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What you did today v1.0

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Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Went over to my friend's place who used to the urban kind of art thing, graffiti and all.
Borrowed a book which taught how to draw Narnia characters, which I thought was friggin cool. Even had a go at it.


PS. Is there a place where I can post my drawings?
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Many people...I would do, but i can't afford at the moment

Damn, i would so much wish to get my hands on Welcome to the Morbid Reich which is Vader's newest album

Or Fleshgod Apocalypse's Agony...and many more

I saw that Vader album in a store where i go to college.

(Damn it's so weird that when i would literaly translate it form dutch to english i should say high school instead of college...)
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Lucky you, it snows here even when it's not supposed to, like in mid April ;...;

Lucky you your water freezes so there's no tides
there are many dying here because of high tides,oh and on topic
Today i baked a pie for chat users

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

NOTHING. Yeah, you heard me.

I woke up at, what, 12 midday? Something like that. Showered. Passed time somehow. Went out and bought food. Ate. Discovered a fourth Underworld film will be released early next year (yay!), with Kate Beckinsale (yay more!) returning as Selene. Messed around in GIMP for a while without actually saving anything. Paid bills.

Generally feeling like shit today, without quite realizing why. Pfft. Maybe I should just go to bed.

Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
Today I got conjunctivitis :/..

That must be horrible...I hope you will get better soon :D

Btw, today, we only had 2 hours of school as there was a school trip and only 10 classmates were attending class hours then...and then i went home with a friend and we talked, and played and tralalala....And i heard there is a Reptile exhibit close to my home and i would really like to go there :D
Level 4
Aug 17, 2011
today i rediscovered StarCraft BroodWar after 6 years of not playing... still the best non-hero RTS in my opinion!
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Today I woke up and realised that my parents went without me to the minerals-exhibition.


And OMG I had the most horrifiying dream ever!

I was in my school, and suddenly, there was a men who selled Skyrim for 20 €!
But I didn't had that much money with me, all my classmates bought it, I was the only one who didin't. The next day I came to the school again and wanted to buy it and As I wanted to give him the money I woke up.

You know, I was like:
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
Today I woke up and realised that my parents went without me to the minerals-exhibition.


And OMG I had the most horrifiying dream ever!

I was in my school, and suddenly, there was a men who selled Skyrim for 20 €!
But I didn't had that much money with me, all my classmates bought it, I was the only one who didin't. The next day I came to the school again and wanted to buy it and As I wanted to give him the money I woke up.

You know, I was like:

Maybe this means something, maybe it means you will be the only guy on the planet who won't play Skyrim hehehe xD

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Worked on a walk cycle in Adobe Flash for animation class the entire day, still a long way to go. Tedious shit. I took a break from Flash and threw together a quick new concept for Hammath, though. Posted it in my art thread and on dA. Using it for the walk cycle (but of course).
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