Somebody tells you to kill yourself, What do you do???

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Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Fairly recently, a bit of a pathetic friend of mine (well more of a kid I don't like saying I am friends with), told me his little sister told him to kill himself

He tells me he said "Ok I will!", and I said to myself "Uhhhh.... huh?"

I mean, that is a retarded comeback, but I really couldn't come up with a half-decent comeback that he should use

So I just said, "That was a dumb thing to say"

He says "Oh but thats what your supposed to say, if somebody tells you to kill yourself"

...the fuck?

Usually I would say something along the lines of "If that was me I'd just <insert intelligent response here>, not say something dumb like 'I'm gonna kill myself, waah!!' "
Heres my question:

"What do you do when a person tells you to kill yourself?"
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
I don't know if I mentioned this fellah is a bit pathetic, I had heard recently he was quick at boxing, but he's maybe 60 pounds and about 6 inches less than I am (I'm about 6'1 + 190lbs.)[For all you metres people, DEAL! x)]

And, he was talking to his little sister, I don't know how his poor mother would react to her daughter flying
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
that depends. If my friend tells me to kill myself, I tell him/her "Fuck you" (usually in a friendly way) . When one of my relative tells me I say, "Haha, very funny, screw you" (in a ruder way than I speak to my friends) When someone whom I don't know tells me to kill myself, either I ignore him/her or just say "Fuck you"
If I keep looking at you, I will.

Acually, Ok I will isnt bad. They normaly can't say anything back. After that act really smug and stuck up. Then theres nothing to say back to you and It really annoys them.... With some things anyways, this might not be the best situation to use that tactic though.

My brother allways says things like "So what to you!" Really, reallllly smugly and waves me away, or says "Well so what" when it has NOTHING too do with the convorsation. He says it really smugly and makes a face that.. well.. looks like it needs too be flushed? (Luckly I dont ever do that..) It really annoys me and normaly isnt much to say back.

Another good thing is to mock what a terrible insult it is. It implys they are far to weak to do it themselves and they have no original insults on hand, and they were clearly bugged by you, (If you were trying?)

Ive never been told to go die, though. I generally dont have very many fights like that...
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Yeah me neither, I'm pretty glad too, I would need a good comeback in my memory bank atm to not sound like a schmuck ><

I just remembered a few of the most simplistic and somewhat funny comebacks I used to use often

"Go kill yourself"

"Go kill yourself"
"No, You do it"

Offtopic - a few comebacks/jokes I remembered I would say with my friends

Friend - "Yeah, well FUCK YOU!"
Me - "No." (Assertively, don't forget to stare them in the eyes)
Friend - "What am I supposed to say 'Yes??' "

In order to use any of those, you kinda require an expressionless face until you get the effect you were looking for

...and lastly the overall generic null all insults comeback
Friend - "<insert insult here>"
Me - "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I DON'T HEAR YOU TALK!!!" (Of course jokingly, but don't forget to be unnecessarily loud and angry, usually you will get a decent laugh)
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I have no experience on this topic, as I am usually the one saying the aforementioned phrase. However, if put in such a situation, I shall reply thusly so:

Why? Are you too pussy to do it yourself?
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Oo oo oo I got one

"Go kill yourself"
"Thats a retarded idea, and you should jump off a cliff for thinking up such a dumb idea"
Level 8
Jul 10, 2007
"Omfg! HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH SUCH A GOOD INSULT that doesn't give me any room for comebacks!!!!" (excited)
*Clap hands*
Yeah me neither, I'm pretty glad too, I would need a good comeback in my memory bank atm to not sound like a schmuck ><

I just remembered a few of the most simplistic and somewhat funny comebacks I used to use often

"Go kill yourself"

"Go kill yourself"
"No, You do it"

Offtopic - a few comebacks/jokes I remembered I would say with my friends

Friend - "Yeah, well FUCK YOU!"
Me - "No." (Assertively, don't forget to stare them in the eyes)
Friend - "What am I supposed to say 'Yes??' "

In order to use any of those, you kinda require an expressionless face until you get the effect you were looking for

...and lastly the overall generic null all insults comeback
Friend - "<insert insult here>"
Me - "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I DON'T HEAR YOU TALK!!!" (Of course jokingly, but don't forget to be unnecessarily loud and angry, usually you will get a decent laugh)
Yeah, well im Mr. Goodie-goodie and dont use bad words.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
"I've actually been thinking about that a lot. Say... if you believe in reincarnation, is it suicide or rape? I'd really hate to be a rapist."
Level 3
Nov 4, 2007
"sorry, im not just some suicide bomber" thats what i would say
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Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Lawl, yeah simply pretending a person means to you about as much as some guy clipping his nails in Ohio is often very effective
Level 10
Sep 6, 2007
" I'm too lazy to kill myself "
" I don't know Harakiri "
" Sorry but I'm the last person to suicide on this world "
" Me > you so you should die instead "
" Ignored "
" Well since your doctor said me to leave you alone and behave good to you, I'll just dont mind it. Since these may be your last days "
" Sorry, I dont know what you mean. Speak Spanish. "
" Nobody asked your cute opinions "
" I'm too young to die !!! "
" Well, if I kill myself, world will lose something. However if you were to kill yourself, world would lose nothing. "
" Death is only the beginning so no matter for me "
" Fine, I'll do it! "
Some sentences I thought.
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Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Heh, I thought of a few

"Teach me Harikari"

Something I found is pretty much good for any insult

"Shutup Foo"


"Shutup, you bum"
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
You gotta say it correctly

If you drag it out to like "Shhuut Upp!, You are a Bum!!1" WAHAHAHAHA

Then it is awful

If you say it quick, and with a little voice tone, it sounds great and is pretty funny
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