camera system (credit to dr.supergood)
-three levels of camera height. 1) far 2) medium (normal) 3) rpg (a wow-like camera to zoom in on your heroes)
3d can stay but it needs a level of 'brutal' realism to it.
-magic needs to be stronger and chaotic. If a night elf casts starfall i want to see a array of blue and white comets showering down on the battlefield leaving craters. If earthquake is cast i want to see the battlefield crack and tremor leaving permanent marks.
-the battlefield should be more involved. Things like fire should leave scorched earth.
-a more powerful engine, but nothing to steep. Physics would be nice also. I would love to see a steam tank truck through some type of castle wall
-more units. Not at a total war scale but something along the lines of aoe.
-new units. More variety.
-better defenses. A fantasy game with no castles? I would love to have some maps that allow some type of true castle siege. Even if it is not build able in regular melee it should not be neglected.
-more customization. I hate having the same generic paladins fighting. Maybe as you advance online in rank you can add things to your heroes such as armor. It would only be for eye candy and no stat benefit. Maybe allowing your own created symbol or color blend for your army.
-more spells, more levels, and more item slots for the campaign. It was pathetic having to juggle six slots. And the +stat spell was a poor excuse to not add anymore spells after a certain level.
-blizzard is always raising the bar. I want a better battle net. More players per lobby. Larger maps.
-along with the campaign blizzard should also throw in some bonus rpg type campaigns as we saw in tft with the rpg camera system and better hero features.
-add more replay value with a optional turn based map. Divide all of azeroth into different regions where players can fight cpu for the regions with his chosen faction. Would be interesting and something to do when offline.
Of course this is all smoke getting blown into the wind. Oh well.
-I like this, but the Melee Online gaming owns, so there is nothing I would like to change there, expect your "Hero" idea.
I would like to customize all the heroes, so they somehow looks more "personal" to you account.
This should be limited tho, Night Elves are Night Elves, Humans are Humans.
-The Chat.
A large window, which's always to be found in the lobby!
(OMFG! You cant whisp this player because he/she is in the News List BLA BLA).
It can be opened in-game (but the orginal chat should still be there).
You can change the size of everything in the chat
window and shuffle it around as you want it to be.
Nothing dissapeares from the chat before you log-out.
Short version: A better chat-system...
-500 hours of campaign and I'll be happy for the rest of my life.
-And I would also love to see more "Side Campaigns"
about the other small tribes in Azeroth, like my favorites, Centaurs.
Why not revive the WC and WC2 Campagins? Would be awesome...
-For us, map-makers and WC lover,
thier should be LOADS of extra things in the WE, a full set-up of buildings and units for Taurens, Centaurs,
Tuskarrs, Elves (High and Blood), Dranaies (or how the fuck its spelled),
Gnolls, Trolls (many factions!), the diffrent Orcs, Dwarfs and Gnomes, Ogres, Nagas and more!
-More Videos...
(I would love to see a full animated film about the WC Lore.. Geek? NO!
