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-== YouTD, it's YOUR Tower Defense ==-

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Level 4
Jul 26, 2006


I'm not sure if this topic should rather be in a project discussion forum or a recruitement forum. I wan't you to present the map, but somehow I want to recruit you all.

If you don't remember me, I am the creator of Castle Fight, which is quite well known I guess and eeve! TD which is not too famous I guess, but still I can consider it one of the top 10% of tower defenses.

So, as you see, I am a quite experienced map maker seeking a totally new type of project. And I guess I have found it. This map will, and already is, no longer comparable to any other Tower Defense ever made.

Finally, I am the Author of the tool called "GMSI" which is a tool for procedurally reading information from maps / altering maps / inserting stuff into maps. This tool made this project possible.

Read on, this project is no additional towerdefense with just a few new features. It is rather a totally new style of creating games.
This is so innovative that I could convince my Professor to let me make this map as my Bachelor's Thesis for my Studies in Computer Science.

The Concept

The idea is, that I create the template for a high quality tower defense. I've created a nice environment, gamemodes and diversified random creep waves.
The towers and items of this TD however, are not created by me, but can be created by ANY user who has some map making skills.

You might wonder: "Okay, you let other people help you with your project, what's new about that?"
The answer is: New is that this helping process is totally automated. People who want to create their own tower for this map just have to download a "tower creation map" from me. There, they can easily design their tower. Then, they start GMSI, which reads the tower from that map and transforms it into an XML format which you can upload at YouTD's web page. When you do this, the tower will automatically appear in a tower data base where every user can see your tower in his browser, discuss about it, view its values and description and so on.
People will discuss your tower to make improvements. If the tower has become flawless, due to users helps, and Admin will approve it (just like resources are approved here). Then, the tower will AUTOMATICALLY be in the next version of YouTD.

This process is called "Open Innovation" and is a big topic in many areas of today's business. However, Open Innovation is not used much in Game Developement yet. This map is a prove of concept that Open Innovation works also in Game Design.

No more copy and paste work for me, new towers are automatically injected into the next version by GMSI. And this is the big difference!
You know, for DotA Allstars, thousands of people have suggested heros. But there is no interface to create them! So Icefrog cannot include many new heros each update, because HE has to do them himself. If DotA used YouTD's concept, it could have 100 new heros each version. Even 100 new heros may not be good for an AoS style map, 100 new towers is surely cool for a tower defense!

The map, for players

Before telling you the details about the Open Innovation process, I will tell you about the map features itself, just if it was a "normal" TD.

The Enemies

YouTD uses randomly generated creeps as enemies. In your scoreboard, you can always see the next 6 levels. So you can prepare for the creep specialities:


As you can see, creeps of different sizes engage you. Possible sizes are: air units, normal units, mass units (many units in one level, near together
  • Air: take the direct path to the finish.
  • Normal: Normal creeps, up to 10 spawn, may have champions in their rows (champions are stronger and may have auras)
  • Mass: Many (20) small creeps near together. Splash damage tower will help you against these. May also have champtions
  • Boss: One strong unit
  • Challenge: Every 8 levels. Strong unit(s) which don't hurt you if they reach the finish. Tests the damage of your towers and gives many points.

Creeps have one of 5 armor types. The first 4 use a Rock, Paper, Scissors system. The last one is a special type comparable to "divine" which gets low damage from everything except essence (=chaos).
They are also from one of 5 races: Human, Magical, Undead, Orc, Nature. The race has basically no influence. However, there are special towers which deal more or less damage to different races. Astral towers for example often deal bonus damage to undead.

Enemies may also have one or two special abilities. There are around 20 abilities at the moment and many still to come. Abilities include:
  • Invisible
  • Heavy Armored
  • Spell Resistant / Immune
  • Rich (grant more bounty)
  • Wisdom (grant more experience)
  • Speed
  • Relic Raider (increased chance to drop an item)
  • ...

So really, no game is like the one before. You must adapt to special abilities, sizes, armors and races. Planning all that will require tactics and will make the long term fun of this map very high.

Creeps also have a chance to drop items. Items can be used to power up your towers.

I should also mention here, that there is no final level, the TD is open end. So the goal is not to beat the whole TD but to reach a high level and gain a big highscore. Many people complained at eeve! TD that a final level is unsatisfying, you have just built your cool towers and then the game ends... Now you can play as long as you survive. Of course, the game gets more difficult each level, so you won't be able to play forever.

Tower Models

The map uses the "assembled models" concept for towers as you might know from some buildings of Castle Fight. That means the model is assembled from different other wc3 models, allowing beautiful new models. Here are some tower models already used for towers:


As you can see, thse models are much more innovative then other TD models which consist of always the same tower models that every TD player knows by heart.

Tower Gameplay

Even if the towers are user created, I want to tell you some facts that every tower shares. The most important one is that YouTD uses an extremely sophisticated, I dare to say THE most sophisticated engine, including projectiles, damage detection, buff, aura and many other systems. This allows towers to have abilities that you have NEVER seen in any other TD.

Here are some facts which are possible for towers, which will make TD players go mad:
  • Towers can critically hit, the critical hit chance can be altered by items, BUFFS & AURAS. So it would be possible to have a tower which grants +5% critical hit rate to surrounding towers. In addition, towers are able to "multicrit": If a tower critically hits and hasn't reached its multicrit limit, it can crit again, adding the crit damage bonus to the tower again. You will see two exclamation marks on the critical hit text then.
  • ALL spells can hit critically
  • Towers gain exp. Exp makes towers gain levels which makes spells and attacks of this tower stronger and may even add new abilities at certain levels.
  • You can alter MANY things about towers / creeps. Examples: damage, attackspeed, crit chance, crit damage, spell damage, item drop chance, bounty ratio, exp ratio. So there could be for example an aura that increases the item drop chance of surrounding creeps. Have you seen something like that before?
  • Spells can be altered: There could be a chainlightning that stuns all units it hits and grants +50% bounty from creeps killed with it.
  • Many more...

Players can view the stats of their tower. Here is a screenshot of the "tower info multiboard".
As you can see, towers really have many different values that can be boosted:

Towers are from one of the seven elements: Nature, Fire, Ice, Storm, Iron, Astral, Darkness.
Each round you have a chance to get a tower from each element. Towers are categorized common, uncommon, rare and unique. While common and uncommon towers appear frequently, rares and uniques appear only rarily, but they have mightier abilities in exchange.
Players put skillpoints into the elements. These skillpoints increase the chance to get a tower of the skilled element. In addition, skillpoints also increase the chance to get a high quality tower (rare, unique). So, you will always also get towers from elements you haven't skilled. But this won't be many, and most of the time it will only be common ones.

You can browse the already uploaded towers HERE. As soon as you upload a tower, it will also be displayed there.


Most TDs have a crappy environmoent, or lets say, no environment at all. YouTD is settled at an ancient pyramide with a portal on its top. I have tried to make the lanes look nice. Here are some screenshots :).




The engine, for creators

The last chapters showed you how the map will be like. This chapter will enlight the trigger engine that makes all the effects possible.
(this is an excerpt from the YouTD introduction page)

The map offers an extremely sophisticated trigger engine that allows tower creators to make really unique abilities with just a few lines of JASS code.
Here are a few examples of what can be done with this trigger engine and how many lines of code (approximately) will be needed for it:
  • Creating a chainlightning that can critically hit: 0 Lines of code(!) Every spell in YouTD is able to critically hit by default.
  • Creating a chainlightning that stuns all targets it hits and is automatically cast on 20% of all attacks: 12 lines of code
  • Creating a chainlightning that
    • stuns all targets it hits
    • deals 6% damage to undead units
    • deals only 80% damage to air units
    • gets 10% stronger with each tower level
    • is automatically cast on 20% of all attacks
    • Creeps killed by this spell grant 50% more bounty
    • Creeps killed by this spell have an increased chance to drop an item
    20 lines of code
This is no joke! All these attributes, where each of them is hardly used in ANY TD at the moment because they are normally to complex to be triggered, can be coded with just 1-3 lines of code by using the YouTD engine.

You will see towers with effects that have never appeared in any TD.

If you are tinkering with the thought of creating a tower for this TD...

I have written a HowTo that tells you everything you need to know, starting from the basics of creating your tower, assembling the model and uploading it. Next, it contains a documentation of the YouTD API. This are the functions and methods you can call to use features of the engine.

There are some other topics in the YouTD forum that tell you other stuff about tower making and a growing community of creators that helps other fresh creators with implementing their tower.

Even if towers have to be triggered in vJASS, also beginners can create towers. Why? Because of this:
  • We also need common towers without much (or even without any) triggering. These can be made by users that have no vJASS skills.
  • I have written a small vJASS tutorial that will tell creators the basics of vJASS (because you only need 10% of vJASS's features to create your own tower)
  • The engine makes triggering much easier. Abilities that would normally require deep knowledge of WC3 triggering can be coded easily by just calling an API function/method.
  • You can download each already submitted tower and just check its triggering. This makes players able to learn from other already made trigger effects.
  • The always growing community of creators and admins will always help creators with their issues.
  • Two of our current submitters have never coded JASS or vJASS before in their life. However, since the engine makes stuff easy and the community helped them, they could also create wonderful towers!
  • It is a shame that so many new map makers start with ugly GUI and then have to adapt to JASS. Maybe this project can encourage new map makers to start JASS without the ugly indirection of GUI.

The current state of the map

This is the first public release of the map. Even if the map wasn't released before, there were 7 people who already uploaded 120+ approved towers, which are contained in this beta release.
Even if 120+ sounds like many towers, inserted into the 7 elements and 4 rarities, this ain't much. So there is always the need for new towers!
If things continue like they do at the moment (even without a release, daily new towers are created), we could reach 1000+ towers in the map. Again this looks like WTF so many towers, I will not see anything twice, I cannot adapt the strategy :(. However, if we devide this value through 7 elements and 4 rarities, that is only 35 towers per rarity and element. Since towers are arranged in "families" which represent basically the same tower but in different price versions, that is only about 10 families per rarity and element.
So don't be afraid that there will be too many towers!

Next, I will code a creation interface for items. Then, creators will also be able to create items which can be dropped by creeps. At the moment there are only some basic items in the map, just to have some.

Epilog and links

I hope this presentation could convince you that this might get one of the best TDs ever made. With YOUR help! So download the beta, play it a few times and then think about creating your own tower.

However, don't let you scare from this beta! Often you receive ten times the same tower, have no options and thus the game might get boring fast. But this will be changed with every new uploaded tower.
This beta is more or less not a final TD but just a version to show future creators for what kind of map they might create towers.

As soon as we have more towers and some items, the game will get replayable a hundret times without getting boring because there are so many towers / element combinations / items / random creeps that make every game totally different from the one before.

Finally, here are the promised links:

I hope you liked this presentation and I would appreciate any kind of feedback.
Thank you for reading

This presentation is mirrored at wc3c, hiveworkshop and eeve.org to reach more players/creators.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Dude, I have to give you rep for the maps you already made! And this sounds AW-Esome! Now let me get a closer look at it....

Okay, let me get this thing clear.
You either suggest a tower, or code your own, right?

Also... i wonder how long it takes before this thread booms... once people discoveres who you actually are ;)
Level 6
Jul 22, 2008
Woah, if you manage to pull this off nice... Holy fork. That's going to be freaking awesome.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Itts Gex! OFCOURSE he can pull it off nice!
Oh and... can you make a banner for the map of the size of that lich i got in my sig? would be a cool replacement for the text =)
(and yeah, im fanatic. But wth? if this goes well (wich it prolly will) i wont be bored on Bnet anymore!)
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
Seems like a pretty cool idea, I might try designing a tower for this :)

Anyways, out of the five creep type classifications that units can have (undead, humanoid, orc, nature, and magic) a few of them seem a little unusual for classifications. Orc seems like a very specific type, most games usually classify orcs as humanoids :/
Most games stick with humanoid, undead, demon, construct, and beast for the creep types, in WoW constructs are just referred to as elementals for the most part.
Random trivia: I know Tolken took a lot of ideas from Norse mythology and used very archaic words in some of his works, one of them being orc; which is old English for demon. So if you want to keep orcs in as a different type demon would still work with them. My main point for bringing this up is that you are asking others to create towers, so using creep types that are a little more universal might work out better for having damage calculations worked into submitted towers.

The terrain is really confusing the first time you play this map as is, with the massive tile variation it is pretty hard to figure out were towers can be placed at first. You should make it clearer were the towers can and cannot be built for people new to the map ;)

Also, the gold and lumber tooltips don't match up with this map. Gold is not mined from gold mines and lumber is not mined from trees. You should change these to display more accurate information. With the functionality of lumber in this map you may want to just change the name and icon of said resource entirely to something that fits with this map better.

I was a little disappointed that this TD is not one were you can create your own maze, those ones are always the best :(
It would also offer a wider range of how towers could act, I remember in BK's GemTD one type of tower had no pathing, and was designed to be walked over by the creeps. With pathing capable of being modifyed to block air units, or both air and ground I was always curious if that could even be implemented into a TD map as well, and with the food cap for towers there is not the problem of the maze going and growing as this never-ending TD goes on. Actually, with how the towers are randomly generated to an extent in your map if you haven't played BK's GemTD you should give it a try, if nothing else it could offer some new ideas you might want to implement :D

As for this project you might be able to get it hosted on this site, with a snazzy little banner-icon that gets displayed on the bottom of the news page. For recruiting people you might want to check out WC3campaigns if you havn't already, that site doesn't have as much action going on as this site but everyone there seems pretty serious about offering high-quality stuff.

Anyways, good luck with this, I hope it becomes as epic as your Castle Fight map =)
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
This is totally EPIC! I don't have any negative comments on this!
Game is rather long though. How many levels are there?

BTW, I don't think the Oils stack. Do they? 'Cos I spammed ~3 seekers Oil on the Weapon Heap (4k damage FTW!) and I only got items very rarely :(

Totally awesome job still!
Level 4
Jul 26, 2006
Thanks for the laud so far :D

Okay, let me get this thing clear.
You either suggest a tower, or code your own, right?

Best idea would be to code your own. However, if you have a good idea, or you have just made a nice model in the developement map but you want somebody else to do the triggering stuff, you can of course upload it in the YouTD forum.

You can also download other people's towers, make an update to them and reupload them. (Your update has to be approved them, that nobody ruins another tower with his upgrade).
So, people can also help by suggesting an upgrade to a tower where they found an imbalance or even just a typo. That's all possible and helps.

Anyways, out of the five creep type classifications that units can have (undead, humanoid, orc, nature, and magic) a few of them seem a little unusual for classifications. Orc seems like a very specific type, most games usually classify orcs as humanoids :/
These were chosen due to models. I need 30 models for each race. First orc was not in (because also I do treat them as humanoid normally). Instead, mechanical was in. However, I was unable to find 30 mechanical models in wc3, so I had to switch to orc.

Also, the gold and lumber tooltips don't match up with this map.
True, thanks! That's what beta tests are for.

I was a little disappointed that this TD is not one were you can create your own maze, those ones are always the best :(
Since the map is assembled totally procedurally it is NO PROBLEM for me to release a "maze version" where the lanes are replaced with a big plane with some waypoints in it and builders can build barricades. I guess I will do that some day
(It's a shame that WC3 doesn't allow changing cliffs during runtime. If it did, I could make both maps in one).

I remember in BK's GemTD one type of tower had no pathing, and was designed to be walked over by the creeps.
Play my eeve! TD, there are also those towers without pathing called traps.

However, traps may also be possible in a non mazing environment.

BTW, I don't think the Oils stack.
They do stack. You can check your tower's stats by clicking onto the question mark button on it. Then you will be shown the tower information board you can see in my presentation.
Why you got so few items?
The base chance is not high, 5% I guess.
Next, only the item chance of the KILLING tower applies. So that oils and the bonus from the trash heap are useless if another tower does all the kills.
Last, its random. Just like the towers. Sometimes I get no towers for the first 12 rounds (sux I admit), that's random :D.

But eh, gex, you COULD add a feature that allows you to choose the length of the map. Just a idea.
Yes, true. Btw, there are 120 levels at the moment. However, the HP are arranged that you cannot reach the final levels, so it stays "open end".
I could make an option to limit the number of rounds.

I guess I will add an xp system that allows players to save their score and use it as exp in new games giving them (VERY) small bonuses.

Oh and... can you make a banner for the map of the size of that lich i got in my sig?
If I find time for this, I'll do it ;)
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Thanks gex =)

I have some ideas for towers, but since i suck at coding, i think il just be what im best at being: A idea font. My ideas will mostly be wild guesses, since i dont know what is possible and what is not.

Area Damage Tower Line: Towers in this line cost very little gold to upgrade, but instead, each individual tower needs to have a certain amount of kills to be upgradeable.
Tower 1: A tower with a basic splash attack.
Tower 2: This tower has a BOUNCING splash attack.
Tower 3: This tower has a bouncing splash attack that has a minor chance to stun.
Tower 4: This tower has a bouncing splash attack that has a minor chance to stun, and it shoots at multiple targets.

Strength-In-Numbers Tower Line: This is a line of towers that is weak on their own, but if you place more than one of them, they will benefit each other. Example:
1 S.I.N. tower does 6-12 damage. If you then add another S.I.N. tower, BOTH towers now deal 12-24 damage. Upgrading a S.I.N. tower will increase the benefit it gives the other S.I.N. towers.

Thats my ideas for now =)
Level 4
Jul 26, 2006
Thanks gex =)

I have some ideas for towers, but since i suck at coding, i think il just be what im best at being: A idea font. My ideas will mostly be wild guesses, since i dont know what is possible and what is not.

Area Damage Tower Line: Towers in this line cost very little gold to upgrade, but instead, each individual tower needs to have a certain amount of kills to be upgradeable.
Tower 1: A tower with a basic splash attack.
Tower 2: This tower has a BOUNCING splash attack.
Tower 3: This tower has a bouncing splash attack that has a minor chance to stun.
Tower 4: This tower has a bouncing splash attack that has a minor chance to stun, and it shoots at multiple targets.

Strength-In-Numbers Tower Line: This is a line of towers that is weak on their own, but if you place more than one of them, they will benefit each other. Example:
1 S.I.N. tower does 6-12 damage. If you then add another S.I.N. tower, BOTH towers now deal 12-24 damage. Upgrading a S.I.N. tower will increase the benefit it gives the other S.I.N. towers.

Thats my ideas for now =)
I hope some creators will read this thread :).

However, your current ideas are not / hardly doable.

1. tower:
At the moment, the engine does not allow specific preconditions for upgrading a tower. That is because some modes (totally random mode) exist where you can also get higher upgrades of a tower before getting the lower one.

2. tower:
This is doable. However, since the modes are random, players cannot rely on getting enough S.I.N towers. In addition, this would encourage players to just mass one tower which is a bit lame I guess.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I hope some creators will read this thread :).

However, your current ideas are not / hardly doable.

1. tower:
At the moment, the engine does not allow specific preconditions for upgrading a tower. That is because some modes (totally random mode) exist where you can also get higher upgrades of a tower before getting the lower one.

2. tower:
This is doable. However, since the modes are random, players cannot rely on getting enough S.I.N towers. In addition, this would encourage players to just mass one tower which is a bit lame I guess.

Really didnt expect anything else ;)
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
These were chosen due to models. I need 30 models for each race. First orc was not in (because also I do treat them as humanoid normally). Instead, mechanical was in. However, I was unable to find 30 mechanical models in wc3, so I had to switch to orc.

Well, that makes a lot of sense. I think in D&D mechanical is in a broader category called constructs, which also includes elementals and any collection of animated objects. Of course, with your other races it sounds like elementals belong to those categories as well. Maybe you should post a page with all/most of the racial spawns for You!TD with their icons so the races are clearer, if you haven't already :)

Since the map is assembled totally procedurally it is NO PROBLEM for me to release a "maze version" where the lanes are replaced with a big plane with some waypoints in it and builders can build barricades. I guess I will do that some day
(It's a shame that WC3 doesn't allow changing cliffs during runtime. If it did, I could make both maps in one).

That's cool :D

Although maybe you could have both maps in one, if you could orientate the spawning triggers to be based off of a player's decision to chose between the current map or a mazing map. After they make their choice you can restrict the camera bounds to the side of the map they chose - of course, the mini-map will still show the entire map but display units in the camera bounds. Perhaps you could replace the mini-map to something else for this to work :?

Play my eeve! TD, there are also those towers without pathing called traps.

I should play that map more often to try those out then :D

off-topic: you really need to change the unit sound set for the eeve! TD builder, right now I think it's the storm panda sound set, which is essentially a third of the pandarean brewmaster's sound set so one can tell the differance between storm earth and fire. Hearing "another round?" every time I click on him is a little obnoxious :(

However, traps may also be possible in a non mazing environment.

Maybe someone will make traps for YouTD :D
Level 4
May 16, 2004
First of all I must congratulate you on this project, its not often that somebody creates something new and innovative in a genre that is so often cookie cutter. I have hosted this twice on Battle.net US East realm, and both times people have called for remakes. I would like to give you some feedback as to how to improve it from here.

First issue was people initially selecting the hero thinking it was the race of towers they were getting. I guess that if they spent more time reading the tool tips they would have realised that that was not the case.

Secondly, one game i had two people leave at the start because they 'believed' that they were stuck where in actuality all they had to do was press the Roll Towers button. Somehow i think you have to make this process clearer for begginners.

Thirdly in one of the games two people agreed that they were having trouble seeing there towers because of clutter? Now whatever clutter means, I cant really see it being the doodads in the lanes, but I think perhaps the different coloured grasses in where you build it might have had an effect on there experience. My advice would be to perhaps choose a tile that makes the towers that sit ontop of it easily distinguishable.

Finally this is probably my one major point from the whole thing, is the amount of text that is spewed out at you. Its very intimidating to a new player when there screen is absolutely chock stock full of text and they are loosing vaulable building time trying to read through it all and make sense of it. I think you have to perhaps lessen the text abit and add quest information for some of it. Eg. Levels should not describe each ability of the wave incoming, the abilities should be described in quest information. It should look more like this - Level 20 - Chieftan (Orc) (Spell Immunity).

Other then that, the map is great and intriguing, it would be really nice to have the building mode up as random can be quite hard for people just learning how to play.

Level 4
Jul 26, 2006
First of all I must congratulate you on this project, its not often that somebody creates something new and innovative in a genre that is so often cookie cutter. I have hosted this twice on Battle.net US East realm, and both times people have called for remakes. I would like to give you some feedback as to how to improve it from here.

First issue was people initially selecting the hero thinking it was the race of towers they were getting. I guess that if they spent more time reading the tool tips they would have realised that that was not the case.

Secondly, one game i had two people leave at the start because they 'believed' that they were stuck where in actuality all they had to do was press the Roll Towers button. Somehow i think you have to make this process clearer for begginners.

Thirdly in one of the games two people agreed that they were having trouble seeing there towers because of clutter? Now whatever clutter means, I cant really see it being the doodads in the lanes, but I think perhaps the different coloured grasses in where you build it might have had an effect on there experience. My advice would be to perhaps choose a tile that makes the towers that sit ontop of it easily distinguishable.

Finally this is probably my one major point from the whole thing, is the amount of text that is spewed out at you. Its very intimidating to a new player when there screen is absolutely chock stock full of text and they are loosing vaulable building time trying to read through it all and make sense of it. I think you have to perhaps lessen the text abit and add quest information for some of it. Eg. Levels should not describe each ability of the wave incoming, the abilities should be described in quest information. It should look more like this - Level 20 - Chieftan (Orc) (Spell Immunity).

Other then that, the map is great and intriguing, it would be really nice to have the building mode up as random can be quite hard for people just learning how to play.

thanks for the review.

True, almsot 90% of the ciriticism I received was that there is too much text and the start is not user friendly enough. This is a hard job i admit.

I made that locked camera for this purpose. I thought "if the player cannot scoll around, he MUST see that button some day". However, it turned out to be wrong.
Maybe I should spam every second "press roll towers to unlock the camera".

I try to do my best.
The level message will be shortened for sure :D.

Its the first beta, I will quickly react to users experiences. Hope the second one will be much more noob friendly :).
Level 4
May 16, 2004
Maybe make the roll tower button's icon more stand out. The colour of it clashes with the other buttons making it look like an element. Maybe import a custom icon that says Roll. Or Start Game or something on it.
Level 1
Jul 26, 2009

how do you prevent tower makers from making imbalanced towers, or to be precise towers that have 99999 damage with 99999 range...
They couldn't give the damage as much damage as they want. Because the damage is calculated with many aspects (see geX post). The tower also have to be apporved before they are in the next release and if a tower is too imba it won't be approved.
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009

how do you prevent tower makers from making imbalanced towers, or to be precise towers that have 99999 damage with 99999 range...

As far as I know all the towers that get placed into the map get discussed and reviewed at eeve.org, and they can be approved or rejected there.

BTW, I know there were a couple of TD's I played that had a function so that the players essentially spawn their own waves, which could very very helpful in YouTD to to the massive amount of information that it has. In one of the TDs the wave spawned after a tower was chosen (in that one you placed 5 buildings that turned into a randomly generated tower, and you could only keep 1, the other four turned into pathing blockers). Another TD just had a spawn wave spell in the tower-builders interface, and the mana required to cast it was replenished at the end of each round. Anyways, having the power to choose when a wave spawns could allow players to read through the text to figure out what to do without rushing around and panicking, and allow more elaborate stratagies to be employed. Just an idea ;)
Level 4
Jul 26, 2006

how do you prevent tower makers from making imbalanced towers, or to be precise towers that have 99999 damage with 99999 range...

Yes, towers have to be approved.

In addition, the damage is calculated by the script. You cannot set the damage of your tower. Other factors like the range are also clamped by the script.

Usefull, perhaps?
Some kind of nature tower.
No imports, sorry. The map will be big enough without them^^.

Maybe make the roll tower button's icon more stand out. The colour of it clashes with the other buttons making it look like an element. Maybe import a custom icon that says Roll. Or Start Game or something on it.
Yes, I could really choose a better button :D

Just finish it up dude.
Have you already played it? I can say it is one of the most finished betas I know. Everything is working despite some bugs and noob unfriendlyness^^. Only the towers are yet not that much.

However, I got new towers every day (7 Yesterday!), so I hope soon there will be enough towers to have diversity in the elements.

This is promising, but I don't think it will be as promising as Castle Fight. I still think the overall gameplay will not be as fun as it seems though the concept is great.
Have you played it? If so, what is the boring point? Help me improving it :D
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Moar Towar ideahs!

Soul Reaper Tower Line: Theese towers collect "souls" for each kill. When a tower has collected enough souls, it can unleash them in form of powerfull damage abilities or speed and damage boosts.
Tower 1: 1 "soul" per kill. Abilities: Flame Strike (automatable) 10 souls cost.
Tower 2: 1 "soul" per kill. Abilities: Flame Strike (automatable) 5 souls cost. Speed Boost (automatable) 10 souls cost.
Tower 3: 2 "souls" per kill. Abilities: Flame Strike (automatable) 5 souls cost. Speed boost (automatable) 5 souls cost. Implusion (heavy damage,armor reduction, AoE) 20 souls cost.

Fraid thats all for now =)
Level 14
Jul 16, 2009
Hey, this is looking good. Gonna test it now.

EDIT: Now this map has large amount of pure WIN! It's the best TD i have ever seen. It's beyond awesome. It's epic... Those towers are epic too!
Last edited:
Level 1
Jul 26, 2009
Hey, this is looking good. Gonna test it now.

EDIT: Now this map has large amount of pure WIN! It's the best TD i have ever seen. It's beyond awesome. It's epic... Those towers are epic too!
You could also help to make this map even better by creating own towers. At the moment there is a lack of towers in some elements. But this will change soon, it's only a BETA : )
Level 1
Jul 28, 2009


This map has a great idea and is an even greater map!
Now can you just make a RoC version :) (jk).


Edit: btw I was interested in making a tower, but some of your tutorials are a bit confusing as to exactly what I need to do.
I'm very familiar with the editor itself I just don't know exactly what I need to do to create the model.
Level 1
Jul 26, 2009
Edit: btw I was interested in making a tower, but some of your tutorials are a bit confusing as to exactly what I need to do.
I'm very familiar with the editor itself I just don't know exactly what I need to do to create the model.
Copy the predefined doodad (!EFFECT [...]) of the testmap and change the model. Then place it near to your tower. That's all : )

I've never created something with the editor and I managed it to create some (triggered) towers. It's not difficult if you get some basic points / ideas.
Level 4
Jul 26, 2006
The next version (beta v0.4) of YouTD is released and working with v1.24.

Besides 56 new towers I worked hard to make the map more beginner friendly. The amount of ingame text was reduced. In closed testing the map was noticably more enjoyable than the last beta.

Have fun!

beta v0.04
-Now works with the v1.24 patch
-56 new towers, some other towers updated
-Added consumables: These are items that can be used once and grant a small bonus then (for example +1 food)
-Added changes from DevKit v1.12
-The point calculation was redone. You now gain more points, the higher the level is. This will benefit players that reach really high levels
-Only one computer slot is used now allowing 3 spectators
-Added some more terrain outside the lanes

-trading has been disabled
-You can no longer build next to cliffs, because this caused tower effects to fly
-removed the debugmessages about non existing towers and oils, that the first player always received
-Computer Players are no longer considered players
-Fixed the display error in the tower info board for towers with maximum level
-Removed the "Upgrade to" tag from the tower names in the stashes
-You can no longer build some towers in the creep's ways
-Towers without any abilities will no longer have "Specials:" displayed in the tooltip
-The coloring of specials tooltip was revised
-You no longer see the ranges from previous towers in the Tower Info Board
-The camera should no longer go mad in the starting animations if a player Alt-Tabbed while the game started
-You are no longer able to avoid the food limit by first buying many towers and then placing them
-The trash was removed from the eastern lane's tower build area
-The map now has an author in its description

-Added some quests that tell the game basics. However, these quests are not many and suck at the moment. If you have any ideas for a useful quest, let me know
-Players can no longer put oils into a tower. If they do so, they will get an error message telling them that they have to use it on the tower
-When you die, you will be shown the stats multiboard that you can still check other players' games
-You are now shown the game modes in the loss message you receive when your team gets defeated
-The hints for level abilities are now below the level caption, not inside it
-The levels caption was made smaller (only the most important infos are included now)
-You can now choose "I'm PRO" at the beginning. If you do so, the level message will be even smaller and only include creep size and abilities
-Changed the icon of the "Get starting Towers" button to a more intuitive one
-New players now get displayed different random hints each level
-Changed the element research icons
-The start game hints for new players were shortened drastically. Many people reportet that they are slain by the amount of text at the start
-A short introduction for new players was added to the loading screen
-The tower item tooltip now displays a portion of the towers tooltip (to be precise, everything but the specials)
-Added the element to the tower's tooltip. Removed the attack speed, changed some layout stuff
-After rolling starting towers, you now get the common stash selected automatically (that you instantly see which towers you got)
-The time before the game starts was increased to 3 minutes to allow new players reading the tooltips
-The stats multiboard now shows if a player has already left, or a team has lost
-The income, lumber and interest gain and the tower research was moved to the end of the level
-Changed the GUI. "No Upkeep" was replaced, the tooltips for gold and lumber were altered and lumber is now called "Force Points"
-There are some messages displayed at the start telling that gamemodes are chosen and levels are generated
-The buttons of towers are now better sorted

-SIF armored creeps have less hp now
-The later levels have increased Hitpoints now. The game was too easy, high levels were reachable without too much effort
-You now always get at least one tower per round. This should make early game more interesting
-Air units will move another way if the player is solo on the lane or gamemode is solo (just like ground creeps do)
-Rebalanced the range damage balance calculation. Long ranged towers will have less DPS than before
-Arch Sorceress nerfed slightly
-The chance for levels beeing immune or resistant to magic was improved
-Spell damage now deals 90% to all armor types (except Sif). This (together with the change above) is to balance the armor value ignorance of spell damage.
-The chance for a creep level not having any ability was reduced. New chances are: No Ability: 30%, One Ability: 50%, Two Abilities: 20%
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