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Warhammer 40k models-pyramidhe@d

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well yeah. i have been making a lot of 40k stuff and people are like make this and make that. so i am putting together all the model i made or that i am currently making in here for everone to see and about the stuff that will come. i mention some of the existing 40k models by other people. be sure to look them up

these all of the weapon models are made and ready. i plan on putting them on the website soon after i am done with all of the units
bolter.jpg Imperial bolter boltpistol.jpgBolt pistol
chainsword.jpgChainsword flamer.jpgFlamer
heavy bolter.jpgHeavy Bolter missile launcher.jpgMissile Launcher
plasma.jpgPlasma Gun shotgun.jpgShotgun
i had a decent powerfist but i seem to have lost it.

some of these models are finished. others are in progress of being animated and polished.
All of unfinished ones will be remade with custom texture
chaplain.jpgChaplain CSM.jpgChaos space marine
defiler.jpgChaos Defiler dreadnought.jpgDreadnought
ISM.jpgSpace Marine Khorne berserker.jpgKhorne Berserker
These are models made with custom texture

these are models that have been suggested or things that i had on my mind for sometime. these will be made if i can
-Force Commander
-Ultramarine Honour Guard
-Assault marine/Raptor
-A basic Tyranid
-Lucius the eternal
-Assault cannon(for the terminator)
-Reaper cannon(for the chaos terminator)
-Chaos icons-nurgle, khorne, slaanesh, tzeentch, undivided

these are suggestions of people that i have received. (which i can remember)
-Noise Marine
-Thousand sons
-Death Guards
-Spaceships for space marine and chaos marine
-Heavy Flamer
-Tyranid Genestealer
-Power Sword
i welcome any suggestions, as long as they are not impossible or absurd.
forgot to mention i dont really do vehicles eg. tanks, trucks, cars, planes

these are works of other people in case you dont where to look for 40k models.
be sure to give full proper credit if you use any of these modders' models (or you shall taste my bolter round)

-The Curse has a magnificient looking Crozius Arcanum which, a holy weapon, used by the chaplains of the space marines. The Curse's Models
-Mechaical Man have many various Tau and imperial vehicles, including the basilisk and lemen russ of the imperial guards
Mechanical Man's Models
-Burning_Dragoon has mean looking carnifex which any tyranid fans will love
Burning_Dragoon's models
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Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Nice stuff, Love the CSM, the plasmagun is nice also.

However, that said the chaplain looks absoloutely horrid, and the dreadnought could use some texture love.

All-in-all I am impressed how you have taken this on, Good work and keep trying ! I want to see a guardsman !
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
You know Callahan is right, you really do need custom textures, bud. Why not ask someone else to help texture them ? Like nexus or SuPa or something.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Thank god. Are you going to fix the whats it... death/decay animations as well? Oh yeah, and FINALLY! A KHORNE BEZERKER!

Level 8
Aug 28, 2007
Cool. I'm guessing that the Chaos Marine and Space Marine of team colorable right?

I have a suggestion as well, an imperial Commissar. Guardsmen are nothing without a little motivation by execution.:grin:
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Agreed, we are missing quite a bit, luckily thanks to Mechanical man we DO have tau and guard tanks, thats one part of the puzzle, but there is so much more missing. Thankfully we have a man here with the skills and the conviction to get it done.
well, i decided against redoing everything. plase comment on what animation you didnt like in the old one.
old one

instead, i decided to add a whole set of alternate animations.
i was thinking of this like an ambush situation.
crouch, crouch and attack, crouch stand/stand2, crouch throw spell, crouch walk, crouch and hand order jesture. equivalent of the konsruct model defend animations.
i also thought it could be possible for people to trigger so i made attacking while walking in normal mode. i am going to make attack&walk animation for the crouch stance. maybe jump and a front flip also
you might think i am going over the top with jump and stuff but i need to do this as best as i can because other models are going to be based on this.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Don't begin the animation names with "crouch". I don't know much about modeling, but I know for a fact that "crouch" doesn't work. Your old model's melee animations were unusable because you named them so. Make them just stand/walk/attack/death alternate, because that is a usable animation name.

I didn't like how if many units with the model file died, the map got all messed up and models were bouncing around because of the buggy death animation.

There is no stand ready animation.

There are no attachment points.

There is no custom skin.

When the portrait's talk animation is played, the Space Marine's head just rolls around and nearly off it's body. Fix that.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Aww man, this just means ill need to wait longer for guardsmen :(

Still, are the anims really that bad that you need to redo them all ? still, nice to see that your trying to improve your work.
the thing isnt really called crouch. it was just a way of describing it.
i will probably name it defend like that of a footman, or like you said, alternate.

and that problem with the melee attacks, does anyone mind if i got rid of it all. the melee animation i mean. i am beginning to hate it like so badly.
i already did stand ready for both normal and alternate.
and yeah. nearly forgot to do portrait. thanks. i will do that too.

it wont take long. all the animation mentioned in the previous post, except one or two, are already done.
i thought someone was already doing an eldar model.
fukupdate(update on things i f-ed up)
i gave up on the special effect thingy. so i decided to do an attachment.
i place the attachment so it might work with konstruct effects. however, it would seem the angles are out of place. i messed around with it a bit, in a vain attempt to fix it, then it went loco on WE.
i dont know how to change the angle of the attachment. does anyone know?

and the model still goes haywire when there are more than 20 on the map.
i put seperate moving parts on a seperate geoset. it makes it extremely easy for me to animate it and enables me to modify only the bits i want. but there are too many of them and i think thats the problem.
can anyone help me to fix this problem? any suggestion, anything short of reanimating everything again, or idea will help.
hmm might as well put the model in too.
newest updated marine
i guess it could be just used as a unique unit or a hero. or something like counterstrike
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Level 35
May 22, 2007
believe so, but at any rate, they are a terrible race.

WRONG! they have males, DOW just decided to suck crotch when making their voices.

And I)deadnerzhul...mabye they are terrible, because you suck at playing them.

Eldar require finess, and cleverness...orks just bash someones head in, a three day old monkey with a brain hemorage could play them and win.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
YEAH! SUPPORT FROM SuPa-! OH YEAH. Orks are badass, plain and simple. The forces of Chaos are demonically empowered, and their Space Marine counterparts are empowered with a zealous rage. Basically, the Chaos/Space Marines are like the Protoss: less units, better units. Eldar are just... well, a bunch of wussies with guns.
Hey, nice models Pyramide@d. Keep it up ^^

I also make Warhammer 40k models, i think about making them all (okay, it'll take me a year to do so)

At this moment, I've done some space marines, scouts, and motorbike. Here are the models name:
Space marine :
- Bolter
- Flamer
- Meltagun
- Plasmagun
- Missile launcher
- Lascannon
- Heavy bolter
- Plasma cannon
- Multi-melta
- Sergeant with Bolt pistol and chainsword

- Bolter

Space marine motorbike:
- twin Bolter

Screenshots here:
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5

All the models are from scratch, except 2 things: scout head (based on the elven priest) and the "half" sergeant head (based on the dreadlord one).
Some of the models need some finishing work, but with the standard camera it's sufficient. All the models are design to fit about 500 polys (except motorbike).

Obviously, I don't have as many animation as you did, i'll think about it ^^
I'm making a personnal site, to show all my stuff (First it'll be in french, then you will be able to switch between french and english)
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Now THAT is awesome. PyramidHe@d, you should see how he did his models! With a custom skin to boot. Excellent work. I could see a bright future for ALL of these bad BOYZ.

Actually, some comments:
-The Plasma weapon is too big, but the rest is pretty hot.
-The head is a little bit strange.
-The backpack has a patch of gray which should be Ultramarines blue, too!
yes. i know he did his a custom skin. i would do custom skin as well only if i knew how to do a uv wrap. and due to me not having photoshop i cant do teamcolour either. so i basically quit trying to do a custom skin a long time ago.
if i knew how to do them, you wouldnt see any of my models the high poly way.
yes i know thats stupid and pathetic but its just the way i am.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
There's always the option of pirating it by changing a certain date after getting a certain trial... But you didn't hear that from ME!

Edit: It's interesting... maybe you could animate his models, PyramidHe@d? Infact, why don't you guys team up to make some Warhammer models? Like the saying goes... "Alone you are powerful, but together, you are unstoppable!"

And Burning Dragoon could reskin your models, too!

Another thing about the marine:
-He's got a good body, but the mesh for the head is... well bleh. Not that the head's texture isn't good.
@ Pyramidhe@d : Did you try Gimp2? I think you could create textures with it. Well, even if it's less powerful than Photoshop, you could have very cool textures!

@ I)eadnerzhul : thanks dude. About your comment:
- i'm still working on these units, and the hugeness of the plasma cannon has to be slightely modified.
- I did'nt really notice the blue square on the backpack. i'l fix this later.
- I wanted the model to be about 500 polys each. the previous head was much better, but was about 100 polys (well, the whole space marine was 1600 polys in its previous version). So, i know i've to work on it, BUT with IG camera we don't really se the difference. i'll try to create a "medium" head for the helmet.
I'll work on the textures for the humanish heads.

Edit: As I use 3dsmax, uv mapping is far "easier" for me.
i already have fireworks. its just that it doesnt convert to tga(format needed to convert to blp). it only has png.
is there a converter? i looked for it but never found it.
Thanks anyways Burning Dragoon. i am downloading it anyhow.

...Edit: As I use 3dsmax, uv mapping is far "easier" for me.

... ARGHH!!! i shoot myself for using milkshape!!!

Edit: WOHOOOO!!! it has TGA!!!! just what i needed. thanks Burning Dragoon!!!!
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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
@ Pyramidhe@d : Did you try Gimp2? I think you could create textures with it. Well, even if it's less powerful than Photoshop, you could have very cool textures!

@ I)eadnerzhul : thanks dude. About your comment:
- i'm still working on these units, and the hugeness of the plasma cannon has to be slightely modified.
- I did'nt really notice the blue square on the backpack. i'l fix this later.
- I wanted the model to be about 500 polys each. the previous head was much better, but was about 100 polys (well, the whole space marine was 1600 polys in its previous version). So, i know i've to work on it, BUT with IG camera we don't really se the difference. i'll try to create a "medium" head for the helmet.
I'll work on the textures for the humanish heads.

Edit: As I use 3dsmax, uv mapping is far "easier" for me.

It has a GRAY spot on it. You need to make that blue, too. It's an Ultramarine, correct? The backpack needs to be COMPLETELY blue. There's a gray spot, you should fix it.
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
ahhhhhhhh is it just ultramarines? cause i just abhor ultramarines. maybe you could do an Emperors Champion >.> or maybe some space marine vehicles... or drop pods...
Edit: Yah, the helmet of dragoons models are kinda screwed up, but for right now they could pass, but theyll need some polishing, and can you get me a picture of the bolter in the screenshots? cause i think theyre all holding meltas... or are those bolters?
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