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Will Terran ever be out of Beta?

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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Quick Style Chooser, bottom left. Will Terran ever be out of beta? I'm one of the few who use it, I don't like brown or green and blue, silver, and black are actually my favorite colors.

ANYWAY. I just wanted to let you guys know that it still says that. Also, the reputation symbols are cake and muffins for Terran, I think it would be better if it was gems for both NE and Terran, or everything just transition to cake and muffins.

Oh, and negative rep jelly donuts.
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
I, too, love Terran Beta; the blue/black/white is really pleasing to the eyes, & the umber-orange text I am typing this very moment (meta (meta (meta (met...)))) provides great contrast.

Replace cake, pie & cupcakes with, oh, ah dannae, something Starcrafty. Like Protoss Khaydarin gems or something. :p
Level 34
May 1, 2008
For me, it won't even let me switch to Terran (Beta). Whenever I try to switch, it just refreshes the page and it's like nothing happened. It won't even let me switch to Low Graphics (I'm using Google Chrome, latest version, no extensions, only AdBlock). This wasn't always the case, though. I remember being able to switch to other themes before, dunno why I suddenly can't do it.

Chocolate is reserved for 1800.


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
For me, it won't even let me switch to Terran (Beta). Whenever I try to switch, it just refreshes the page and it's like nothing happened. It won't even let me switch to Low Graphics (I'm using Google Chrome, latest version, no extensions, only AdBlock). This wasn't always the case, though. I remember being able to switch to other themes before, dunno why I suddenly can't do it.

Try clearing your cookies. I recently made some changes that would not work with cookies before the change.
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