Why do I bother?

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Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
I can make essays too you know:

Ok, I've made several requests in the Requests Forum (perfectly legal) and each time, it gets about 3 replys about how good or bad an idea it is, and then it gets pulled into the abyss of dead topics. So why do people do this? Why is it that when i make a request in someone's "I'll model for you!" thread, they give up on it? It's because no one cares. I mean, why should i care, even if i could model, if you made a request? After all, (for Ex.) since I can model, I can be incredibly arrogant and only do models for people that post in my thread. But, if your request is too hard, I'll go on break or leave for a while and when you come back, just ignore me until i go away. You people need to be brought down a few notches.

1. Take peoples requests. If you help them, you might get your name on the map, or be able to download something cool

2. Don't give up. Giving up on something will only make it worse.

3. No matter what you can do, or how good you can do it, you're no better than the person asking for the project.

4. Stop whining about how hard it is. If something is too hard, slowly make it better and better, and your skills will improve.

5. If you "Go on break", keep practicing on what you do, even if it is for fun. This will make your requests easier.

6. Make sure you can handle at LEAST moderate difficulty requests before even opening a requests thread to take requests.

7. If someone gives you some negative feedback, don't get mad and want to give up.

8. Never say "Do it yourself". Why do you think they posted it in the requests forum? If they wanted to hear that, they could go to the corrseponding forum and ask how to do it.

So remember these things everyone, whenever someone has a request, (esp. a skin because its so easy to do) just try it when you have time, and see how it comes out.

Is this understandable?
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
At least you get responses to your requests. I've made several requests and nothing. I think the requests forum is probably the least used one.(at least not many people respond to requests there)
Level 13
Jul 28, 2004
i made a few request threads..
two asking for ideas for concept arts

but before i was opened to requests, i made 2-3 threads, since only one remained, the other one was filled with spam n crap.

requesters dont know what they want, and they're not always serious. i only took 1 or 2 requests, then i stopped.

it is very hard, for me atleast to do all the requests mindlessly. its a service we do for free, thats why we can choose what we should do, and what doesnt seem to be a good waste of time can be ignored
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
In other words... be a slave to requests????

1) people can't and shouldn't take every request,
Models take an insane amount of time if you want it nice and proper
Skins look crappy when made quickly

If every request was made this site would be overloaded

Also after a while, you feel like a robot to requests, just ripping them out one after another, no time for what you want

Who cares about being in someones map, they're almost all the same (RPG or Dota), And your model or skins would probably not be that big of a deal for the amount of time spent on it

2) Giving up would be bad though, for morality and for the fact ones usually almost done

3) I wouldn't say that you arn't better then a requester, a requester usually have little to no skills, therefore requesting to save time and effort (leaving the dirty work for others)

4) People shouldn't whine about how hard a request is though, they exceepted it live with the concenquences

5) People go on "breaks" because they're tired of doing work, therefore practicing would be gay aand useless

6) Poor workshops are also a menace

7) Cruel Comments are a killer though, especially when you didn't spend too much time, where you had to make a "quickie". This i've seen is an artists razor, where they shave off their skills to do a quick request. After seein it makes someone feel dead like "I'm better then this". In this case just send it via email.

8 ) People need to be reminded that they can't always depend on others. That sooner or later they'll need to learn some skills. And unless they are reminded (even if its rude and cliche) they will keep on requesting and being stupid

In conclusion, for all the requesters learn some skills, just a little wouldn't hurt. And to the Skinners and modelers, Once in a while look for a good request and try to complete it but dont overwhelm yourself to the point where you feel like crying.

I quote Southpark for an overall summary
"It's all about moderation. If you never fart, you combust, but if you always fart, you deplete the
ozone. So we must fart only at appropriate times or when it's really really funny."
Level 10
Jul 29, 2004
So you're saying, cos you want something, we have 2 give it 2 u.

I requested that blademaster thingy, it never came, so i learned 2 model and made it myself.

We arent slaves 2 ur needs, modelling isn't easy, it takes time.

What you just said, sounded so bratish, if you want a model/skin, learn 2 do it urself.

And if you request like a model, made from scratch, then dont expect anything, scratching a model, is REALLY HARD, even if you have the tools.
Level 18
Feb 16, 2004
Kerrigan said:
I can make essays too you know:

Ok, I've made several requests in the Requests Forum (perfectly legal) and each time, it gets about 3 replys about how good or bad an idea it is, and then it gets pulled into the abyss of dead topics. So why do people do this? Why is it that when i make a request in someone's "I'll model for you!" thread, they give up on it? It's because no one cares. I mean, why should i care, even if i could model, if you made a request? After all, (for Ex.) since I can model, I can be incredibly arrogant and only do models for people that post in my thread. But, if your request is too hard, I'll go on break or leave for a while and when you come back, just ignore me until i go away. You people need to be brought down a few notches.

1. Take peoples requests. If you help them, you might get your name on the map, or be able to download something cool

2. Don't give up. Giving up on something will only make it worse.

3. No matter what you can do, or how good you can do it, you're no better than the person asking for the project.

4. Stop whining about how hard it is. If something is too hard, slowly make it better and better, and your skills will improve.

5. If you "Go on break", keep practicing on what you do, even if it is for fun. This will make your requests easier.

6. Make sure you can handle at LEAST moderate difficulty requests before even opening a requests thread to take requests.

7. If someone gives you some negative feedback, don't get mad and want to give up.

8. Never say "Do it yourself". Why do you think they posted it in the requests forum? If they wanted to hear that, they could go to the corrseponding forum and ask how to do it.

So remember these things everyone, whenever someone has a request, (esp. a skin because its so easy to do) just try it when you have time, and see how it comes out.

Is this understandable?

I am sorry but you obviously havn't understood the hard truth of modding. People will do requests for you if you got something good to show off. The main reason I don't do requests for people is because I don't feel it is worth it since in 90% of the episodes, their maps are gonna suck no matter how good the contributed model is. Am I the only one sick of seeing threads made by people where they post something like: "Omg join my 1337 project, I need a modeller, skinner, mapper and everything. I can't do anything at all, I can only make crappy stories with 50 gramatical errors per sentance."

Take my advice everyone. If you have a good idea for a project but have no idea to put it trhough because of the ammount of work needed then: GIVE UP. Try to have some lower goals. Start with something you actually CAN do. And if you can't, then learn it yourself. You can't expect people to hold your hand through your entire life so get used to having to do most of the work yourself because if not, your project will FAIL. For you requesting people, realize that you don't always need custom models to make a map good. If you manage to make a good map without using custom models, but instead using your imagination then perhaps people will be willing to contribute to it after time. Have patience. A bad map is a bad map, no matter how good the models are. There are already loads of models on this site which probably can be used for your needs even though they don't fit the description exact, but really. Who cares? As long as the map is fun, then why bother in annoying artists who already have more than enough things to do. Be happy that people on this site are actually uploading free models for you to use!
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
@Rightfield - WORD! Take me as an example "cause I'm great and you all love me..." I've asked one time for a model or skin, cause I was really desperat for a human mage unmounted hero (thx. alot Pins :p ) ... cause its needed, really, but thats not my point! - I've used as many hours as I've been in this community, on a single multiplayer map concept, and you know what - I've learned that it aint good, if its done in less then a month (w. all natural breaks, christ, what do you think I am - a robot?) only exception may be the footman wars, whereas they even have somewhat 40 versions of only the Frenzy series - implying that it wasn't finished at the release, right? And as of now, my desktop is overloaded with model packs - I can even use my TV-out cable, and have 2 screens, and the icons still reach out behind the edge of the screen! :? So there is basicly no need to rush anything in the request forums, but either give people the time it takes, or wait for your request to magicly appear, unrequested, in the models and skins section.
i think some ppl should stop whining about requests, in my foum i clearly state in the rules that i have the right to deny any reqest for any reason. if they cant abide with that then dont post in the first place. i mean you should remember that that person is doing you the favor, even if it does take a long time, its not like they have to do reqests anyways. and its not like you lose anything if they decide to not do your request.
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
>_< ive been away too long i guess

since most of you missed the point, here it is blatently:

if i make a thread with a request, im not saying you HAVE to take it, but consider it at least. you people have, from what ive seen, never taken a request from a thread outside your own workshop.

ive asked for a D2 rogue model, a very simple model to make - just change clothes a little and give it a new skin - and it has just recently been made! so i would guess that they had nothing to do but make this model? why wasnt it made earlier when i and several other people have requested it?

answer that and youre smarter than me (not saying much, but hey...)
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
Do you want to know why i stopped doing requests, i used to get hundreds a day, even after you tell them to stop they keep asking.

And most requests are boreing can i have a model from Diablo 2 or this game.
I hate doing things from other games its boreing.

You want a modeller or skinner to help then maybe you should kick into gear and make some stuff for the people.

Why should we help someone who does nothing for us?

ok here is the situation your describeing.

Person x: a person who worked his way through the business ladder and now is makeing a huge paychck.

Person y: a person who is at the bottom of the ladder makeing crap money.

Person y gos to person x and asks hey can i have your paycheck?
Person x says no try to work for yourself i can help you learn the skills but im not going to give you my paycheck.

I personally think if your makeing a request, you should have drawn the concept art and have a map thats almost finished if not done already to show the person you want to request it from.

I cannot count the ammount of times someone has requested something for a map they have not even started or just ends.

oh and to clue you in.

Some people who can model cannot do model edits,
that means People like me cannot take a model in wc3 edit it and have a happy unit running around.

I have to make each animation by myself.

You complainging about a request not being completed till later really pisses me off and shows how noobish the people at this site can be, frankly makes me want to stop makeing stuff for download all together.
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
yes but the point of requests is for those people that dont know how to model :?
i dont want to be a modeller, and dont want your "paycheck" if you will. i just want a model. you set up a workshop, i make a request, and its ignored or claimed to be "too hard". thats what im having an issue with, not what you described :wink: .

sorry if i confused some people :eek:
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