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What is your flu treatment?

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Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Apple cider vinegar flushes out the body of toxins and has so many natural benefits. My sister, a health nut who worked at a gym at the time, suggested it after she tried it. I've been taking a shot or two almost every day for about a year now, and I noticed an overall improvement in my health within the first couple weeks without getting sick since.

The taste can be a little extreme and goes down better when mixing it with honey, water or tea. You might feel a little strange the first few days of taking it while your body is getting used to it and getting rid of the bad stuff from your system, but I guarantee you that it's 100% safe and will at least speed up your recovery if little else. Do some research on it if you're skeptical like I was.
Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
  • Plenty of rest
  • Increase your intake of water or other beverages except caffeinated or alcoholic
  • Broth (could be chicken, beef or vegetable) keeps you hydrated and liquefy any mucous secretions
  • Gargling salt water (1:1 ratio warm water to salt) to soothe a sore throat
  • If you have a hacking cough then mix 1 tablespoon honey into 1 cup hot water, stir well, and enjoy. It's a traditional chinese medicine for coughs.
  • Take aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen
You know exactly why.

Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
What is Alternate Medicine and what relation does it have with religion?

I'm terribly ill right now and my family has always been against chemical medicine, so I take various teas and natural medicine and stuff like that, but it passes sooo slowly D:
Do you have any secret remedy for flu?
If you are 'terribly' ill you should rest instead of being in front of a screen.
Flu takes it time. In general, build your immunity and have a healthy life style and you will keep illnesses at bay.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
What is Alternate Medicine and what relation does it have with religion?

Anything that isn't already acclaimed to be "medicine" by doctors, for the former.
And what in the deepest atoms of my piss does religion have to do with this?

I know Tim Minchin generally has a religion-critical angling to most of his songs and
works, and this one, Storm, is no different. But in this exact scenario I meant to use
the quote literally for what it says and what it means: "Medicine" is only medicine
because doctors, with a degree and several years of extreme health and anatomy
studies, has labelled them medicine. And they do so because it works.

In our modern day and age, with so much information available on a glowing screen,
it's easy, far too easy, to convince oneself of the delusion that "I know better than the
experts." Five minutes of reading an article online apparently makes you much smarter
than a person whose studied a specific field for more than seven years, and then
continue the rest of his career working with what he studied.

It's understandable that in a country such as US, and other countries like it, where
there is very little trust between people, and between the government and people,
it's easy to... Well... Don't trust doctors, or anyone related to one's personal health
except oneself. But most places in the world, people become doctors, and health
related experts because they care for other people's health, yadda yadda.

Bottom line: Trust doctors, and health personnel, they care.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
So alternate medicine is just home made remedies. Okay. I thought it was some new fad among the prosperous. I am usually ignorant of new terms. Excuse me.
Yes, true, people should not play with their bodies, if they are not fully aware. They cam do harm then good. If there is a hospital then avail its service instead of self medication.

Yet, there are parts of this world where modern day medicine is still not available. In these places Shamans and medicine men use ancient knowledge of herbs to cure the sick. Even in these places people don't self medicate and prefer visiting the Shaman's hut :)
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Get tons of vitamin C (fruits [especially citrus], vegetables like tomatoes etc...) and drink a reasonable amount of water. If you just drink litres of water, it will avail you nothing. You'll find yourself going to the bathroom every hour, excreting most water as urine and still being a bit thirsty for no reason (personal experience)
Get loads of rest, a lot of iron and don't stay too much in front of a computer/TV screen or, even worse, mobile phones' screens. They cause bothersome headaches.
I'm terribly ill right now and my family has always been against chemical medicine, so I take various teas and natural medicine and stuff like that, but it passes sooo slowly D:
Do you have any secret remedy for flu?

tell this rt your family

Fresh Unpolluted Air is a made of Oxygen and other gas

Oxygen is a Kind of chemical :O
you breath oxygen

your brain produces lots of hormone,
You yourself are made of chemical :O

H20 is a Kind of Chemical, you drink it everyday
and You have it all over your body

The effect that herbs give are made of chemical :O

So tell me, what food or herb are not chemical? :)
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Lol is it a coincidence that I had a Chemistry exam today?
So yeah, everything is made of chemicals. The H2O you drink, the O2 you inhale and CO2 you exhale, the C6H12O6 you eat daily and use to respire etc... Humans are mixtures of countless chemicals so, yes, we can say that the whole life is chemicals and chemicals. :grin:
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
So tell me, what food or herb are not chemical? :)

You are right but you did not understand what the user wanted to say.
Everything is chemical indeed, as we are too, carbon based life forms but...not all chemicals are good for us. He wants to avoid those chemicals which will harm him in the long run, as most effects are not immediate.

See, all types of medicines are made to cure by doing chemical reactions in our body but some of these reactions can have side effects. Such as the pain killer Diclofenac, which was banned for human use because it caused Gout and heart problems in people. Later Livestock farmers (especially in India) used Diclofenac on cattle (which was allowed cause cattle are not human). Dead cattle are usually dumped outside villages in India where they are left to the scavengers. Vultures being the most prolific, started perishing after consuming diclofenac-laced meat. Early in 2012, two Steppe eagles were also found dead at a cattle carcass dump in India. Vets discovered both birds had gout – a telltale sign of diclofenac poisoning. As a result Vultures are almost extinct in India....all because of a simple pain killer drug. There is more to read on the subject. Search Diclofenac on google.

So, you see my young friend, not all chemicals are safe for humans or other organic beings, although we are also made of chemicals. :)

Try and not put your faith in a single option, "alternatives" can be good if chosen carefully ;-)
Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
That happens when professionals didn't make an intensive study about the chemicals that they are researching. They should know what the risks should be because most people are paranoids but since they somewhat became careless or something (I don't know why) it will affect us or our environment.

Yes some of the medicines we take have side effects but not all of them has on all of us. That's why we should see a doctor if the medication we take will not harm us.

Medicine has been proven to be safe especially years of careful studies by our doctors and researchers. It's just a matter of the knowledge by the common which is the reason that they are harmed.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
I prefer to take as little medicine as possible when it comes to getting colds / flu. Although I did get a prescription for a "Z-Pack" I believe it was called a while ago when me and my gf both had a really bad flu (we also both had pink eye so that might have been why it was such an annoying flu)
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Thing is though, Knight, you can't hardly blame those who made the medicine.
Sure if you look far into the matter you might discover that they didn't do enough
research or that they made a mistake. But the mistake of that medicine killing
vultures is more of a global political problem and that if India's governments lack
of responsibility on the matter than it is the fault of the creators.

The bottom line point is: Even professionals make mistakes, as much as pretenders
sometimes make lucky guesses. I'd still trust certificates and proper research opposed
to some voodoo guy waving a stick any day, however. There is a higher risk of
something going wrong with untested "alternative" medicines than... Well... Medicine.
There's always risks with everything, but if you're going to take it to a certain extent,
you might as well say that living is dangerous. The point is to limit the dangers as
much as possible, not to completely remove them. (Which is impossible.)
Philippine old traditional flu treatment .

- Get a candle, then cut into 3 pieces.
- A spoon
- Lighter
- A bowl of water
- Some leaves

Procedure(it is done by quack doctors or "albularyo" :
1. Pray (alaalalalalallalala)
2. Light the candle...
3. Put the chopped candles into a spoon then melt it on fire ....
4. Once the candle is melted, pour it on the waterbowl, the candle will hardened again.
5. Get the candle into the bowl and see if some Elves/dwarfs/fairies/demons/Witches are making you sick ...
6. After you confirmed the cause of your flu, you must massage the patient....
7. Then, blow a candle and the patient must sniff the smoke
8. Tadaaahhh....

Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
Philippine old traditional flu treatment .

- Get a candle, then cut into 3 pieces.
- A spoon
- Lighter
- A bowl of water
- Some leaves

Procedure(it is done by quack doctors or "albularyo" :
1. Pray (alaalalalalallalala)
2. Light the candle...
3. Put the chopped candles into a spoon then melt it on fire ....
4. Once the candle is melted, pour it on the waterbowl, the candle will hardened again.
5. Get the candle into the bowl and see if some Elves/dwarfs/fairies/demons/Witches are making you sick ...
6. After you confirmed the cause of your flu, you must massage the patient....
7. Then, blow a candle and the patient must sniff the smoke
8. Tadaaahhh....


I've experienced this when I was a child but there are no sniffing.
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