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Warcraft 3: Tides of Darkness

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Level 3
May 31, 2010
Hello there! I've already requested help with this project a while ago so some of you may already have played it, but I believe it now reached a fully playable state so I'm releasing it for everyone to play! Feedback is highly appreciated!

So, what is this all about?

Warcraft 3: Tides of Darkness is a reinterpretation of the events and gameplay of Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness (the title should hint so :p) on the superior Warcraft 3 engine. The original horde and alliance will once again clash in an epic battle for supremacy. I am basically mixing classic warcraft 2 gameplay with some of my own ideas. In other words, what I think a "true" sequel to warcraft 2 should have been. Most of the unit stats have been directly copied from warcraft 2 but changed where balance was needed (for example I've made trolls/archers stronger than how they were in warcraft 2, among other things).

Most of the gameplay mechanics of warcraft 2 are present (including naval warfare). I've therefore removed heroes and most if not all the RPG elements of Warcraft 3 while making the game extremely fast (got the building construction times from warcraft 2 on fastest mode), but I've kept some warcraft 3 aspects and added a few ideas of my own. For example, the biggest difference between this and warcraft 2 is perhaps the absence of ogre magi and paladins, in favor of the more classic spellcasters. (Don't worry, blood lust is still in, and it has the exact same sound of that of warcraft 2 :p).

What about the maps and the AI?

There is just one skirmish map for now (I've actually made four but only this one is truly up-to-date, I might upload others in the future), that supports 4 players and does not really focus on naval warfare but there is water in one part of the map. It definitely isn't the best map ever as I'm really new to warcraft 3 modding in general, so I'd be glad if someone could perhaps contribute to this by making a map or two.

Unfortunately there is no AI: You can only play against other human players on battle.net. The only working races are humans and orcs, if you select a different one you will not get any worker at all. Also unfortunately, I've originally put the warcraft 2 BNE soundtrack for this but battle.net refused to load the map because of its size, so I had to take it out. :(

What are the differences between this project and other projects like beyond the throne and warcraft: destruction of azeroth?

From what I understood about those projects, those are meant to introduce warcraft 2 elements to the original warcraft 3 gameplay (by keeping most of the unit stats and gameplay mechanics of the original). So something like, warcraft 3 in warcraft 2. This project instead is the exact opposite, as it is meant to be an interpretation of what warcraft 3 would have been if it had a very similar gameplay to that of warcraft 2. In fact, this doesn't play like warcraft 3 at all :p

Credits and other info

Credits go to this site for the excellent models/skins sections as well as the helpful tutorial section that helped me sort out some of the problems I had with the mod (there's still a few bugs here and there, but oh well). Special thanks to the authors of the Scars of Conflict resource pack, as I've found a few of their models/icons to be of great use.

The map obviously isn't protected. You're free to take any resource you want from it (I didn't make the new models, anyway, so it would be stupid to protect what isn't mine) and use it as a base for further edit (As long as you give credits to me and to the authors of the custom models I'm using, of course!)

Oh and, a campaign was also planned for this, although my mapping skills are pretty bad so it is unlikely that I will ever make it unless someone is willing to help me with it. It would be a retelling of the events of warcraft 2 with some minor and major changes (new clans and nations, and other plot differences. It would involve both Draenor and Azeroth)


Here's some screenshots as well (sorry couldn't find the spoiler option, I hope the images aren't too big):

Alliance units

Horde units

http://i.imgur.com/cnPNA.jpg Naval units are back!

http://i.imgur.com/S8xdY.png Even Alterac shouldn't mess with the Twilight's Hammer Clan

http://i.imgur.com/3Cvqj.jpg Another Horde units screen. This one also shows the stats of the Chaos Bringer spellcaster (tier 3). Gotta love the original warcraft 2 bloodlust icon :p

http://i.imgur.com/vk2Nr.png Horde base

http://i.imgur.com/bwZSv.png Goblins!

Stats of a non-upgraded grunt

Anyway, tell me what you think! The mod obviously isn't finished yet, and some things may be subject to change (I'm still unhappy with the cost of some upgrades and the enchantress). I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. Long live Warcraft 2!


  • Tides of Darkness map 4 BETA 1.w3x
    4.5 MB · Views: 1,860
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Level 9
Sep 18, 2010
not surprisingly a Huge number of people here are still hooked with the Wc2 gameplay
the project seems Interesting downloading the beta gona give my opinions later on ^^

btw you might wanna
the images
and for the ships If it's Wc2 I rather like to see the oll Troll/elven Destroyers :p
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Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I kinda am making a project for Warcraft II, but still I like how you made up the Warcraft II to fit your own style.

Very interesting and I'll be using more models/skins from the Hive Database.
Level 3
May 31, 2010
not surprisingly a Huge number of people here are still hooked with the Wc2 gameplay

Indeed! I don't like the standard warcraft 3 gameplay much actually. It's odd that one of the fastest RTS I've ever played (warcraft 2) became an ultra slow rpg-ish game.

the project seems Interesting downloading the beta gona give my opinions later on ^^


btw you might wanna
the images
I can't seem to figure out where the spoiler button is. :|

and for the ships If it's Wc2 I rather like to see the oll Troll/elven Destroyers :p

Well... It isn't an EXACT replica of warcraft 2 so a few things are different. I for one do not like the troll/elven destroyer models that much. I prefer the original ships. However I was thinking on adding the destroyer as a secondary ship in the campaign.

I kinda am making a project for Warcraft II, but still I like how you made up the Warcraft II to fit your own style.

Yeah, I mentioned it. :p From what I understand though, you're trying to remake warcraft 2 with lots of gameplay elements from warcraft 3, including heroes etc. That is exactly the opposite of what I'm doing here :p

Very interesting and I'll be using more models/skins from the Hive Database.

Yeah, some of them are great. On a related note, did anyone ever make the building animation for the human/orc shipyards? I could get good use of them.
Level 9
Sep 18, 2010
funny thing is out of all of them only Beyond the Throne is Released and Playable
Which is yet to be Updated my Kam, Wc2 had the simplest of all RTS gameplays and Still hasn't been remade fully

anyways I'll be following this project as well
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