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Level 10
Feb 22, 2008
So, this is sort of a modeling request but it doesn't have anything to do with
Warcraft 3... But bear with me, please.
So, there's this model I have, and it's in the filetype *.m3 (StarCraft 2).
I want it to be a different model type, *.dds (DirectDraw Surface).
I don't really have any idea how to convert the file!

Can anyone do one of these things for me:
•Tell me how to convert the file
•Convert the file for me
•Give me an alternative to converting the filetype
•Give me another option

I know this sort of belongs in the requests but I didn't post there for two reasons:
•I don't often get my requests completed
•This isn't a WarCraft 3 request
•There is also a forum for 3D modeling, I couldn't choose which

I've attached the *.m3 file, it's an immortal from StarCraft 2.
I've also attached a *.dds file for comparison, it's Urgot from League of Legends.


  • Immortal.m3
    596.9 KB · Views: 61
    488.4 KB · Views: 56
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