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What would you do in this situation?

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Level 1
Oct 3, 2012
I'm a 20 year old woman and am in university. Today at the university library a guy who I have seen around campus a lot, but do not know, was using the computer two seats away from me. Well he did something odd, he asked me if I could help him with a physics problem, granted, it was a rather difficult problem. Since I'm nice and he was fairly attractive, I decided to help him out. Well it was a difficult problem and while we were trying to solve the problem, which took about 5 minutes, we talked about our other classes and school what-not. After solving the problem, he thanked me, and we went back to his computer two seats away from me.

Well about 15 minutes later he got up, apparently to leave, and on the way out he stopped by me and thanked me again for helping him. He seemed extremely nervous, and he handed me a piece of paper with his contact info on it. He said if I ever wanted to talk that I could contact him. I didn't know what to say, he was cute and he seemed nice and intelligent; after a few seconds passed he said "sorry this is really pathetic, I'm really bad at this, sorry and thanks for the help earlier... I have to get 'byeing'... I mean leaving, have a great day." He seemed extremely nervous around me and he quickly walked away after that.

I would like to hear the thoughts of the guys and girls here on this. What would you think of such a situation if it happened to you? Would you contact him at all via e-mail or Facebook? And what would you do the next time you ran into him on campus?
Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
I'm not a girl, I wouldn't technically know. However, contacting him online might be interesting, at least; it's likely he'd be more comfortable with you using that, and you can check his personality or whatever out as well. It's unlikely to harm you much... I think.

If I was given that treatment by a girl, I would be pretty happy, and probably contact her... But I'm a loner and a fairly asocial introvert with a likely case of social phobia, so who knows :p
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Look.. I was in the US, with 2 Japanese guys, 1 English Guy and 1 American guy. We sat in some bar to share a few words... (I am male too). When we were about to leave and asked for the bill, some not bad looking girl (I can't say she was my super dream or smth) around 20 years gave me the bill and her number behind with a text 'Call me =)'

And the other guys were like, 'How did you do that???' - I replied - 'Charisma'

And I called her. We went out but we didn't have time to meet much since she was going to another town... that's another story.

So you should have grabbed the phone number and called him. Kind of like I did with the note I received.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Sounds romantic and creepy at the same time. I thought giving your contact out of nothing to people you don't know was a thing of anime 'o_O

some not bad looking girl (I can't say she was my super dream or smth) around 20 years gave me the bill and her number behind with a text 'Call me =)'

Welcome to the US.. (or other countries where people are open for that matter...). Not the nationalistic, closed within Europe we live in.
Level 8
Jul 9, 2006
Welcome to the US.. (or other countries where people are open for that matter...). Not the nationalistic, closed within Europe we live in.

Europe is the nationalistic one? You seem to be forgetting that the US started a war in Iraq just because there lived a terrorist that "attacked" the US.

Imo it just means that in the US some people are more liberal with their contact information and feel more at ease with strangers. Or maybe you just behaved in a charming way for Americans, while in Europe it wouldn't have been seen as charming.

Or you could just have been lucky. Tbh I think that's the most likely reason.

No matter how precisely you describe a situation or a person, you won't get as good advice as from, let's say, your friends and family.

However, just to point out, JessicaHero did not state to want advice on this, but how we would react in a sitation like that. ;)

However, our chieftain wrote the perfect comment, answering both, seeking of advice and one's own reaction:
Ralle said:
Well, the question is. Do you want to have anything to do with him? Yes => get in touch, No => don't. Simple as that.
Level 5
Oct 12, 2007
I wouldn't exactly come to an online forum for love advice if i were you.

Why not, people like me are heavily experienced with love and romances and happily share my experience.

But the answer is really, really simple as previous people said.
If you want to get to know him, whether it be sexually, socially or in any kind of way - contact him
if not, don't.

Very simple
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
I'm a 20 year old woman and am in university. Today at the university library a guy who I have seen around campus a lot, but do not know, was using the computer two seats away from me. Well he did something odd, he asked me if I could help him with a physics problem, granted, it was a rather difficult problem. Since I'm nice and he was fairly attractive, I decided to help him out. Well it was a difficult problem and while we were trying to solve the problem, which took about 5 minutes, we talked about our other classes and school what-not. After solving the problem, he thanked me, and we went back to his computer two seats away from me.

Well about 15 minutes later he got up, apparently to leave, and on the way out he stopped by me and thanked me again for helping him. He seemed extremely nervous, and he handed me a piece of paper with his contact info on it. He said if I ever wanted to talk that I could contact him. I didn't know what to say, he was cute and he seemed nice and intelligent; after a few seconds passed he said "sorry this is really pathetic, I'm really bad at this, sorry and thanks for the help earlier... I have to get 'byeing'... I mean leaving, have a great day." He seemed extremely nervous around me and he quickly walked away after that.

I would like to hear the thoughts of the guys and girls here on this. What would you think of such a situation if it happened to you? Would you contact him at all via e-mail or Facebook? And what would you do the next time you ran into him on campus?
I don't know for sure what I'd do in your situation, maybe I'd ask for advice on a god damn modding community.
Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
>0 posts
>join date october
>no avatar
>posts relationshit stuff even tough "she" 's a new user to the community

clearly a troll multiaccount but somehow everyone is going along, shit the iluminati ARE real and they're buisy trolling the hive with retarded threads

It didn't turn into a flamefest though. Hmm, could it be a spambot?

Also it's not the illuminati, it's aliens
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I feel this is just a student at psychology who is doing a paper on something related to gamers, as she presented a situation and asked us what we would do.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The topic creator is a robot. There are dozens of threads around the internet identical to this.

It must be farming the responses to...
I would like to hear the thoughts of the guys and girls here on this. What would you think of such a situation if it happened to you? Would you contact him at all via e-mail or Facebook? And what would you do the next time you ran into him on campus?
to use them somewhere. Whatever its purpose is one can only assume it is malicious. Phrases of such messages might be used to pass an Allan Turning test to some degree as they are created by humans. This would allow the robot owner to use such phrases as part of some scam like an online dating scam.
Level 17
Jul 17, 2011
The topic creator is a robot. There are dozens of threads around the internet identical to this.

It must be farming the responses to...

to use them somewhere. Whatever its purpose is one can only assume it is malicious. Phrases of such messages might be used to pass an Allan Turning test to some degree as they are created by humans. This would allow the robot owner to use such phrases as part of some scam like an online dating scam.

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