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World of Warcraft Melee 1.70+AI

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
----------ArgentinianUser Presents----------

World of Warcraft Melee+ AI
Created by ArgentinianUser

Map Info:

This is an altered melee that includes WoW and WC3 ROC/TFT unplayable races, with the four standard races of the game.
Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf (reduced), Draenei, Worgen, Orc, Troll, Tauren, Forsaken, Blood Elf, Goblin, Pandaren, Naga, Lost Ones, Fel Orcs, Legion and the four standard races.
Every races with specific features.

Racial Features:

"The noble humans of Stormwind are a proud, tenacious race. They bravely fought the orcish Horde for generations as the patrons of the Grand Alliance. Just as they thought peace had at last settled over their war-torn kingdoms, an even darker shadow descended upon the world."
*Defense: Militia
*Powerful magic units and versatile
*The human honor and courage give them a bonus hp regen

"The stoic dwarves of Ironforge spent countless generations mining treasures from deep within the earth. Secure in their impregnable stronghold of Ironforge Mountain, the dwarves rarely ventured beyond the wintry peaks of Dun Morogh."
*Defense: Stone Form
*Units with hp bonus and damage
*Good at minery

"The clever, spunky, and oftentimes eccentric gnomes present a unique paradox among the civilized races of Azeroth. Brilliant inventors with an irrepressibly cheerful disposition, this race has suffered treachery, displacement, and near-genocide. It is their remarkable optimism in the face of such calamity that symbolizes the truly unshakable spirit of the gnomes."
*Acelerated Building and repair
*Bonus Intelligence
*Fast early units with evasion

Night Elf
"For ten thousand years, the immortal night elves cultivated a druidic society within the shadowed recesses of Ashenvale Forest. Then the catastrophic invasion of the Burning Legion shattered the tranquility of their ancient civilization. Then the catastrophic invasion of the Burning Legion shattered the tranquility of their ancient civilization."
Defense: Ancients
*Strongers in the night
*Hide ability in the shadows

"Empowered by the Holy Light and the undying strength of their convictions, the draenei lead the charge against the demonic Burning Legion in Outland. Now, with the Legion's defeat, they have completed the desperate mission that first brought them to Azeroth. Though some draenei were sent back to Outland to revitalize their former civilization, the majority have vowed to stay and uphold their sacred commitment to the Alliance. Driven by a powerful vision, the immortal prophet Velen believes that a great war between the Darkness and the Light is fast approaching and that Azeroth will be its principal battleground. As one of Velen's chosen, you must stand bravely against the Shadow to ensure that your people are ready for the war to come."
Defense: Gift of the Naruu
*Powerful magic units
*Good at strentgh

"Led by their indomitable king, Genn Greymane, the proud citizens of Gilneas once stood with the Alliance against the vile orcish Horde that sought to conquer all of Lordaeron. Gilneas survived but, in the years following the Second War, the kingdom drew ever inward. Distrustful of their former allies, the Gilneans erected a mighty wall at the borders of their land, closing off their nation - and their hearts - from an ever-darkening world. Now, many years later, as the seemingly unstoppable undead Scourge marches across Lordaeron, human civilization once again teeters on the edge of destruction. As war and terror close in all around them, the citizens of Gilneas are faced with one, terrible truth: their mighty wall cannot hold back the dead for much longer and, worse, rumors of a new threat have risen within the kingdom's borders of feral, nightmare creatures that walk upright as men but hunt and howl as wolves."
Defense: Transformation
*Similar to Human race

"Long ago, the noble orcish race was corrupted by the Burning Legion and transformed into the merciless, destructive Horde. Lured to the world of Azeroth, the orcs were forced to make war upon the human kingdoms of Stormwind and Lordaeron in what would become known as the First and Second Wars. After many years, a visionary young warchief rose to lead his people in their darkest hour. Fittingly enough, the young orc’s name was Thrall. Under his rule, the orcs freed themselves from the chains of demonic corruption and embraced their shamanistic heritage."
Defense: Orc Burrows
*Bonus at strenght
*Good resistance

"Exiled years ago from their land in Stranglethorn Vale, the Darkspear trolls attempted to make a new home for themselves among the disparate races of the Horde. Under the leadership of the noble Warchief Thrall, Vol'jin and his savage trolls had finally found the honor and purpose they had been searching for but now, under the rule of the headstrong Garrosh Hellscream, the trolls fear that the Horde could tear itself apart. Vol'jin knows that whatever threats loom ahead, whether they be from within the Horde or from without, it is cunning trolls like you that will fight to preserve the honor of the Horde."
Defense: Berserk
*Fast units
*Bonus regen hp

"For countless generations, the bestial tauren roamed the plains of the Barrens, hunted the mighty kodos, and sought the wisdom of their eternal goddess, the Earth Mother. Scattered across the land, the wandering tribes were united only by a common hatred for their sworn enemy, the marauding centaur. Seeking aid against the centaur, the chieftain, Cairne Bloodhoof, befriended Warchief Thrall and the other orcs, who had journeyed to Kalimdor."
Defense: War Stomp
*Good HP
*Bonus mana regen

"Though Lady Sylvanas and her Forsaken finally took vengeance upon their hated enemy, the Lich King, their dark crusade in Northrend proved costly. Betrayed by their Grand Apothecary, Putress, at the Battle of Wrathgate, the Forsaken's devious plague of death was unleashed on both the Alliance and the Horde to calamitous event. Unbeknownst to Sylvanas, Putress and his demonic ally, Varimathras, had taken control of the Undercity. As a result, the Forsaken were wrongly blamed for the traitor's atrocities."
Defense: Canivalize
*Spawn zombies
*Good at necromancy

Blood Elf
"The past few years have seen unprecedented changes within the eternal land of Quel'Thalas. The blood elves, following the will of their crazed leader, Kael'thas Sunstrider, channeled dangerous, chaotic magicks to transform their sacred Sunwell into a gateway of unspeakable evil. While Kael'thas and his demonic masters were eventually defeated, a different transformation occurred within the Sunwell itself as a dying naaru sacrificed its life essence to reignite the Sunwell as a font of holy energy. Now, the blood elf regent, Lor'themar Theron, sees a new hope on the horizon for his people. Over time, the Sunwell's Light could cure the blood elves of their cursed state, but many still cling to the arcane powers they procured and are hesitant to relinquish them. As one of the remaining blood elves, you must fight to protect Quel'Thalas and help redeem the soul of your ancient people."
Defense: Mana drain and Silence
*Good mana regen
*Powerful Magic units

"The wise and cunning goblins of Kezan have lived in relative peace for generations. Though some of their race sided with the marauding orcs during the Second War, most goblins remained neutral throughout the various conflicts of the Alliance and Horde. Ruled over by corrupt yet highly affluent Trade Princes, the goblins created a virtual paradise for themselves throughout the islands of the South Seas. Their fantastic feats of engineering and vast trade fleets helped make their island capital of Kezan one of the great technological wonders of the world. And now, as the elements themselves rise up in anger across the world, the goblins' mechanical paradise will be put to the test. For, very soon, fate will force them to choose sides in a conflict that will shape the very history of the world."
Defense: Kaboom!
*Speed bonus
*Intelligence bonus

"Couched in myth and legend, rarely seen and even more rarely understood, the enigmatic pandaren have long been a mystery to the other races of Azeroth. The noble history of the pandaren people stretches back thousands of years, well before the empires of man and before even the sundering of the world."
Defense: Defend Temple
*HP regen at base
*Balanced stats

"The serpentine naga are some of the most formidable villains of Azeroth. Masters of sorcery, the naga were formerly night elves, members of Queen Azshara's court in the War of the Ancients. They were transformed into naga by the Old Gods, and now haunt the seas of Azeroth building a great civilization on the ocean floor."
Defense: Parasite
*Amphibious walk and building
*Bonus in speed and strenght

Lost Ones
"The Lost Ones are a highly mutated and devolved subrace of draenei. They have devolved further than the Broken and many have become more savage and primitive. The term can be used in two senses: to refer to all of these devolved draenei or to refer solely to the group of Lost Ones living in the Fallow Sanctuary in the Swamp of Sorrows on Azeroth. Despite having devolved, Lost Ones may still be referred as draenei."
Defense: Wind walk
*Hide ability
*Mana bonus rege

Fel Orcs
"When the pit lord Magtheridon took control of Outland, he created fel orcs by corrupting them with his blood. Fel orcs made up the backbone of Magtheridon's armies. After Magtheridon was defeated by Illidan and imprisoned, the fel orcs stayed in Hellfire Citadel, keeping guard over the captured pit lord. "
Defense: Unholy Frenzy
*Chaos damage
*Strenght bonus

Burning Legion
"The Burning Legion is a vast, innumerable army of demons, infernals, and corrupted races who seek to destroy any trace of order in the universe. They have thrice invaded Azeroth, and were only beaten back at a terrible cost. Much of Azeroth's history — including the First, Second, and Third War — were due to the Legion's influence. It can be said that the Legion is Azeroth's nemesis; it corrupted the orcs who then invaded Azeroth, created the Lich King and is the source of most of Azeroth's scars. It should also be noted that Azeroth is the only known planet that they have ever failed to conquer."
Defense: Curse
*Good at summoning units
*Chaos Damage
*Versatile units types

About the gameplay:

I did a little modification to the gameplay to make it more competitive, every tier of each race has a shop where the players can buy a scroll of town hall, potion of maná and health, and the tiers also have the ability "home" that can heal friendly units.
This map can be played in single player mode, every race have a AI working, in case that there are lag you should choose less players and/or races.








Change Log:

v1.20 to v1.70
*New AI Build Orders
*More upgrades
*More abilities
*Some balances done
*Tooltips, button positions and green icons fixed

v0.99 to v1.20
*Lag reduced
*AI's bug (spam peons in goldmine) FIXED.
*Balances (mainly Fel Orcs and other units) done.
*Every peon with a different ability
*Added shop for every race


  • Ujimasa Hojo
  • SinisterX
  • General Frank
  • Norinrad
  • apaka
  • The Weird Human
  • Cavman
  • assasin_lord
  • Tranquil
  • Em!
  • Bart_Illidan
  • AndrewOverload519
  • Mc !
  • Ampharos_222
  • FrIkY
  • Dentothor
  • GreyArchon
  • AnemicRoyalty
  • Hawkwing
  • JokeMaster
  • NO_exe
  • levigeorge1617
  • Lunatico
  • Vermillion Ed
  • xxxxxxxxxx
  • xxxxxxxxxx
  • xxxxxxxxxx
  • sando
  • Marcos DAB
  • Mr.Goblin
  • Dan van Ohllus Huinipachutli
  • Ujimasa Hojo
  • GreyArchon
  • Norinrad
  • AndrewOverload519
  • General Frank
  • Starblind
  • NFWar
Hidden Models Path:

  • Archian
  • xxxxxxxxxx
  • xxxxxxxxxx
Button Manager uploader:
  • Spec
Thanks to:
  • developer of War3ModelEditor
  • Gwafu for his tutorial about Hero Glow

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates


World of Warcraft Melee 1.70+AI (Map)

21:37, 2nd Apr 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: Rejected based off of shadow fury's review
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013

The terrain was simple and mediocre. It was symmetrical and provided balance between all players; positive feature! The tiles were used well (except for the center that just seemed to have rock tiles spammed everywhere) but I have some remarks. First of all, why did you use only trees as doodads? Trees, trees and only trees for such a large map is not good at all as this really ruins the terrain. Then, these random cliffs you've added in the middle of empty areas are just terrible. Perhaps if you had added some environmental doodads, they would've looked better


It was very deluding to have a look at all the races. What I noticed thisat ALL races are just copy-and-paste from old units, creeps and structures. Even the heroes were simply perfect clones of default ones (Pandaren ranged hero = Far Seer, Legion melee hero = Pit Lord, Forsaken ranged hero = Dark Ranger etc...). A minor issue I found is that the Pig Farm of the Fel Orcs displays "Tooltip missing", please fix this. Overall I could hardly find custom skills. I was so eager to try all these new races but it was just like replaying the 5 default races (Human, Orcs, Undead, Night Elves, Naga) with different models, icons and unit sound sets. For this reason, I'd like to stress you on one point now. Next time, let each race be UNIQUE, customize ALL units and NEVER copy-paste from old stuff, not even once. These are the keys to a successful Altered Melee Map.


Well, I found the map heavily disappointing. You did not make anything original for this map. For this, I shall give your map 1/5 and vote for rejection.
Level 5
Jun 23, 2010
Thanks for your review! Yes, i must work A LOT in this, in the beggining i was very perfectionist about this, i tried to work in the IA's first, that was new for me, and i wanted first have a base of every race, and then work to modificate every one and make it different each other like blizzard did with the four standard races. With this version i wanted to look the IA's working and have a system of selection of races for the computer players, i think that the map is playable, but that dont means that it must be aproveed or dont get reviews. And yes, i hate the non-symmetry terrain too. But lately i was too busy and i wanted to know what people will think about this, maybe you dont noticed but this have A LOT of work, its my old map that i uploaded some years ago here changed, beyond that thanks for your review and i sorry, i will improve it when i have free time, i have some ideas to work in a future, regards!