everything fixed, except the heavy footstomps. i tried to add them, but no matter what i did they would not play the sound in game, and i have no idea what to do. if anyone could help that'd be good
also, one minor problen, the wings in the death animation do not properly shrink. i have no idea how to fix this either, and i found no problems in any geoset animations or anything, so i don't know where i'm suppose to fix this
well, there's a very simple way to fix all these problems at once: just convert this guy into an .mdl model. Open a usual Dreadlord, or better Tichondrius (i think he's bigger than the usual ones) and save it as .mdl. Afterwards, mix the 2 models (Tichondrius and your Kilj) using Geoset Merger. Just make sure that the
Base model is Tichondrius, NOT Kilj! The ''Geoset'' is Kilj. Geoset Merger is just aptly named. You can merge 2 entire models at once, not just one geoset.
The texture path should be left empty. Texturing is easier in Magos. The
Bone option can also be ignored if desired.
If you're done so far, open the result in Magos and do the texturing (Pitfall: the new model uses only one skin, but each of its geosets can get an own Material! Be aware of that
. Also, keep in mind that your model will now have both meshes, Tichondrius and Kilj's. More on this at the end). When done, save your model as .mdx and open it with a program named MDLVIS (just google it). In MDLVIS, you first assign each of your model's vertices to the corresponding bone. When this is finished, delete the old mesh (Tichondrius's mesh).
After that, do all the other stuff like death sound, foot steps, foot prints, particle emitters, etc.
Be warned: if the original mesh (in this case Tichondrius's mesh) is removed in MDLVIS, the corresponding Geoset Animations will also disappear, so if you have any of those, it's wise to make the new mesh use them before the old is deleted! The Material Layers & Textures from the old mesh will still be there. If finished in MDLVIS, you can additionally select the ''Optimize'' option, but this is not a must.
I hope this of help for you.