You can run it in any windows With .Net 3.0 above framework( I hope) i.e vista and above.
This product uses string parsing to Edit MDL files.The file animations can be transfered between models of similar bone structure and name( eg Model and Portrait files). Currently only linear animations can be transfered.
Some time it can result in bizare animations if wrongly used. I have tested on few models. For some it worked on others it din't.
I wont recomend on using to transfer animation more than 50.....
Note it may show unresponse with larger file.... so wait for some time....
Why should I use this....
I din't find any other tool that can do what this does...
About Me.
A wc3 Crazed Fan ... (^_^)
I din't find any other tool that can do what this does...
About Me.
A wc3 Crazed Fan ...
Animation , bone, transfer , wc3 , model, fallen, frames