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What do you think of these arenas?

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Level 17
Feb 11, 2011

I've decided to open World Editor again after about 2 months. I want to create a hero arena map. This is what I have so far:


The map will consist of up to 4 teams with 3 players each. In each of the corners is each team's base. In between rounds they are teleported there to heal and buy items. In between the top 2 bases is an arena for 2 teams. The other larger arena is for 2 - 4 teams. Each team will spawn in a different region each round. I still have to do the left-hand side arena.

I was thinking of adding something else: each round creeps spawn that everyone can kill. Killing a creep gives your team x points and killing an enemy hero gives y points. At the end of each round the team with the post points get some sort of bonus.

What do you think of the idea?
How do the arenas look?
Any comments, criticisms and ideas are welcome.


Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
i like it....but i have to mention some things.

differ the areas. at the moment you have a forest one, a forest one and one that will be a forest one :D make one a forest, one ice and one inside a dungeon with lava which will kill you when you step on it....just an example....make areas unique and different to each other :D also id say to make 4-5 more areas because just 3 areas for 4 teams arent many...maybe up to 10 in total...something like that.

everything else....ill see what youll do xD
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
Hmmm, interesting...
10 arenas? Even though all the players will be in the same one each round?
I will try to make them different; problem is that; I'm not creative :(
Thanks for the comments.

EDIT: I think I will stick to 3 for now. If people actually like the map then I may expand it. I will make the left arena into a snowy one, and the top one into lava.

Do you like how the bases are? Or should everyone use the same on and temporarily be made allies or something?
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Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
the bases are nice/okay....you could do it that way or with just one base and ally the players for that time...that doesnt matter...although...i would stay with the 4 bases...its nicer that way somehow ;D

to the arenas...how is it solved with 4 teams and just 2 spawns?
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
I was thinking of having 1 base, but then you would be able to see what the enemies are buying. But I guess it's not too bad. I would also have more space for arenas.

Haha, the one with 2 spawns would be if there are only 2 teams :D
Do you think they should all be for 4 players?
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
i would make all arenas with 4 spawns and spawn the teams randomly in the areas so if there are less teams 1 or 2 spawns are empty.
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
that looks a lot better ;D

but a question...how you want the fights work? because you built the arenas so thats its just a fast-kill-everything type of fighting is...would be really cool if you would expand the map a bit and would add hides, different ways (and maybe ways just certain hereos can walk) and things like that to the arenas so that each fights is unique...i hope you get what i mean xD
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
Yes I do understand. But I don't want rounds to be drawn out too long. I would like them to be action-packed and over within a minute or two. Remember there will also be creeps to kill which earn points.

Should I add a timer to each round or make it end when one team has won? I think a timer would be better (that the host can choose the duration) so that if someone keeps running away it won't go on for ever.
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
oh okay....then the arenas are perfect id say ^^ (just add a bit eyecandy xD)

to the timer....id say add a timer so if for example 30 seconds no damage is dealt to anyone start a 10 seconds timer that will kill everyone alive and reduces their stats for example...some punishement for the fleeing ^^
Level 1
Aug 11, 2012
Maybe you should do both...Team with xx points win, but if it takes too long some random events will spice it up like falling comets or thunder striking random places, even strong power up runes.
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011
Another Question:
I have created a system where each hero has a critical strike ability for attacks and spells. Do you think this is a good idea? If so, how should the chance and multiplier be calculated? Should they be dependent on stats or should you use gold to increase them?
Level 1
Aug 11, 2012
How about this, certain items will enable critical for certain spells...if you have spell Fireball and you buy something (lets say Wand of Flames) then you get % to do critical or burning damage over time. That way you will make it more tactical, or even something like every 7th Fireball deals crit.
I know you want it for every spell but this just popped on my mind :)

About the attack critical I suggest you make it stats based, something like this:
5 str = +0.1 multiplier
2 int = +1% chance
and for agility i'm not sure...make it +dodge chance

What do you think ?? :)
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