The Storyline follows Chaplain Alek and Battle-Brothers Gabriel, Zek, Anon, and Apothecary Sven, known as the Chaplain Brothers
Before the Emperor's Sons Battle-barge ,inorbit around Tartaurus IV, was shot down by Imperial Tau forces, the Marines inside the battle-barge had already bailed out. In one drop pod, Chaplain Alek and his battle-brothers had miscalculated by a decimal their landing point and fell crashed-landed in the hostile jungles of Tartaurus IV. Tartaurus was currently under Tau control, and both Space Marine and Cadian(maybe Death Korps of Krieg if my model requests get accepted)troops are deployed there to retake the planet. Drawn, by an abundant ecosystem, Tyranid Hive-Fleet Colossus had several colonies inside the planet. As the Chaplain and his retinue manuever through the forest, they are constantly assaulted by Tau guirellas. However, they find Marines that also miscalculated their drop and landed in the jungle. After 3 days, the Marines enter an Imperial Outpost where several Cadian regiments are stationed. During the night, the Tau attack, rushing to the defences, the Cadians and the Marines are to hold our for 30 minutes, until reinforcements arrive. Commisar Yarrick, commander of the outpost, is killed in the assault, and Chaplain Alek resumes command. After 40 minutes however, reinforcements do not arrive. By then only 50 Guardsmen and all but one marine are alive. Alek calls for a last stand, but suddenly the Tyranid swarm attack the Tau from the rear. Seeing this as a distraction, Alek charges the Tau and Tyranid. With the Tau disorganized and retreating, they are no match for the marines and guardsmen. However, the 'nids prove to worthwhile enemy, they slay all the guardsmen, and 2 more marines before Space marine reinforcements arrive (50 marines+Predator+Dreadnought+10 Terminators).
The Tyranids are killed, and the both Tau and Tyranid bodies are all burned. The Outpost is abandoned.The Marines go down the road throught the day, but are ambushed once more by Tyranids, the nids dont stand a chance against the terminators, and thereforce are killed. The Marines reach Marine Ground Command, and are reunited with their company.
Thats pretty much missions 1-3, 1 being the travel through the jungle, 2 being defence of the outpost, and 3 being the road ambush.
Im more than open for suggestions
Before the Emperor's Sons Battle-barge ,inorbit around Tartaurus IV, was shot down by Imperial Tau forces, the Marines inside the battle-barge had already bailed out. In one drop pod, Chaplain Alek and his battle-brothers had miscalculated by a decimal their landing point and fell crashed-landed in the hostile jungles of Tartaurus IV. Tartaurus was currently under Tau control, and both Space Marine and Cadian(maybe Death Korps of Krieg if my model requests get accepted)troops are deployed there to retake the planet. Drawn, by an abundant ecosystem, Tyranid Hive-Fleet Colossus had several colonies inside the planet. As the Chaplain and his retinue manuever through the forest, they are constantly assaulted by Tau guirellas. However, they find Marines that also miscalculated their drop and landed in the jungle. After 3 days, the Marines enter an Imperial Outpost where several Cadian regiments are stationed. During the night, the Tau attack, rushing to the defences, the Cadians and the Marines are to hold our for 30 minutes, until reinforcements arrive. Commisar Yarrick, commander of the outpost, is killed in the assault, and Chaplain Alek resumes command. After 40 minutes however, reinforcements do not arrive. By then only 50 Guardsmen and all but one marine are alive. Alek calls for a last stand, but suddenly the Tyranid swarm attack the Tau from the rear. Seeing this as a distraction, Alek charges the Tau and Tyranid. With the Tau disorganized and retreating, they are no match for the marines and guardsmen. However, the 'nids prove to worthwhile enemy, they slay all the guardsmen, and 2 more marines before Space marine reinforcements arrive (50 marines+Predator+Dreadnought+10 Terminators).
The Tyranids are killed, and the both Tau and Tyranid bodies are all burned. The Outpost is abandoned.The Marines go down the road throught the day, but are ambushed once more by Tyranids, the nids dont stand a chance against the terminators, and thereforce are killed. The Marines reach Marine Ground Command, and are reunited with their company.
Thats pretty much missions 1-3, 1 being the travel through the jungle, 2 being defence of the outpost, and 3 being the road ambush.
Im more than open for suggestions