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Where do people play Wc3 custom games these days?

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Level 5
May 20, 2008
So I just installed the new Garena after not having used it for 2+ years and learned they no longer support LAN play; as a matter of fact I can't get WC3 to work with it at all. So where do people go to play custom games these days? Is it battle.net? Or is there another platform to use in place of garena?

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

I have the same problem, since I don't own an original version of the game, so I can't play on battle.net.
I never had an original version of the game. I used to play on gameranger custom maps like warchasers, 2P campaign and Dota. Gameranger is real simple and easy to use.
But it got kinda lame and i"m tired of playing warcraft 3 cuz i feel it's been a long time and i gotta let it go. I've been playing it since 2003 and yet i can't go a day without playing it or talking about it. I wish Blizzard had made other extensions of the game after TFT instead of releassing WoW.
Level 5
May 20, 2008
Interesting that some of you say that you play on bnet. Maybe it's because I am on Europe but last time I was online there was just a rather short list of custom games with mostly bots hosting the standard Dota and Footmen etc. Will have to check out gameranger.
Level 18
May 11, 2012
You can also host your games on entgaming.net. Just create account and hook up your map into database, and host and you're good to go.
It hosts on Garena RPG rooms, Battle.net servers and somewhere else I think.
For DotA fans, since Garena passed away, you can use RGC (Ranked Gaming Client).
Level 5
Jun 17, 2014
Eurobattlenet/battlenet/garena/entgaming, garena is working only when u change ur ip by using VPN

I never had an original version of the game. I used to play on gameranger custom maps like warchasers, 2P campaign and Dota. Gameranger is real simple and easy to use.
But it got kinda lame and i"m tired of playing warcraft 3 cuz i feel it's been a long time and i gotta let it go. I've been playing it since 2003 and yet i can't go a day without playing it or talking about it. I wish Blizzard had made other extensions of the game after TFT instead of releassing WoW.

As far as i know bilzard had idea to create warcraft4 but idk how it looks now
i think after releasing WoW with Sargeras [this gonna be propably in future :grin:] they gonna think about making new game something similar to warcraft/starcraft

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The afterlife. That is what all dead things are played! I even won a game with death the other day, man he is such a bad loser he started blabbing about eternal damnation and something about using my soul to line his something, meh what an idiot.
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Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
I still play on Garena, although rarely. I never got anything changed after that "removing LAN" thing, nor did any of my friends. Although, the average players in a room(in Bulgaria) is lower than ever and there are suprisingly alot of foreigners, too.
The main problem with WC3 is not that people do not want to play it, but people cannot as there is no longer any good way to find multiplayer games officially. Until all the host robots are removed no one will ever find a game with players in it.

Nah the main problem is people who are too lazy to look. Check MakeMeHost.com and ENT's site. Lots of people as well. Gamranger,Garena,PPVGN servers.

Also For B.Net on the US East Server there is Clan CPR7 and Clan BHoR though BHoR is way more active. There is also Clan BNJO where all the people for sport-type maps hang out. They usually play banjoball. Clan GG,Gote,FEAR/Rekt,NFL... Etc.

There's also that diplo site if you want to find people and one more I forgot the name of.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
The thing is that there are too much places you can play wc3 so instead there being 1 server with a lot of people there are a lot of servers with (relatively)few

Because LAN was removed from certain locations... but unfair why did I then lose LAN when I am next to you.

I remember reading somewhere that its in countries with less than a certain amount of players, although I doubt we have that much more players to make a difference, unless we were just barely over the line.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Guys, I'm glad somebody opened this topic. My Warcraft is a pirated version too, so I can't play using BNet. I tried GameRanger but somehow I couldnot enter any room. I have everything's disabled (Firewall, anti-virus, etc.) but still not working, it always prints firewall is blocking bla bla bla. Any idea?
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