Quick Survey on Hero Arenas

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Level 17
Jul 15, 2009
Hi readers,

I'm making a quick survey in order to get some feedback on hero arenas in warcraft 3 in order to make a good one!
Please fill it in and post it as a reply on this thread.


1. How long have you been playing Warcraft 3?

2. Do you have any experience playing Hero Arenas?

3. How long should a average Hero Arena take?

4. Do you prefer predefined roles like healers, tanks and damagers?

5. Do you prefer a large hero pool or a smaller hero pool where each hero can be picked on both sides (e.g. League of Legends™'s hero pool)?

6. Do items make a difference in a intense Hero Arena?

7. Do you prefer items that are bought from a shop, or dropped from enemies (e.g. a Pyromancer player might drop a Pyromancer's Staff)?

8. Does the terrain have to be large with loads of cliffs (e.g. DotA's terrain) or a small intense arena (e.g. Bloodline Champions™'s maps)?

9. Do you prefer 3 smaller rounds over 1 big game?

10. Should a Hero Arena be tailored for competative play or just for fun?

11. Should heroes on the same team be Team-Colored (e.g. Bloodline Champions™'s team colored heroes)?

12. Should the camera in a Hero Arena be locked on the player's hero or free to move around?

13. Should a Hero Arena have a save/load system that allows you to keep items?
This only applies on a item system that is described in question 7!

14. Would emergency abilities like a Defense boost, Damage boost and a Party-Wide Heal. which can only be used once each round, make a addition to a Hero Arena?
This only applies on a hero class system that is described in question 4!

15. Should fallen heroes be possible to revive during a round in a Hero Arena?
This only applies on short rounds without a resurrection system!
Level 5
Jan 12, 2010
1. How long have you been playing Warcraft 3? I've been playing Warcraft 4-5 years, but it's primarily been on and off.

2. Do you have any experience playing Hero Arenas? A little

3. How long should a average Hero Arena take? 15-20 minutes?

4. Do you prefer predefined roles like healers, tanks and damagers?

5. Do you prefer a large hero pool or a smaller hero pool where each hero can be picked on both sides (e.g. League of Legends™'s hero pool)? Large hero pool where each hero can be picked on both sides

6. Do items make a difference in a intense Hero Arena? Yes

7. Do you prefer items that are bought from a shop, or dropped from enemies (e.g. a Pyromancer player might drop a Pyromancer's Staff)? Bought from a shop. Need a clarification: if the item is dropped from an enemy, does that enemy LOSE that item? (assuming it's an enemy hero)

8. Does the terrain have to be large with loads of cliffs (e.g. DotA's terrain) or a small intense arena (e.g. Bloodline Champions™'s maps)? Small intense arena

9. Do you prefer 3 smaller rounds over 1 big game? 3 smaller rounds

10. Should a Hero Arena be tailored for competative play or just for fun? Both

11. Should heroes on the same team be Team-Colored (e.g. Bloodline Champions™'s team colored heroes)? Yes

12. Should the camera in a Hero Arena be locked on the player's hero or free to move around? Free to move around. Please, locked cameras are very inflexible and I HIGHLY TEND TO AVOID maps with locked cameras.

13. Should a Hero Arena have a save/load system that allows you to keep items? Don't care.

14. Would emergency abilities like a Defense boost, Damage boost and a Party-Wide Heal. which can only be used once each round, make a addition to a Hero Arena? Sure why not.

15. Should fallen heroes be possible to revive during a round in a Hero Arena? No, after the round ends is when revival should take place
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
The Survey

1. I started on 2006, playing it whenever I get to my cousin's house. I bought my own on 2008 and never stopped playing it ever since.

2. Well, yes.

3. Hmm... It depends, really. If it's supposed to be a really complicated yet interesting one, I wouldn't mind having 30-60 mins, if it's a simple, classic one, then =< 30 would do fine.

4. It depends on the context of the game. Usually in games like WoW Arena there are roles like that which fit into the lore perfectly, but if the game or its lore doesn't need them, then I don't think so.

5. You mean like DotA's too? Well, maybe a game mode for each would do great.

6. Oh yes, they do.

7. It'd be interesting to see yourself get items off player kills, I'm more used to the shop one though, but I wouldn't mind either.

8. A smell, interesting and beautiful terrain would do, although big ones are nice for long/classic games like DotA.

9. With a rematch function, yes.

10. It depends on how you want it to be, if you want it to be competitive, I'll try promoting it and making it that way, if not, a fun one would be relaxing.

11. I usually play mine with player colors (Green, Teal, etc.), but I wouldn't actually mind.

12. Free to move around at best, but having locked for a mysterious feel and sense of uneasiness is interesting too.

13. Hmm... That'll be like an RPG though, which isn't typical for Hero Arenas, but heck, if you're doing it I'll go with it.

14. That'd be nice, like a Limit Break, but at times it just gets annoying or even becomes a burden to the team.

15. Yes if it's applicable for certain heroes only, or it'll just be annoying, unless they're allowed to 'Buy Back'.

Well, thanks for the survey, I'm glad you're curious about making your map and get opinions first:)
By the way, Warcraft III is getting more popular, so expect a lot of people to play your Hero Arena!
Level 9
Sep 18, 2010
1. How long have you been playing Warcraft 3?
I've started playing it in 2004 ending I believe, online after 2008
2. Do you have any experience playing Hero Arenas?
Yea, played maps like Angel Arena, Gladiator stuff, but Never found a satisfying enough perfect one from this type of genre

3. How long should a average Hero Arena take?
By my taste and time I don't think any map should exceed 30mins
I prefer to keep it short and sweet, to be able to complete the started game and to have more games.

4. Do you prefer predefined roles like healers, tanks and damagers?
hmm Yea that's one thing I would say that is best until maintained.
5. Do you prefer a large hero pool or a smaller hero pool where each hero can be picked on both sides (e.g. League of Legends™'s hero pool)?
Medium Size Hero Pool is cool imho
for this I would say one Hero per game is good than having doubles.

6. Do items make a difference in a intense Hero Arena?
I do believe they should, otherwise they would be pretty pointless.

7. Do you prefer items that are bought from a shop, or dropped from enemies (e.g. a Pyromancer player might drop a Pyromancer's Staff)?
Both,though some items would be better found by killing some special unit rather than to farm tones of gold and just buy it.

8. Does the terrain have to be large with loads of cliffs (e.g. DotA's terrain) or a small intense arena (e.g. Bloodline Champions™'s maps)?
Terrain doesn't have to be very Large Imho, something not very small where your enemy can trap you easily nor very big where you keep running miles with no fights.

9. Do you prefer 3 smaller rounds over 1 big game?
1 Big game is what I'd prefer, this is more like comparing a Usual CS game where if you die you die until the next round to a Halo CE game where if you die you get respawn in a few secs
though setting a limitation on the Respawn would be good.

10. Should a Hero Arena be tailored for competative play or just for fun?

This might seem like Ranting But if people out there would open their eyes and least try out something different yes this game can be competative
otherwise it's pretty much just for fun right now

11. Should heroes on the same team be Team-Colored (e.g. Bloodline Champions™'s team colored heroes)?
I don't think this is something that should be needed as there is an option to change team colour in Wc3 while playing.
12. Should the camera in a Hero Arena be locked on the player's hero or free to move around?
Free to Move FTW! Locked does limit you pretty much.
13. Should a Hero Arena have a save/load system that allows you to keep items?
This only applies on a item system that is described in question 7!
I would say no, otherwise it would turn out to be some WoWish game where old players have Heavy Gears who simply pawn the new ones.
14. Would emergency abilities like a Defense boost, Damage boost and a Party-Wide Heal. which can only be used once each round, make a addition to a Hero Arena?
This only applies on a hero class system that is described in question 4!
Yes it pretty much can, Something like that should be given importance.
15. Should fallen heroes be possible to revive during a round in a Hero Arena?
This only applies on short rounds without a resurrection system!As answered before Respawning time to time will be best Imho
if the Hero is revive-able it probably will cost alot of gold and the player who has scored more kills will be mostly the one who can revive himself
so it would be like 1 Hero has reached a stage where people call it OP,
some how the other Team manages to Kill this one but then BOOM it's back

personally really like your "Ashenvale Tournament" but it's just that I don't find many people who would play it with it with those bots, garena patch difference and stuff, you know any place where Hero Arenas are more played ?
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
My Answer :)

1. How long have you been playing Warcraft 3?

since 2003

2. Do you have any experience playing Hero Arenas?

yes and there are more useful in custom maps

3. How long should a average Hero Arena take?

about 30 mins, but if the game is more acknowledged in good quality and better understandings, it would take up 1hr or more

4. Do you prefer predefined roles like healers, tanks and damagers?

depends if you didn't follow "World of Warcraft" or any other copied classes from other games, then the game's characters would be a must!

5. Do you prefer a large hero pool or a smaller hero pool where each hero can be picked on both sides (e.g. League of Legends™'s hero pool)?

I rather say it depends on the player's delight in the game and as well for its incoming updates, but my suggestion. you start in a smaller scale of heroes before you start adding more so that players can visualize more about the starter packs of the game and slowly understand them and there you make more undefined hero sets that players would start wanting more.

6. Do items make a difference in a intense Hero Arena?

of course! I would kill myself if a there would be a proof of a low quality damage making mage that can kill an super-strength warlock with one normal hit

7. Do you prefer items that are bought from a shop, or dropped from enemies (e.g. a Pyromancer player might drop a Pyromancer's Staff)?

I prefer buying items than dropping ones, because dropping items are more described as overpowering items, inbalanced ones, or in a short term, strong enough that each players must struggle to get it from the owner.

8. Does the terrain have to be large with loads of cliffs (e.g. DotA's terrain) or a small intense arena (e.g. Bloodline Champions™'s maps)?

It depends on the theme your making, if yah want it in a "express those fantasy based chills!" then yeh go make good cliffs, but if yah want it to be like "I'm a full-grown brutish ogre and I want more smashing action!" then make those desired coliseum arenas like everyone dream to be on it someday.

9. Do you prefer 3 smaller rounds over 1 big game?

well noh, I want it to be filling it my time with excitement and entertaining to my gaming skills, so I prefer it on character's requests.

10. Should a Hero Arena be tailored for competative play or just for fun?

Tailored, because your game might be adored for tournaments and such, making a hero arena that is just for fun would only waste your time and it will only be described as a hobby than a serious game mechanic to build.

11. Should heroes on the same team be Team-Colored (e.g. Bloodline Champions™'s team colored heroes)?

Yes, its much more describable! but if yah want it to be different or made an idea to the next level, then sure go ahead, make hero arena that doesn't need team colors [like Shadowraze Wars]

12. Should the camera in a Hero Arena be locked on the player's hero or free to move around?

Free to move around is much more pleasing than a locked camera because the free one can give you a lot of access in strategies and limitless tactics in the game, while the locked one is basically described as different, more of a hobby-like output in my experiences.

13. Should a Hero Arena have a save/load system that allows you to keep items?
This only applies on a item system that is described in question 7!

No its not good, every hero arena takes place in basic ones before the game takes on a higher role in times past, so in my concerns its bad. the only save/load system that can allow such maps are mini-games, and rpgs

14. Would emergency abilities like a Defense boost, Damage boost and a Party-Wide Heal. which can only be used once each round, make a addition to a Hero Arena?
This only applies on a hero class system that is described in question 4!

Its only good for Hero Defenses rather than Hero Arenas, so for my understandings, it depends if the game is more complicated to play.

15. Should fallen heroes be possible to revive during a round in a Hero Arena?
This only applies on short rounds without a resurrection system!

Well every hero arena is unique in a possible play time, so it would be great if someone can actually make one right up til now :)

"there yah have it bro! happy map-making!" :)
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