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Single Tower Defence

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Level 10
May 20, 2008

You have been selected to be part of an experiment in tower defences. You have been brought to the nearest airport, then you boarded an aircraft with some other people. You arrive in Antartica a couple days later (due to inclement weather, time of travel, all that). You land on an airstrip near a large research complex. You are brought through the complex into a large, unrooved area. There are a series of trenches have been made in a neat fashion around the room. The only 2 buildings that you are supplied with are: the Single Tower of Defence and your Tower Upgrades building. No builder, no mazing. Simple enough? Shall you try it?

You have 1 tower and 1 upgrade building through the entire game. Your tower can be upgraded into other buildings, and they upgrade into others and so on. You have 90 seconds during each wave of enemies in order to kill them all. Failure to kill every enemy in your area will grant you the failure time bonus. This gives you an extra 5 seconds to kill any enemy with extremly low health. After that, you lose.

Single Tower Defence:
Version 0.30:
-Over 55 towers in the tech tree
-5 tiers of towers
-Over 15 customised abilities and more modified abilities
-15 waves of enemies to fight
-New customised icon
-New loading screen Currently not used due to technical difficulties, any help would be appreciated

Version 0.25:
-Over 35 towers in the tech tree
-4 tiers of towers
-4 special abilities for certain towers
-15 waves of enemies

Tier 0:
-Single Tower of Defence
-Tower Upgrades

Tier 1:
-->Speed Tower
-->Heavy Tower

Tier 2:
-->Zip Tower
-Balistic Tower
-->Blast Tower
-Explosive Tower
-Slicer Tower

Tier 3:
-->Acid Tower
-Insanity Tower
-Destruction Tower
-->Dynamite Tower
-Ruin Tower
-Barrel Tower
-->Reflection tower
-Splitter Tower
-Uncountable Tower

Tier 4:
-->Toxic Tower
-->Berserker Tower (Zack1996)
-Bandit Tower (zach_kirov)
-Mercenary Tower
-Death Tower
-Doom Tower
-->C4 Tower
-->Gunpowder Tower
-Wreakage Tower
-Destroyed Tower
-Barrel of Explosives Tower
-Crate Tower
-->Wind Tower (zach_kirov)
-->Speed Tower
-Cutter Tower
-Pike Tower
-Burner Tower (Saishy)
-Scorcher Tower

Tier 5:
-->Toxic Cloud Tower (JansiGX)
-->Tower of Toxins (benx_x) (Incomplete, Help is apreciated------>)
-->Disorganised Tower
-Raider Tower
-Decay Tower
-DD&D Tower
-->Nuclear Tower
-->Missile Pad Tower (Zack1996)
-->Grenade Tower
-Bolter Tower (Zinive)
-Devour Tower (Just_Spectating)
-Spirit Tower (Saishy)
-->Storm Tower
-->Mind Tower (Just_Spectating)
-->Gatling Gun tower (JansiGX)
-Impale Tower
-Flaming Spike Tower
-Incineration Tower (Just_Spectating)

Every 5 levels is air. Every level before air has an ability.

1: Worker
2: Marine
3: Sludge Creature
4: Guard
5: Dwarf-o-copter
6: Wolf
7: Dwarf Cannon Team
8: Tank
9: Commando
10: Flying Battleship?
11: Dwarf Rifleman
12: Oblivious Horse
13: Priest
14: Creature from the Depths/Creature from the Seas
15: Bird

This is important, because you manually choose the difficulty for the current version (it will soon change)!
Easy: Choose the Multi-Tower and continue from there.
Medium: Choose the Speed Tower and continue from there.
Hard: Choose the Heavy Tower and continue from there.
Insainly Hard: Choose the Heavy Tower and only the main ones.

-Splash towers splash does not work
-some texts don't show up (between waves)
-enemies repeat after final wave
-"Counter Start" trigger is extremly long
-There may be problems with the track/path the enemies follow
-The Tower of Toxins does not work

-Timer does not go away. This is to let you see how quickly you completed the level.
-Tiers and enemies are listed in triggers.
-Multi-towers only shoot 1 projectile. Thats because its trigger controlled.
-This map will not be protected. Learn what you wish from this map.
-This map is tested by me. Of course, I can't test the map enough to test each and every tower, so if you find a glitch, please let me know.
-The loading screen is not customised. I know, the new one is not working at the moment.

Much more is to come before version 1.0 comes out. If you have suggestions for towers or enemies or whatever, please post them here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f462/tower-ideas-98965/
Thanks goes out to all who helped with the current tower ideas (more towers will be created from that list). And do note that I have done the modifications or artwork for the Single Tower Defence gamp/map/thread. I will accept artwork if people are willing to send some in (I'm not asking you to make some, but if you want to, you can).

-All those who helped me with tower ideas
-Those few who helped me with some glitches and problems
-Those who are helping with Deserted Island, as I have learned a lot of what I did in this map from them.

Please comment and alert me of any glitches.
Thanks for playing. Feel free to examine the map in the World Editor. The map is not protected. Depending on how people react to this determins whether it gets protected or not.

This map was brought to you by: Landmine (cmacrun on battle.net)


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Level 10
May 20, 2008
More of a patience TD. Unfortunatly, I had made the map half solo/half team. You have to wait a maximum of 90 seconds for the next round. Though, each person has their own tower, and their own playing field. You also lose individually (if the triggers work as planned). Though it might also be a reflex-testing TD, as you have to pay attention or you will be lost in the timing and waves.
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there only one tower per person in this map?

Frankly, I always liked having ridiculous masses of towers.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Only the 1 tower. I find that in every maul, at somepoint or other, there are so many towers, so many enemies, and so many projectiles that the map lags like hell. Its not just my computer (I blame the internet connection...). I wanted this TD to be as less laggy as possible (none). I decided that the only TD that wasn't created (that I've ever known) was a TD with a single tower. I even recently played a TD were you try to defeat the enemy by ammount of enemies (1 enemy spawns, when u kill it it splits into 2 and so on..., every unit that reaches the end takes a live of the other team).
A tip for people who ever do a map thats based on upgrading is organization. I have a good method of organization, and I still get lost in the ammount of units/towers/upgrades and abilities. Next update will be soon.
Yet I have a problem with towers casting preset random abilities. Help?
Really difficult to do? Any ideas on how to do this?
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
For me your map looks too unfinished to have real opinion but here is what I can say so far.
-You got a lot towers but you still need a lot of them to make it almost endless upgrading.
-enemy movement triggers has leaks. It can cause lag later.
-Biggest problem I see is that game can become too predictable - from how much damage you do to enemy it's possible to tell in 20 seconds if you win or lose the round. My suggestion would be to make some rounds shorter and some rounds longer to make bigger difference in them. Special monster waves would be nice too.

I will come with some ideas for towers in your idea thread. Maybe with some ideas for monsters too but not shore.
Level 12
Mar 23, 2008
Some waves ideas:

- Flying (Lolz)
- Faster Units (-.-)
- When one unit dies a skeleton spawns from its corpse and keep walking (johny walker)
- No Colision Size (The unit will pass trough the other, so if one becomes slowed, it will not make all the others stop)
- Unit split in two each time it is killed.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Some waves ideas:

- Flying (Lolz)
- Faster Units (-.-)
- When one unit dies a skeleton spawns from its corpse and keep walking (johny walker)
- No Colision Size (The unit will pass trough the other, so if one becomes slowed, it will not make all the others stop)
- Unit split in two each time it is killed.

All but the skeleton idea are put in already. Every level before air (all TD's need air, even if there is no difference) is a special wave. First special wave is Guards with defend. Then the next is fast (I think) with high regeneration rate. Level 14 is the Hydra enemy which spawns into 2. And every wave has no collision (I accidentally forgot to change the collision size of a wave once, and everything just broke down and the game couldn't continue).
I did fix up the regions, though I'm not sure if it prevents leaks. How can it create lag may I ask?
-Biggest problem I see is that game can become too predictable - from how much damage you do to enemy it's possible to tell in 20 seconds if you win or lose the round. My suggestion would be to make some rounds shorter and some rounds longer to make bigger difference in them.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying that I should shorten or lengthen the time depending on the wave? If so, it won't work. If you actually try the impossible and use the heavy tower types, then 90 seconds may let you live, or may not be enough time (depending on your towers status, more abilities are coming out with the heavy tower group). I am also not that great at triggering or anything that does no relate to the actual playability of the map (excluding the triggers). AKA: I'm good at: terrain (I'm getting better), units, descriptions/stories (well IMO :con:) and ideas for maps. If you want a map idea, tell me relative concepts of a kind of map, and I could probably find you a doable and fun map. But thats off-topic.
Anyways, ideas and suggestions are welcome. Cirticism is not something I will completly destroy you for, but depending on how helpful it is, you might get something in return (most cirticism will probably come in the second release).
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
Okay, I have a lot to say. I've delayed testing it, but here I finally have done it. There's gonna be a lot of criticism; bear in mind, this will be to help improve your game. My third category... will be the longest.

[+] The good:
-The map is a wonderful idea. It's never been done before, so it is truly unique.
-The terrain is neat and well done. Most of the run triggers work as intended.

[ ]The indifferent:
-There's a lot of text in the beginning of the game. This caused a little bleeding in my eyes; you should break some of it up into paragraphs. However, the point still stands that you were thoughtful enough to put it there.
-The game works. It works, and spawns critters as appropriate. Basic things were were promised are present.
-This game has the potential to go far. You just have to get it there.
-A leaderboard to track kills would be nice. Otherwise, use lumber since that resource is neglected anyhow. This would just be a nice visual enhancement.
-We want bosses!
-A current wave / total wave counter/tracker would be nice.

[-] The bad:
- {Major} The multishot towers need to actually show a projectile in all the targets they hit; I found myself wondering what they were actually hitting besides my primary target. This is a big issue. People like seeing what they're blowing up.
- {Major} Currently, there are far too few decisions I make in this game. I click on a tower, it upgrades, and I sit there while waiting. The limitation on research also hurts this, but I'll get to that later. Because both the building and mazing elements of the map (which, technically, can be said as one) are gone, this has happened. More available research would help alleviate this, for one. An extensive research tree would make a lot more customization in what kind of tower maker you are.
- {Major} Once I had upgraded my tower to the max, the rest of the rounds just kept rolling on. I just sat there, watching it kill wave by wave. That got really boring real soon. Hopefully, this is only because this is not (anywhere near) the final version of this map.
- The splitter tower needs to have an active icon, not a passive one, for upgrading.
- Bouncing Blades research duplicated; I believe you have to change the one with the Reflection Tower-requiring one.
- I "lost" an upgrade when I researched to a Cutter Tower since it no longer used bouncing attacks. My resources were still wasted. On the topic of Bouncing Blades, the tooltip did not change for the ability from level 1 to level 2.
- Unit movement problem detected: When special stuff like defend or spawn hydra-ling happened, the units stopped moving.

That concludes my review. I hope you take a look at what I have said.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Okay, I have a lot to say. I've delayed testing it, but here I finally have done it. There's gonna be a lot of criticism; bear in mind, this will be to help improve your game. My third category... will be the longest.

[+] The good:
-The map is a wonderful idea. It's never been done before, so it is truly unique.
-The terrain is neat and well done. Most of the run triggers work as intended.

[ ]The indifferent:
-There's a lot of text in the beginning of the game. This caused a little bleeding in my eyes; you should break some of it up into paragraphs. However, the point still stands that you were thoughtful enough to put it there.
-The game works. It works, and spawns critters as appropriate. Basic things were were promised are present.
-This game has the potential to go far. You just have to get it there.
-A leaderboard to track kills would be nice. Otherwise, use lumber since that resource is neglected anyhow. This would just be a nice visual enhancement.
-We want bosses!
-A current wave / total wave counter/tracker would be nice.

[-] The bad:
- {Major} The multishot towers need to actually show a projectile in all the targets they hit; I found myself wondering what they were actually hitting besides my primary target. This is a big issue. People like seeing what they're blowing up.
- {Major} Currently, there are far too few decisions I make in this game. I click on a tower, it upgrades, and I sit there while waiting. The limitation on research also hurts this, but I'll get to that later. Because both the building and mazing elements of the map (which, technically, can be said as one) are gone, this has happened. More available research would help alleviate this, for one. An extensive research tree would make a lot more customization in what kind of tower maker you are.
- {Major} Once I had upgraded my tower to the max, the rest of the rounds just kept rolling on. I just sat there, watching it kill wave by wave. That got really boring real soon. Hopefully, this is only because this is not (anywhere near) the final version of this map.
- The splitter tower needs to have an active icon, not a passive one, for upgrading.
- Bouncing Blades research duplicated; I believe you have to change the one with the Reflection Tower-requiring one.
- I "lost" an upgrade when I researched to a Cutter Tower since it no longer used bouncing attacks. My resources were still wasted. On the topic of Bouncing Blades, the tooltip did not change for the ability from level 1 to level 2.
- Unit movement problem detected: When special stuff like defend or spawn hydra-ling happened, the units stopped moving.

That concludes my review. I hope you take a look at what I have said.

Thanks for the review. About the multi-towers. Thats a huge problem I have. Its all done by triggering. I currently know of no other easier way of working with the towers actually shooting projectiles. Help would be appreciated.
I only have a few tiers in this version unfortunatly. I've planned on getting a few more tiers up (maybe a few more waves) for the next update. Reasearches are also on the way, its just researches start at the 3rd tier, and so you are limited.
I'm not sure (been along time since I've gone back and checked v0.25), but I think that I fixed it (I may have accidentally had a problem there, but its gone).
Missed the missing ability. Thanks. As for the ability levels, I'm working on it. Not going so well :hohum:.
The long reading... noted. It can be summarised, but then newer people to the game will get lost. If the towers have anything to do with this, I've organised them easily. I believe it is as follows: You have to think that the 3 base towers are side by side, Speed, Splash, Multi. Take one, and then the towers upgrade as they would beside the tower you picked. If you picked Multi-tower, on the left would be splash and on the right would be speed. I'll make that clearer ingame though.
Fixed. I even found that problem, and it was a huge one.
Bosses I think I'll add. Never thought about that :hohum:.
Leaderboards would be nice, yet I can't figure them out. I've tried. I'll try and get one in for version 1.0 (1.0 is NOT the next update).
...last tower to produce units...
That actually might be a great idea. Won't be for awhile though.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
Thanks for the review. About the multi-towers. Thats a huge problem I have. Its all done by triggering. I currently know of no other easier way of working with the towers actually shooting projectiles. Help would be appreciated.
I only have a few tiers in this version unfortunatly. I've planned on getting a few more tiers up (maybe a few more waves) for the next update. Reasearches are also on the way, its just researches start at the 3rd tier, and so you are limited.
I'm not sure (been along time since I've gone back and checked v0.25), but I think that I fixed it (I may have accidentally had a problem there, but its gone).
Missed the missing ability. Thanks. As for the ability levels, I'm working on it. Not going so well :hohum:.
The long reading... noted. It can be summarised, but then newer people to the game will get lost. If the towers have anything to do with this, I've organised them easily. I believe it is as follows: You have to think that the 3 base towers are side by side, Speed, Splash, Multi. Take one, and then the towers upgrade as they would beside the tower you picked. If you picked Multi-tower, on the left would be splash and on the right would be speed. I'll make that clearer ingame though.
Fixed. I even found that problem, and it was a huge one.
Bosses I think I'll add. Never thought about that :hohum:.
Leaderboards would be nice, yet I can't figure them out. I've tried. I'll try and get one in for version 1.0 (1.0 is NOT the next update).

For the multitowers, can't you just use multi-shot? That would solve the projectile problem, unless you wanted special looking things such as bouncing attack, which can be done just like the Huntress unit.

Could AoE/Splash damage towers exist under all three tower trees? I'm not sure I saw any.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
Map difficulty is either needed or isn't. You can't implement a system where tower choice governs difficulty, because that in a sense forces your hand in terms of tower choices. Want an easy game to roll by? Pick multi-towers. Want a harder game? Go speed. You shouldn't be limited like that, it just doesn't add up to fun gameplay. Difficulty is good because it makes the game challenging. But the more challenging, the more room there has to be for skill of a player to make up for it.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
The difficulty thing is very unique. I actually did not intend the difficulty to be choosen like that, its just how it works, and the fact that some tower types are in poor conditions (for the momment being). I might have a vote determining if I should implement a difficutly choice or not. It will not stay the same throught the version history just to let you know (I will make it a priority to change it).
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
Health generally works. Armor is okay if it's not incrementally higher each round (I made this mistake on one TD and the game was soon very impossible 1/5th of the way through). For your TD, speed wouldn't do much cause the creeps still have to run around and around. A third way could be reducing the amount of gold each creep drops. There's really not too much room for creativity in terms of difficulty.

For an even cooler effect, higher difficulty creeps can also use an additional special ability. This one would take the most work, however.

Do you have any more progress on the map?
Level 3
Jan 9, 2007
If you want to do something for difficulty, something simple could be make a unit with an aura to change the towers damage, ie.

Very easy : + 20 damage
Easy : + 10 damage
Normal : No changes
Hard : -10 damage
Very hard : -20 damage.

Edit : Could even be % base, I guess that could work better than a set amount.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
I'll think on that.
As for progress, I've just about got another tier ready to go (and a few other things). I've attempted a custom loading screen, yet there is a huge white t in the middle... ANy suggestions on what it is (I've tried working on the actually placments, the pictures, sizes and everything, and I got nothing).
I should have the next update sometime today at the earliest, or within the next 2 days (probably will not have the custom loading screen).
Level 12
Mar 23, 2008
I got and Idea, since the players will got bored because they only control one tower, what about adding walls?

The wall should use a doodad model that I don't remember right now, but its square and perfect, so the walls could have different effects, also you could got new walls depending of your main tower.
Like, upgrading to a spirit tower allow you to buy a spiritual gate, if a unit cross it will become ethereal, receiving more damage from spells and walking slower.
Or a goblin tower could give the ability to buy traps.

What do you think?
Level 10
May 20, 2008
I got and Idea, since the players will got bored because they only control one tower, what about adding walls?

The wall should use a doodad model that I don't remember right now, but its square and perfect, so the walls could have different effects, also you could got new walls depending of your main tower.
Like, upgrading to a spirit tower allow you to buy a spiritual gate, if a unit cross it will become ethereal, receiving more damage from spells and walking slower.
Or a goblin tower could give the ability to buy traps.

What do you think?

Wow. I can't say that the wall idea is good. If you have walls, you can just block off the enemies, and since the enemies can't attack, they go backwards, and the entire thing screws up. But the trap idea is what I'm thinking.
Version 0.3 is out.
I have changed a lot. More towers, more abilities, and another tier of towers (it would have taken a lot longer to do 2 more). The first post will be edited to have this new information and more. Go to first post for details.
Level 3
Feb 13, 2008
It's kind of a small issue and a big issue all tangled up into one.

De fence - the process of de-fencing (Tearing down fences)

Defense - The process of guarding something
Level 12
Mar 23, 2008
Wow. I can't say that the wall idea is good. If you have walls, you can just block off the enemies, and since the enemies can't attack, they go backwards, and the entire thing screws up. But the trap idea is what I'm thinking.
Version 0.3 is out.
I have changed a lot. More towers, more abilities, and another tier of towers (it would have taken a lot longer to do 2 more). The first post will be edited to have this new information and more. Go to first post for details.

Do you know you can send a unit without model and high attack damage and send first in the wave?

Do a trigger:

Unit - Dies
Killing Unit Type is equal to WALLKILLER
Order killing unit to move to point

and here you go ^^
Level 10
May 20, 2008
I'll try that. Its a possability.
Any new comments on the map? (yes I know the movment has not gotten that much better) I'm hoping that the next version will have 2 new tiers to be released, more upgrades, buttton placment fixes, and maybe more waves (along with lots of other things), (but considering that there are currently an insufficient number of tiers/wave, there probably wont).
Level 10
Aug 4, 2008
I will try this but not at this stage. I don't like hosting incomplete games.... I prefer to play them during the little bug fix and polish stage. At the moment 15 waves isn't enough, I'll wait til you get a few more in there.

I find that most mauls and td's that finish at 30 waves feel incomplete anyhow... you're generally just getting your uber defenses ready right when the game ends. I suggest at the end of the game you add something more exceptional then the usual last level boss to really cap the game off.

Now that the unpleasentries are out the way, I wanna say that I do like your idea and I am looking forward to giving it a run.... just get a few more creep waves in there so the first time I host it I don't end up with an enraged crowd that condemn me for wasting there time.

I really only post this message to let you know that people are keeping an eye on your map whether they say anything or not, so don't give up and keep chipping away at it
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Thanks for the tips, and I know this isn't worth hosting yet. It'll probably be a few more updates (or at least v 0.50).
Anyways work on the map has still been going, just slower. I'm going to get more time on the map later though.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Sorry for the bump, but I'm still working on this map. I need some opinions on some things I've been thinging of adding.
Firstly I'm thinking of adding in an ability to save your amount of gold you have, what tower you have, what upgrades have been made and what level you are on. I doubt I''ll go through with all of them (I might stick to your upgrades and gold ammount, possibly what tower you are on). Do you think its a good idea to implement?
Secondly, there is still the blockers/traps. I'm not sure whether to use them or not for these reasons:
-Adds to your defence, so you don't just ahve 1 tower to keep track of
-Additional upgrades
-Blockers will screw the path of the enemy
-Traps will have to be made by a separate building (I don't know where I'm going to put it if I do get it)
-Traps and Blockers will have to bemade on unbuildable terrain and nothing else (like ground pathing)
-Will probably increase the number of levels, which will make the game longer (more potential for it to get boring)
Lastly (as an announcement), I still have been working on the map. Though it is not as far as I would like it to be, it has made progress (making tower after tower gets confusing, boring and everything else). No progress on the levels has been made, though the numbers of towers has. Many of the tower contributions have been added (though I'm not sure about recent towers I've made). The last version I put up (first post, V0.30) is identical to the way the current one is (terrain, most triggers, basic stuff). Please post your comments on the questions, and some ideas for the map.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
Does upgrading acid to higher levels really work? Ability description doesn't change.
Also Toxic clouds doesn't seem to work.

About saving:
Can you explain better what for we need saving?

About traps:
that's really good idea. Some slowing, stunning, armor reducing and maybe even damaging traps could be excellent idea. For example: I can't clear stage with explosion tower. It's missiles are so slow that I can't him the monster I was aiming. If there be a trap that slows those units at least for a second it would be grate.

Do you already have a plan how players will set traps?
Level 10
May 20, 2008

Does upgrading acid to higher levels really work? Ability description doesn't change.
Also Toxic clouds doesn't seem to work.

About saving:
Can you explain better what for we need saving?

About traps:
that's really good idea. Some slowing, stunning, armor reducing and maybe even damaging traps could be excellent idea. For example: I can't clear stage with explosion tower. It's missiles are so slow that I can't him the monster I was aiming. If there be a trap that slows those units at least for a second it would be grate.

Do you already have a plan how players will set traps?
Acid/Toxin Cloud Problem
I'm not entirely sure about the Acid problem. It does have the same base description, just that the damages should change (I'm no expert on how to automatically get the damage in there (the code), but I could always do it manually). Next time you try it, check that, as I will.
Toxin clouds, I'm not sure. What doesn't work about it (I don't have version 0.30 on hand, so I can't tell if its already fixed or what)?

I'm just thinking. If you have gotten far into the game but for some reason you can't continue (you have to leave the game), you could save the game (with the "-save" command). I'm not entirly sure how it would work, but I'm going to find out either way. Its just an idea.

Ok. This is my plan for traps. Ive always had the problem with the splash towers. I'm just saying not to use them for now (I know its next to impossible if you use them). I've tried fixing them and all, but other stuff arises, or it does not work. I'm thinking that I could have traps for the splash towers, then later levels of the other types you can get the traps (same traps, but the splash towers get them ealier in the game). I might not use that idea if I can get the splash towers sorted out (I'm currently just trying to get the map so the towers are ready and all that, so I can get the next version out, but if I can, I'll get some work on them done to). In short, I might use traps for splash towers in the early game, but giving the other towers the same thing.
Pretty much answers the next question.

Basis of the Map
-Yes I am working on the map, though it does get deadly boring doing tower after tower after tower, a few upgrades, then attaching them to abilities and all that. Its part of a TD, but in this TD, it gets a really long list going. I'm just taking the map bit by bit, getting stuff done according to what I have done already.
-I'm not sure whether I did this in v0.30, but I did add "both" pathing around the path so they can't get lost. I havn't checked 100% if its block pproof, but since I have made the enemy collision size 0 (I just found out that the Guard still did have a collision size, it was fixed immediatly), there should be no problems.
-I still have been unable to fix the Tower of Toxins because I am not skilled enough to fin out how to get the tower to use randomized custom abilities. I will, however, look into it soon.
-Lastly, just as a heads up, the towers will go back into 3 separate towers. What I mean by that is, whatever tower you ahve, you have to go back to its base tower (so if you have a splash tower, you go back to 1 splash tower, no mixes or alternatives, that said, mixed towers will be able to go back to either of their base towers).

I'm wanting to change the difficulty soon. I'm thinking of either adding more enemies into the playing field (harder to trigger and all that) or adding more health to the enemies. Im not planning on having many different diffuclties, at the least, normal and hard, but I might go with the classic 3 (easy, normal, hard). There is no way I'm keeping just 1 difficulty all the way through v1.0.

As an end note, I'm thinking of bringing my "Tower Ideas" topic back from the dead. I am going to need more ideas once I'm done with the current selection.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
I'm just thinking. If you have gotten far into the game but for some reason you can't continue (you have to leave the game), you could save the game (with the "-save" command). I'm not entirly sure how it would work, but I'm going to find out either way. Its just an idea.
I see 3 problems that might come up
1)you will need a lot of towers. (mot much of a problem...)
2) you will need a lot of waves. I don't know how much you plan to make but I guess there should be about 80 or 100 waves to have use of this system. Example if there are less (50): I play game and get to wave 38 and then I got to leave. I save. Next time I play I have only 12 rounds left while others start from 1. So what I have to do now?
3) what will happen if I beat all waves? Will I get some 'secret code' that will unlock new things next time I play? There should be something like that to motivate us beat all levels.
I'm thinking that I could have traps for the splash towers, then later levels of the other types you can get the traps (same traps, but the splash towers get them ealier in the game). I might not use that idea if I can get the splash towers sorted out (I'm currently just trying to get the map so the towers are ready and all that, so I can get the next version out, but if I can, I'll get some work on them done to).
If I understand right you meant traps will set up with triggers when you build tower? That sounds interesting. I think you should try make them.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
Now that I think of it, trigger traps would be nice (randomly creating a trap at location, but you can choose what type it is). I will try and imply it when I'm done with the current towers (I was hoping to get to tier 7, but I don't think I'll get there (so many towers to create for just 1 section of a tier).
For saving, I was planning on 50 levels, but I might go higher. I might go to 100, but thats probably as far as I'm going to go with towers. I don't want this to take to long. I might add the extra 50 levels for v2.0, not for v1.0.
Just as some alerts/reminders:
-I have updated the first post (not new version, but I got some artwork up there).
-Don't forget about the Tower Ideas thread
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