell.​
  • Triggering/Coding: 13 points
    Very nice to see JESP (Yes yes, I know you used it too, Aussie :p), and the code as pretty good. However, for the sake of people using JESP, make the intervals cleaner than every .05 seconds. However, you really lost marks here for making your wrappers not constant, and thus not inlined by the optimizer (I don't mean the JESP ones, but the ones inside the struct and such), and thus a lot less efficient.​
  • Visual: 4 points
    Very clean, showed what it needed to in a simple but effective way, and didn't get in the way of gameplay.​
  • Overall Aspect: 9 points
    Showed alot of promise for many maps, be it just as a healing spell with the side-effect of life loss when the trees die, to a spell that could be both effective and uneffective in maps where people could buy blight-making units or items, to strategical in a map where some of the sides had blight in their base, and others did not.​
  • Polish: 5 points
    An icon relating to the visual effect, an informative tooltip, what more can you ask for? It would be nice if you included how long a tree lasted, though.​
  • Total: 36 points
    A nice idea, but with even better execution! It may not have been the most imaginative spell ever, but it was quite unique and was executed beautifully.​

Open Ground - DiscipleOfLife
  • Originality: 5 points
    As with several of the others, this was a very original spell, a sort of combination between volcano and something really weird. (water)​
  • Triggering/Coding: 12 points
    The general coding was nice except for a few leaks, but the arrangement, (6 triggers to copy...?) and some of the JESP being hard to decipher.​
  • Visual: 4 points
    In general, it was amazing, but the lag caused when about 3+ were running was really detrimental (and this would most likely lag with even one on slower computers), and the pillar of water didn't really fit with the idea of the water one.​
  • Overall Aspect: 9 points
    The effect was sort of one-sided in terms of most of warcraft, since there's generally much more dry land than water, but otherwise it's nice.​
  • Polish: 5 points
    Nothing to complain about here.​
  • Total: 35 points
    Great spell, though it could've done with a few less effects to reduce the lag.
    By the way, you didn't need all those extra SFX units - that was the point of the dummy.MDX model :p

Rays of Life and Death - Bobo_The_Kodo
  • Originality: 4 points
    Fairly original, not totally. (Eg. my spectral rays spell in the spells section, which I know you've seen :p)​
  • Triggering/Coding: 12 points
    Pretty good, however many small things could be improved, JESP would've been very nice too.​
  • Visual: 3 points
    The effects fulfilled the role they were supposed to; much more may have been obtrusive. However, the bottom effect sort of stuck out from the rest of the spell, as well as the lightnings not really fitting with eachother. (meaning Life Drain vs Healing Wave)​
  • Overall Aspect: 9 points
    Many possibilities to what it could fit into, but it's the self-drain effect is a little harmful >_>. I also think it would've been better should the effect have changed as the units in the area changed.​
  • Polish: 3 points
    The tooltip was a bit of a mess, and the icon didn't represent the spell too well, though wasn't that bad.​
  • Total: 31 points
    Fairly good spell, but with an annoying bit (it seemed weird that the effect didn't change after being cast) and not the most polished.​
Last edited:
Level 11
Oct 13, 2005
Chosen Entry: Open Ground by DiscipleOfLife
This entry was chosen because...
This spell was chosen for having my highest rating of all the spells.
How I would rate this spell...
Very nice idea, visuals, and overall aspect. The coding could be worked on for ease of implementation.
Other comments...
A very close second place was Arboreal Osmosis by HINDYhat

Mass Worp by DesKaladA

Originality: 1 - Change a unit into another
Coding: 0 - Terribly inefficient, Do Nothing is not necessary. Not much room to edit the spell
Visual: 0 - No visual from the spell, only a change in unit
Apsect: 0 - The idea was not put into effect well at all, it would not fit well into a normal map
Polish: 0 - Not presented very well. Tooltip was messy, there's definate room for improvement

Overall: [1/40]

-- -- -- --

Arboreal Osmosis by HINDYhat

Orignality: 4 - I have never seen this idea before, though the two effects are nearly the same in my book
Coding: 13 - Very hard to read the code, you need to space your lines out
Visuals: 5 - The visuals were very good, though it's close to having too many
Aspect: 8 - Executed very well and worked, though you need to mention the limit on the number of trees able to be drained from at once
Polish: 5 - Very nice tooltip, though you need to mention how many trees can be drained from at once

Overall: [35/40]

-- -- -- --

FrostBurn by AussieLauren

Orignality: 3 - From the looks of things, it is just Area of Effect damage that is slightly changed based on whether you have certain buffs
Coding: 12 - You need to take advantage of loops when creating the dummy units to use up less code. You could also space code out a little better
Visuals: 4 - Just looked like a mass of frost/fire moving in random patterns. The effects somewhat block the view of what is going on
Overall Aspect: 9 - The spell worked just like you had intended, though it's limited to changing based on only 1 buff which seems like not enough
Polish: 4 - The tooltip could have been more detailed as to what the spell did

Overall: [32/40]

-- -- -- --
Elemental Smite by rulerofiron99

Originality: 5 - Damage/effect based on height, I can say this is a unique idea
Coding: 11 - I felt a little too much depended on the dummy units, and also udg_c could have been calculated outside of the ForGroup
Visuals: 3 - They weren't bad, but they could definately be improved. Hard to see what was going on with massive amounts of enemies in an area
Overall Aspect: 8 - With a bit of balance, this would fit nicely into most maps
Polish: 4 - Nice tooltip, though the damage appears to be left out

Overall: [31/40]

-- -- -- --

Ancient Spirit Wolves by Mini-Me

Originality: 4 - Fairly unique, though nothing that really strikes as something different
Coding: 11 - The code was separated into 2 locations which would be very annoying when editing the spell. In addition, certain spots could be optimized such as the spell condition
Visuals: 4 - The visuals were very nice without being too much. However, they could use a little improvement
Overall Aspect: 8 - The spell was executed very well minus that the targetted enemies wouldn't respond to being hit and attack the caster.
Polish: 3 - Too many colors in the toolip, try just adding a newline instead of the colors. Also, there's no indicater of damage/heal amount

Overall: [30/40]

-- -- -- --

Open Ground by DiscipleOfLife

Originality: 5 - Haven't seen any abilities that change based on land/water yet
Coding: 13 - Too many triggers/dummy units to copy. You only need 1 dummy unit!
Visuals: 4 - Nice visuals, though the water effect seemed to be a bit much
Overall Aspect: 9 - Not all maps contain both land and water, but otherwise it would fit into maps fairly well
Polish: 5 - Nice tooltip. Very informative while staying short

Overall: [36/40]

-- -- -- --

Good/Dark Side by NearbyHermit

Originality: 2 - Just another transform unit into other unit ability
Coding: 2 - Leaky spell, unit specific, no support for use in another map
Visual: 1 - You had effects, though they were spaced out greatly and the actual transformation part had no effect
Overall Aspect: 2 - Wouldn't fit well into maps due to being unit specific and very likely imbalanced
Polish: 2 - The tooltip was way too long and not nearly as specific as it should be.

Overall: [9/40]

-- -- -- --

Rays of Life and Death by Bobo_The_Kodo

Originality: 4 - The unique idea was giving your life to allies while draining enemy life
Coding: 12 - Not bad, though you should take advantage of constant functions to easier implementation. Also, you need to damage enemies instead of just setting their life.
Visual: 3 - The effects clearly showed what was going on, though too many enemies/allies at once created too many effects.
Overall Aspect: 9 - I can see this being used in many maps though draining the caster's life might be the limiting factor
Polish: 2 - Tooltip was confusing and hard to understand. While it had all the needed info, it was hard to understand

Overall: [30/40]
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Har I've been waiting some time for this!

Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Open Grounds - DiscipleOfLife

This entry was chosen because...
Interesting pillar effect. I liked the overall special effects used in it.

How I would rate this spell...
- Visual : 8/10 : Nice use of the pillars, but after a while, it gets a bit excessive.
- Coding : 8/10 : Wow, that's pretty confusing. Looks great, but it's so easy to get lost in 5 triggers (not to speak of the systems involved *cries*).
- Originality : 7/10 : It kind of feels like the volcano ability, only with a pillar and weird special effects.
- Overall Aspect : 9/10 : Looks great, feels great. *thumbs up*

Other comments...
I'll do a mini-review of the others, and why I didn't pick them:
Mass Worp - Deskalada : Poor coding, the tooltip wasn't very informing. Not really any visuals either.

Arboreal Osmosis - HINDYhat : Totally the best. lol just kidding :D

FrostBurn - AussiLauren : The effects were very excessive... Kind of messy even. I had trouble understanding what was going on.

Elemental Smite - rulerofiron99 : I didn't like the effects nor the GUI.

Ancient Spirit Wolves - Mini-Me : Got close to getting my vote. Just a question of taste, I guess.

Good/Dark side - NearbyHermit : Only works with specific units. The code is very lacking, and so are the effects.

Rays of Life and Death - Bobo_The_Kodo : Looks good, again, just a question of taste, and ressemblance to my spell. :D I thought I saw it bug, but maybe it was just a misunderstanding of what was going on.
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Mini-Me's Ancient Spirit Wolves.

This entry was chosen because...
Cool spell, have never seen something exactly like this before.

How I would rate this spell...
I don't like rating with numbers and such, so I won't. Anyways great spell, nice effects, nice coding, very original, overall cool.

Other comments...
Level 7
Feb 18, 2007
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Mini-Me's Ancient Spirit Wolves

This entry was chosen because...
Great spell, unique idea.

How I would rate this spell...
The spell has a great idea, cool effects, it works well, it's useful.

Other comments...
Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
Chosen entry: Spirit Wolves by Mini-me

This entry was chosen because...
An interesting spell, because it is very visual and you can pretty much tell what the spell does just from looking at it. It's like rampage so newer users are familiar with how it looks, but has more verstality. It's a spell that might actually be useful to someone.

How I would rate this spell...
Err.. I would rate it better than the others I suppose :p

Other comments...
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Open Grounds - DiscipleOfLife

This entry was chosen because...
I thought it looked awesome, worked well, and was pretty original (Slightly like volcano).

How I would rate this spell...
I would rate it number 1?!?!

Other comments...
The Osmosis spell was really cool, but it hurt more then it healed. The Elemental smite was cool, but lacked visuals. (Not sure if I was supposed to talk about other spells here)
Level 2
Jul 17, 2007
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Ancient Spirit Wolves - Mini-Me

This entry was chosen because...
I liked it very much and I think it's awesome man!

How I would rate this spell...
No need for words really... but if so I would rate it 8/10.

Other comments...
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Open Grounds

This entry was chosen because...
It is simply the best. Great effects and stuff, it's basically just an uber version of mine.

How I would rate this spell...
I would rate it well.

Other comments...
It's a shame that everyone these days design spells that require monstrous PCs. I tested them on a Celeron 850mhz with 384 mb ram and a geforce 5200, which runs all the intense dota abilities and AI fine but just add one of these little spells to a map that is devoid of doodads and there is horrible lag. Please, think about those who do not have good machines.

The Spirit Wolves just looked like an advanced yet laggy version of stampede, and Arboreal Osmosis gets the originality prize.

Good/Dark Side wins the simplicity vote, something extremely important in today's complicated WC3Hive that is slowly but surely become like WC3Campaigns, the place that is filled with elitists and GUI-haters.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Are you running on a really slow PC, iron? I didn't find Mini's laggy, nor was Open unless you did at least 3 (which is kinda bad, I guess)

in today's complicated WC3Hive that is slowly but surely become like WC3Campaigns, the place that is filled with elitists and GUI-haters.

EDIT: NearbyHermit has been disqualified from the competition, due to attempting to cheat by creating multiple accounts (Mukuro, BackNeoAndIce) to vote for his spell.
Last edited:
Level 9
Mar 25, 2005
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Rays of Life and Death - Bobo_The_Kodo

This entry was chosen because...
It was fun trying to balance the +/-damage dealt to the sh, the effects looked nice and the spell was simple i.e., something that could be used in many maps.

How I would rate this spell...
-1 because I saw handle vars :|
-1 because transferring life from your own unit to another is most of the time quite useless (as in Death Pact), so anyone who uses this spell would propably try to avoid being in range with allied units

Other comments...
I liked the idea of using height difference to decide which version would be cast in Elemental Smite alot, but otherwise the spell wasnt really special.
Level 6
Mar 18, 2005
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Mini-Me's 'Ancient Spirit Wolves'

This entry was chosen because...
It's really simple to use and eye-candy too. It's also a good example of a 2-in-1. You can improve the advantages of the spell with some player skill (I really like that!). It slightly depends on random too: the effects do not always look the same so it doesn't get boring.

How I would rate this spell...

Other comments...
The only thing I don't like about this one is the tooltip. I know it's not as important as the rest of the spell. But:
1. It doesn't mention the exact damage / healing
2. The colors cause eye-cancer :p please use different ones next time :)

edit: woohoo, post #100! it's a sign, this spell has to win :p
Level 2
Feb 13, 2005
Zephyr Challenge #3 - Official Ballot

Chosen entry: Ancient Spirit Wolves - Mini-Me

This entry was chosen because...
Simple, effective, and unique.

How I would rate this spell...
Good, better than most which are difficult to manage or prevent bug issues.

Other comments...
I like pie.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Poll closed, the click-poll is up for a few more hours due to the time when it was set, votes from now on will not be counted.

The Judge Scores have been revealed! (Posts 2 and 3)

1 = My Score. Worth 25%
2 = Wyrmlord's Score. Worth 25%
3 = Ballot Poll. Worth 35%
4 = Click Poll. Worth 15%
5 = Grand Total. .15*Click Poll + .35*Ballot Pool + .25*Wyrm's Score + .25*My Score


HINDYHat - Arboreal Osmosis
  1. 36/40: 90%
  2. 35/40: 87.5%
  3. 0/10: 0%
  4. 3/18: 16.6%
  5. 46.865%

DesKaladA - Mass Worp
  1. 7/40: 17.5%
  2. 1/40: 2.5%
  3. 0/10: 0%
  4. 1/18: 5.5%
  5. 5.825%

DiscipleOfLife - Open Grounds
  1. 35/40: 87.5%
  2. 36/40: 90%
  3. 3/10: 30%
  4. 3/18: 16.6%
  5. 57.365%

Mini-Me - Ancient Spirit Wolves
  1. 31/40: 77.5%
  2. 30/40: 75%
  3. 6/10: 60%
  4. 9/18: 50%
  5. 66.625%

Bobo_The_Kodo - Rays of Life and Death
  1. 31/40: 77.5%
  2. 30/40: 75%
  3. 1/10: 10%
  4. 2/18: 11.1%
  5. 43.29%

rulerofiron99 - Elemental Smite
  1. 30/40: 75%
  2. 31/40: 77.5%
  3. 0/10: 0%
  4. 0/18: 0%
  5. 38.125%

AussieLauren - FrostBurn
  1. 29/40: 72.5%
  2. 32/40: 80%
  3. 0/10: 0%
  4. 0/18: 0%
  5. 38.125%

Congratulations to all contestants!

The winners are:

  1. Mini-Me - 40 Reputation Points and an Award Icon
  2. DiscipleOfLife - 20 Reputation Points
  3. HINDYHat - 10 Reputation Points

Awards will be up shortly.

This thread has been left open and will be for a week or so in case you want to give congratulations or anything of the sort.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Last time I checked, the idea of this contest was to have 2 alternating effects...

-Mini-Me's healed allies and damaged enemies
-AussieLauren's did slow or fire depending if immolation was active
-rulerofiron99's tossed boulders or shot lightning depending on their height
-HINDYHat's sent a positive or negative stream of life to you depending on whether the tree was dead

(and so on)
Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
thisruoy said:
mini mes spell doesnt have dual effects...
The wolves kill enemys and defend your allies?

thisruoy said:
Defend friend and attack enemy is the same thing!

thisruoy said:
Oh WOW it has 2 different spells
that do different things

thisruoy said:
I just think the other contestants ideas are more imaginative

Before you express 'your opinion' again, learn how to express it properly, not like a 8-year-old sore loser.

And thats my oppinion you dont have to take it to heart
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