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[JASS] Where to see Function Definitions?

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Level 12
Mar 24, 2011

Title says it all,
Where or how can I see the Function Definitions of JASS natives?

function foo takes nothing returns nothing //This is easily found

function foo takes nothing returns nothing //Where can I find this?

There is a list of Declarations, but I can't find a list of Definitions.
JASS Manual: API Browser - common.j

I am expecting the answer to be of the sort of "You blind, use the link on the left of the one you have used." but still...

Level 12
Mar 24, 2011
Well, only for the BJ functions.
The lowest level natives are hardcoded and not made in jass obviously.
...aren't most BJ natives like:
function CreateUnitTotallyMadeUpBJ takes nothing returns nothing
 call CreateUnitTotallyMadeUp()
Just JASS wrappers for the actual functions...

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
The example given is a function which contains jass.
natives does not contain jass, they are hardcoded.

So if a function contains jass he is talking about a bj function such as
function MeleeStartingUnitsHuman takes player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload returns nothing
    local boolean  useRandomHero = IsMapFlagSet(MAP_RANDOM_HERO)
    local real     unitSpacing   = 64.00
    local unit     nearestMine
    local location nearMineLoc
    local location heroLoc
    local real     peonX
    local real     peonY
    local unit     townHall = null

    if (doPreload) then
        call Preloader( "scripts\\HumanMelee.pld" )

    set nearestMine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS)
    if (nearestMine != null) then
        // Spawn Town Hall at the start location.
        set townHall = CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'htow', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        // Spawn Peasants near the mine.
        set nearMineLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 320, 0)
        set peonX = GetLocationX(nearMineLoc)
        set peonY = GetLocationY(nearMineLoc)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.60 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 0.60 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)

        // Set random hero spawn point to be off to the side of the start location.
        set heroLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 384, 45)
        // Spawn Town Hall at the start location.
        set townHall = CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'htow', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        // Spawn Peasants directly south of the town hall.
        set peonX = GetLocationX(startLoc)
        set peonY = GetLocationY(startLoc) - 224.00
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)

        // Set random hero spawn point to be just south of the start location.
        set heroLoc = Location(peonX, peonY - 2.00 * unitSpacing)

    if (townHall != null) then
        call UnitAddAbilityBJ('Amic', townHall)
        call UnitMakeAbilityPermanentBJ(true, 'Amic', townHall)

    if (doHeroes) then
        // If the "Random Hero" option is set, start the player with a random hero.
        // Otherwise, give them a "free hero" token.
        if useRandomHero then
            call MeleeRandomHeroLoc(whichPlayer, 'Hamg', 'Hmkg', 'Hpal', 'Hblm', heroLoc)

    if (doCamera) then
        // Center the camera on the initial Peasants.
        call SetCameraPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY)
        call SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY)
Level 12
Mar 24, 2011
The example given is a function which contains jass.
natives does not contain jass, they are hardcoded.

So if a function contains jass he is talking about a bj function such as
function MeleeStartingUnitsHuman takes player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload returns nothing
    local boolean  useRandomHero = IsMapFlagSet(MAP_RANDOM_HERO)
    local real     unitSpacing   = 64.00
    local unit     nearestMine
    local location nearMineLoc
    local location heroLoc
    local real     peonX
    local real     peonY
    local unit     townHall = null

    if (doPreload) then
        call Preloader( "scripts\\HumanMelee.pld" )

    set nearestMine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS)
    if (nearestMine != null) then
        // Spawn Town Hall at the start location.
        set townHall = CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'htow', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        // Spawn Peasants near the mine.
        set nearMineLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 320, 0)
        set peonX = GetLocationX(nearMineLoc)
        set peonY = GetLocationY(nearMineLoc)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.60 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 0.60 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)

        // Set random hero spawn point to be off to the side of the start location.
        set heroLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 384, 45)
        // Spawn Town Hall at the start location.
        set townHall = CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'htow', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        // Spawn Peasants directly south of the town hall.
        set peonX = GetLocationX(startLoc)
        set peonY = GetLocationY(startLoc) - 224.00
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
        call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)

        // Set random hero spawn point to be just south of the start location.
        set heroLoc = Location(peonX, peonY - 2.00 * unitSpacing)

    if (townHall != null) then
        call UnitAddAbilityBJ('Amic', townHall)
        call UnitMakeAbilityPermanentBJ(true, 'Amic', townHall)

    if (doHeroes) then
        // If the "Random Hero" option is set, start the player with a random hero.
        // Otherwise, give them a "free hero" token.
        if useRandomHero then
            call MeleeRandomHeroLoc(whichPlayer, 'Hamg', 'Hmkg', 'Hpal', 'Hblm', heroLoc)

    if (doCamera) then
        // Center the camera on the initial Peasants.
        call SetCameraPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY)
        call SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY)
No, I am not talking BJ functions.
I want the low-mid level functions, don't really care about the high-level wrappers, those are around every corner...

I should have probably specified a bit more... I've put a link to the blizzard.j, thought that would push ppl in the right direction...

PS: Should have given the example in html or something... :|

nedio did obviously not know what or what not is inside, how a native is defined. So his example was for understanding, not for giving us information what its exact content is. He was clearly talking about natives with sharing a link to the natives list.

I want the low-mid level functions
natives implementation isn't public, in short.
Level 12
Mar 24, 2011
Awwwww... why was I expecting that actually... :|

We all know, if it exists, there is way to get to it. Edit// Not being public does not mean that it is not "available"/"explore-able" //endedit
I would imagine, some of the custom tools are made with at least "some insight" into those, mainly custom scripts & WEs?
Actually... they are mostly just re-packaging WE & JASS :|


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No, I am not talking BJ functions.
I want the low-mid level functions, don't really care about the high-level wrappers, those are around every corner...

I should have probably specified a bit more... I've put a link to the blizzard.j, thought that would push ppl in the right direction...

PS: Should have given the example in html or something... :|


That would be the common.j file. Even then, I think there's not a lot of documentation useful enough for dissection.

Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Probably inside a dll file... The people who hack in natives would probably know more about this though.
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