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We need new expansion!

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Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
Seriously i would post this as suggestion on Battle.net forum, but considering the Community Manager which is Starcraft lover which doesn't think about anything more from Starcraft.
First to change things in a favor of warcraft we need NEW community manager for warcraft.
Second what this games needs is an expansion. Come on people, it has been 7 years now since the release of the Warcraft III, and 6 years from the release of Frozen throne. We need expansion or the new chapter called Warcraft IV which is highly unlikely because the milk machine called WoW is still there.
Basically what i would like for expansion is:

* Include naga in the race choosing
* Improve graphics
* Change game icons
* Give us new interfaces
* Give the game RPG system that is similar to Rexxars campaign
* Make Battle.net map type called RPG which is reserved for those kind of maps which would use different functions instead of normal maps.
* Give us Risiko map. Hell it would be lot of fun playing on the map of Azeroth conquering the whole world.
* An option to design our Heroes
* Make battlefield more realistic by adding damage effect on battle field, ground breaking.
* God powers
* Special Hero in campaigns called Racial leader or important character.
* More naval fighting
* Wondering NPC'S
* Map disasters
* Weather changes
* Campaigns considering warcraft books.
* Ability to command more units and more in Risiko type play.
* Racial abilities
* Better trading options
* Auctions where you offer some item and the one who has the best offer gets it
* Better cinematic.

What would happened is:
People would get hyped once again
More people would play warcraft as RTS
Dota would be more awesome( unless he keeps it in warcraft 3 style)

Basically we badly need new chapter or expansion!:spell_breaker:
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
If blizzard will decide to sit down and continue the warcraft rts they will make wc4, not an expansion.

i myself dont really know where they can take it. beside the noraml "better graphics, more units" i dont know how much they want to stick to the original formula.

they will probebly do everything the same but better to not piss off the fans (what would you say if it will be came a squad based game or realistic damage to body parts all of a sudden? that's not warcraft!).

they are making sc2 now, that means that after that they will make wc4, no doubt (they also said it themselves, but it will be in a long time).
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
If they keep their promise not to mix WoW and RTS all will be fine.

I like some of your ideas like naga race (but why stop there) and naval fights but the RPG stuff? Seriously I know that people have forgotten but Warcraft is RTS not RPG.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
i'd love to see more customizable models, tbh. Like a unit model would have several variations, like doodads. if you ever played Warhammer: Matk of Chaos, you'd know what i'm talking of. units look all similar, they have same armour and weapons, but some small features are different. one has moustache, another one has beard, third has hat. ones are blonde, others are dark. that makes the army look very realistic.
not something blizz can't do, imho, even within current WC3
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Well i would like a new expansion though it should be focused on RTS and not rpg since RTS is the reason i bought the freakin game

The game was supposed to be a RPS first. However I think it's perfect as it is right now since it allows the game to be customized
Level 3
Dec 7, 2008
I was starting to think that Warcraft was losing its "spark", but I decided to try a variety of games instead of the same ones, and I have seen some new things made by creative map makers that can be added to make amazing games in the near future.

The Diablo 3 on Warcraft 3 game was very interesting, and can be quite a great game in the future.

Metastasis have a very nice look to it. The space feature may be used in later games.

There is a map maker who is adding a splash sound when his units die and fall in water.
And footsteps in the water =P

I heard from some map makers of a map that can detect mouse movement =O
(However patch ruined it. It may be fixed in the future)

I've got a friend making a mini-game using mortars! Dodging and aiming with custom ammo, and it's 6v6 on a smallish map. Very fun very fast game =)

Someone could make a series of maps using custom races (such as Naga, Fel orc)
-I think someone actually did actually
-If it has been worked on to be balanced then just needs more maps to play on =)
-Maybe if it hasn't been updated, someone else could?

Someone could make a map like Rexxars campaign, with a load-able Character (or maybe a few) that can be loaded on several different maps.

Racial abilities can be made by map makers already (and I wish more people would), but it would be fun in ladder.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
* Improve graphics
* Change game icons
* Give us new interfaces
* An option to design our Heroes
* Make battlefield more realistic by adding damage effect on battle field, ground breaking.
* Wondering NPC'S
* Map disasters
* Weather changes
* Ability to command more units and more in Risiko type play.
* Better cinematic.

Welcome to SC2. SC2 will be the direct modable sequal to WC3. Acording to blizzard it is even more customizable than WC3 and all the above will be included. All your other sujestions for an expansion were stupid and pointless like the whole idea.

This fufils all but your hero requests, which blizzard will add support for but not demonstrate it in the first campaign.
Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
Starcraft II is amazing i admit that but we need Warcraft not starcraft, sure starcraft fans would say "Hell it's been enough of warcraft" but not all Warcraft players are WoW players.
The game would be similar to BIG Huge game called ,, Rise of Legends" which is game which isn't actually played a lot, but represents those systems.
Warcraft IV won't be out for awhile. Now that the SC2 release date has been pushed back to 2010 I can guarantee that WCIV is not the number one priority in Blizzard's mind. Possibly in the 2012 area (if blizzard doesn't fuck up like they did with SC2 and keep pushing it back year after year after year) can you expect to see something like that.

As for an expansion? No.
The current WCIII graphics are complete garbage compared to today's standard. If you watch some SC2 beta vids you will notice they put a lot of time in graphics this time around.

This would be a brief description of what you'll have after you watch some of the Beta vids :3

Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Actually, Blizzard did say they were planning a WCIV; however, since SCII and Diablo 3 are clearly their main priorities and will be for quite soem time, you shouldnt hold your breath. As Rispetto said, you could probably start hoping for a sequel in 2011, 2012, or 2013. As for your more RPG-related elements, I wouldnt count on it. Warcraft, while it is an RPS (Roleplay Strategy), I would be very surprised if the roleplay-heavy gameplay seen in the TFT Bonus Campaign is reprised for the entirety of the Warcraft IV.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
what depresses me about SC2, is that it seems much superrior to WC3 in terms of moddings, but it's a while untile it will be relaesed and until enough fantasy models will be made for it...
it's like final days of TBC - farming raids, clearing them, upgrading your gear, since you don' have anything else to do in the game, yet you know that in a month or two that all will become obsolete and useless...
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
What are you talking about? Yes, Warcraft IV was planned, but it might not come to fruition what with their current fixations on Diablo 3 and SC2. But, no, I"m not "askign for a new game" by sayign we'll have to wait for fantasy models for sc2. Look at Wc3 and all its models that arent fantasy. What I ask for is parience, not a new experience.
Level 5
Aug 22, 2009
What WC3 should have and doesnt:
-naval battles
-naga and/or blood elf race
-A better unit magement
-Balancing heroes. Im sick tired of BLADEMASTER VS DEMONHUNTER 1337
-A demon race, or a legion race.
- A goblin race
-Petrol Oil
-Larger campaigns

Everything out of this list is "Wc4 wannabe"
Level 5
Aug 22, 2009
Meh other heroes are just as good as they are...

The mayority of the heroes is balanced, however, just 3 or 2 unbalanced heroes can ruin the entire system. Also the fact that some units are way too much "abusive" dryads, for example. inmune to magic, the nasty poison, and the magic cancel. Yes, they are supposed to be like that, but in balancing is the key. And think about it: the orcs have a gread disavantage in early game. And they dont get better in a late game. But the greater problem comes with the "good way of playing"WC3: a hero alone(DH, BM,anyone?) can ruin your base even before you start to produce units, the game focuses on "I ATTACK FIRST I WON YOU NOOB" And even a good player when it comes to strategy CAN´T counter attack at 2:00 minutes. Now that i pointed that out, more than hero balance, gameplay balance should be more urgent.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Yes, but over-balancing creates much larger problems than these. Take away all the dryad's advantages and give her just one, and the NE's get epic pwnzored. The Blademaster is the way he is because of the orc's specific other imbalanced issues, same as the NE's specific balance issues, thus the Demon Hunter was created. Despite this, yes, there are several balancing issues, but they're extremely insignificant.
Level 5
Aug 22, 2009
Yes, but over-balancing creates much larger problems than these. Take away all the dryad's advantages and give her just one, and the NE's get epic pwnzored. The Blademaster is the way he is because of the orc's specific other imbalanced issues, same as the NE's specific balance issues, thus the Demon Hunter was created. Despite this, yes, there are several balancing issues, but they're extremely insignificant.

Im not saying "REMOVE DRYADS POISON DAMMITS" but strategies to counter attack would be real balance.
For example, if the tinker´s rockets did physical damage instead of magical, we could handle dryads and spellbreakers more easily. Or the witch doctors, to have something like " Cure poison"
Or to counter the DH, lets say, for example, in his demon form he´s weak to holy ligth.
For the Orcs, to have quicker unit production.
For the Ne, remove that dammed elune´s blessing , and change it to something that more units could use and ONLY in nigth.
For undeads, More mana cost on everything, and the frost breath of the wyrms to simply slow down the production ,not cancel it, and remove the disease cloud, its useless anyway, or at least change it into something useful. Also, the skill to create corpses. Remove it, the und can rush good enough without it.

Also, more units to every race would be a significant improvement, and more races.
Its not a matter of lowering their attacks, but to improve others defensive strategy.
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