Warcraft III CD-Key Changer & Grabber for 1.30.1+

This is not a KeyGen! It is a tool to retrieve your registered CD-Keys and/or change them without reinstalling Warcraft III.

Warcraft III CD-Key Changer & Grabber for 1.30.1+ (Binary)

Tool works as advertised. I discussed with the tool moderator and we saw no problems in allowing this on the website.
Level 2
Dec 11, 2020
I''d run into some prerequistional problems that make figuring itout impragmatic, windows ten and steam have ruined some of my favorite open source games, this and freedom force, which I never mastered either, ha ha. I've solved my skin path problem, my ProjectODIN problem, and some of my trigger queries so far, so this keygrabber is down the list, if I ever need it, I did find some digital installs, but theya lso lack the internal folders, and the casc viewer I have can't access the discs or the virtual installs. but thanks for getting back to me, I have access to both games