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World of Random Rpg 1.08a

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: deepstrasz
Random World RPG
Version: 1.08a
Raise and Slay!

This is a rpg survival map.when you begin your game, system automatically generate a great world with many enemies for you.
Multiplayer version coming soon...
Version 1.08a change log:

  1. Added some new triggers
  2. Many bugs fixed
  3. Trigger bugs fixed
  4. Added item remove system
  5. Added Difficulity System
  6. Added new items and units
  7. Less shop in map
  8. Several command added
  9. Map information added
  10. Random quest system added
  11. Enemy heroes now receive items
  12. Ability text system added
  13. Some triggers edited
  14. Much more
By Lord Mahdi

World of Random Rpg 1.08a (Map)

A Void
A truly random and dull single-player map. ♦ Map generation takes way too long, people wouldn't even bother wasting their two minutes for this. ♦ I feel like the map should be multiplayer, it gets repetitive and boring after some time. ♦ No custom...
You need to improve your description, right now it's lacking any real information about your map. Secondly, uploading screen-shots is necessary.

Please take a moment to read Map Submission rules and a simple tutorial about writing your own description, it includes templates which you can copy.
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The Jass checker is giving me an error: Fail to parse "war3map.j" (line 2030, column 10): unexpected "f" expecting "native"

I had to open the map and I found a bunch of gibberish trigger names that were written in Jass which I have no knowledge of.

Sadly I couldn't provide a review because map generation took way too long, what the hell was it doing? I waited for about 5 minutes and then closed it. This map has some serious code optimization issues.
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World of Random Rpg 1.08a - Map Review

A truly random and dull single-player map.

Map generation takes way too long, people wouldn't even bother wasting their two minutes for this.

I feel like the map should be multiplayer, it gets repetitive and boring after some time.

No custom items, abilities or customization. You can't choose your hero, why?

Randomly generated terrain is really dull, trees are completely random- no visual theme at all. Entire map is using a single tile of the same grass, there is nothing unique or interesting about this. It's basically placing random trees and generating random height for two minutes.

Some creeps were overpowered, there was no consistency in spawn rates or how many spawn in the same area.

The wandering heroes are really annoying, they don't creep, they don't do anything but go after you. They will always find the best time to ambush you while you are creeping. Add something interesting for them to do, creeping, buying items or simply wandering around and fighting each other.

Random quests are boring and not interesting. There are also no quest-givers, no unique places or anything like that.

You optimized and organized triggers. When I first saw your triggers they were a mess, you improved a lot.

Numerous leaks have been found. Click here for more information. Consult with a code moderator or create a new thread here for others to help you out regarding fixing for memory leaks.

Overall this map has an interesting concept but unfinished or poor execution. Either you haven't finished working on this or you probably didn't bother to polish it. This map needs more work, you've made some great improvements over the last version but it's still far from where it should be.

Awaiting Update
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