Hi, This is my first Project of a campaing. Here you can see the Trailer for my new campaing: Warcraft: One last war
it is the continue of the History of Warcraft with the Lich King as principal character and the invacion of the Undead to Azeroth
But the demon Kil`Jaeden is searching for Arthas to Kill him
It will be a large campaing and i need a team to make it so please if you wanna be part of the team please send me a mail to
[email protected]
in this trailer you will see:
-The intro
-some models
and if you open this map on the Editor you can see some of thr models than i will use and download it from the same scenario
special thanks to the image and models creators
Please comment
warcraft, campaing, war, 4, IV, king, lich, one player, one, player, Lich King