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War of the Ring AOS v14.4

War of the Ring AOS
by Dinodin
Basic Description:

Map Type/genre:AOS
Map Category:Medieval Warcraft

-40 selectable Heroes (20 for each team): Gandalf, Frodo, Aragorn, Witch King, Ancient Balrog, Sauron ......
-Alot of triggered spells!
-Capturable Ring!
-Unique custom items!
-Custom models/skins!
-And MORE!







War of the Ring AOS is a map made by Dinodin and the Description is made by Vengeancekael!
The Map Type is like DOTA, yet its in the LOTR universe!
Note: I'm not trying to do a DOTA-wannabe map. Yes many ideas is from DOTA but it still much different from DOTA..

*Added staff-models to Celeborn, Thranduil and Elrond.
*Greatly reduced the mana cost of "Eternal Evil" to 75/85/95/105, down from 85/100/115/130.
*Reduced the cooldown of "Seal of Blessed Light" to 20 seconds, down from 25 seconds.
*Bolt of Darkness now burns mana of targets equal to 1/2/3/4x Ovatha's intelligence, down from 1.1/2.2/3.3/4.4x Ovatha's intelligence.
*Curse of Mirkwood now causes 20/30/40 damage per second, up from 18/28/38 damage per second.
*Grishnákh's "Wolf Form" no longer has Demolish.
*Sun Strike will now also stun for 0.80 seconds.
*Sorceress Form is now reworked a little so it now increases the Spell Damage done by Galadriel when she is in this form and damage done to summoned units by Dispel now also increases with level.
*Moonlight Shadow effect will no longer break if you are entering a metamorphosis form.
*Boromir has a new ability named "Shackle" and got his "United We Are Stronger" ability removed.
*Wrath of Boromir now reduces enemies movement speed for 5 seconds, down from 8 seconds.
*Aragorn's "Cripple" ability is now a target-ability again but still cripples the enemies around the target.
*Hunting Frenzy now has 1000 cast range, down from 2000 cast range.
*Reduced the damage bonus of "Hunting Frenzy" to 50/75/100, down from 50/100/150.
*Aura of Weakness now reduces enemies armor by 3/5/7/9, up from 2/4/6/8.
*Slightly reduced the damage bonus of "Elendil" to 10/20/30/40, down from 15/25/35/45.
*Arwen has a new ability named "Dispersion" and got her "Elven Agility" ability removed.
*Sauron has a new ability named "Eternal Evil" and got his "Aura of Sauron" ability removed.
*Prison of Ice is now redesigned and works a little different than before.
*Plagues of the South is now redesigned and works a little different than before.
*Nature's Wrath now has 700/750/800 AOE, up from 500/550/600 AOE.
*Wrath of Boromir now has 800 AOE, up from 500 AOE.
*Shield Bash can now be used on friendly units too but it will not damage them.
*Shackle will now also increase all damage done to the shackled target.
*Tidal Wave now has it's cast range reduced to 700 range, down from 900 range.
*The locusts summoned by the "Swarm of the Ungoliant" ability now has it's attack damage reduced to 36-41 attack damage, down from 44-49 attack damage.
*The locusts summoned by the "Swarm of the Ungoliant" ability will now heal Shelob for 20% of the damage dealt by them, down from 25% of the damage dealt by them.
Map Status:

Size : 189.89 MB
Protection : Map is protected.
Contact Dinodin OR Vengeancekael if you have questions, finding any bugs, leaks or errors in the map or if you want to help improve this map to make it better or just want to send feedback! You can also contact Dinodin to his email [email protected]

This map has it's discord server.Invitation code for discord 68Ky452

A special thanks to real138, Narogog and Maker for adding triggered spells and fixing bugs and leaks. Also a special thanks to shadowvzs for fixing the JASS-trigger that pervents units to be knocked back through trees and ap0calypse for fixing and redesigning multiboard. Also a special thanks to Herrdave for creating some of the models and Hayate for making some simple trigger functions and a big thanks to Fruit Forest for creating the repick and assist-systems and fixing some minor bugs and glitches.

War, of, the, Ring, Rings, AOS, LOTR, Lord, Hero, Herowar, Castle, Vs, Minas, Barad, Dur, Evil, Good, Dinodin, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Bilbo, Gandalf,

War of the Ring AOS v14.4 (Map)

16:23, 13th Dec 2009 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 12
Feb 11, 2008
( + = Good : - = Bad )

+Unique heros and abilties
+New AOS like terrain but could use some improvements
+Gave credit to all who helped
-Little bit laggy must have a few leaks
-Reminds me too much of DoTa use more custom stuff
-needs either a help section or some type of tutorial for noobs

Overall ill give this map a 3/5

+rep and vote for approval :thumbs_up:
Level 12
Feb 11, 2008
*Very Important!*I forgot to say, those who notice that their models are used in this map should contact me, cuz i just made the description and i dont know all the names.

Maybe you could explain a bit more...What do you think that he could fix?

I meant like step-by-step directions which can be done in multiple ways such as:

-quest section
-(-help) command
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
The terrain is not really good, it is way too normal: river in the middle, 2 sides - each with a castle.
This terrain has been done that many times that it is just boring to look at and boring to play in, why is there always a river in the middle, or why are there always castles at each side?
It hasn't got anything to do with LOTR, since there is no river, there is no castle near barad-dur (the closest would be Minas Tirith, which is behind mountains).
Try to make it look more like LOTR.

There aren't really that much items as far as I've seen, I missed some LOTR-artifacts.

I haven't seen a lot of triggered spells, though you've said there are... can you give me some examples?
I've also noticed that a lot of spells are standard (War Stomp, the panda-dodge/crit, the Knives Flurry, breath of fire and so on).

The creeps in the middle are... standard, right?
And the big monstriousity drops the one ring (it would be a lot more correct if you take away gollum from the evil heroes and let him randomly wander through the map - like in BFME).
Also, I don't like damage like 15-16/80-81, it's better to change it to 15-15 / 80-80 and so on ^^

CHA_Owner said:
Overall ill give this map a 3/5
Just a question... why did you give the map a 5/5?
Not that I'm trying to lower this map's rating, it's just a question ^^
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
Boy-oh-boy! I wish I could do a complete review, but time is ticking. I'll start by saying there is a lot of room for improvements.

Suggestions : - Increase distance between "Good" and "Evil" towers (strangely, the "Evil" towers seem to be the most disadvantaged)
- Fix Boots of Travel bug (never works)
- Fix Breath of Fire spell (Does damage properly,but you should not be able to target allies or self)
- Add a REAL threat (boss) instead of all those sad little creatures in the middle of the of the map, I found the "One Ring" simply too easy to acquire.
- The "Fire Shrine" and "Statue of *insert generic elf name here*" can easily be destroyed by the first person who picks a hero and just walks to the desired location (add some guard of some sort)
- Terrain is mediocre (do something about that)
- Most spells are standard W3 abilities with minor alterations (a little work here please)
- More to add, but not time, plus I don't want to sound like I didn't enjoy the map.

All-in-all, a moderator might have second thoughts on approving your map, but the models / skins, structures and LotR-ish aspect tells me to score you a 3/5 and vote for Approval! (There's so much that can be done,aaaargh! get cracking!)
Level 4
Aug 26, 2009
After a small 2v2 game i found this map was
+lots of creeps in the lanes
+lots of heroes and good spells
-not a ton of items
Something i think would be cool
If you added demi-creeps to the lanes like every 3 or 4 spawns a dunidain, troll, ent, mumak, eagle ect apeared in the lane on both sides
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Level 14
Jul 19, 2007
where did you find the farmamir, boromir and frodo models?
Frodo is just the normal villager model with remaked skin made by myself ^^ Boromir model is Judah http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/judah2-sword-2a-47613/?prev=search=judah&d=list&r=20 but with remaked skin also made by myself.. and the Faramir model is no longer here in hiveworkshop and the skin is remaked by me.. if u want I can send it to you both with it's original skin and the faramir skin made by me.. sry for the late answer..
Level 5
Aug 30, 2010
lord of khand dead and decay is really strong :/ and he tends to stuck everyone who fights against him at the woods.. with that tornado
the troll chieftain or that hero got an amazing durability with a a strong ultimate +160? or +150 damage with lifesteal included >_>...
the abysmal gap between the top and bot secrets shops..
everyhero tends to get some dam tanky (defense in this case) that only mages and tanks are useful since they got or lots of hp or spell nukes that ignore def. auto atacking someone is pretty much useless
You should create floating text which displays gold rewards when last hitting creeps :)

You could also improve beginner's experience by reducing backswing point times for ranged heros. I found last hitting to be very difficult for the first 5 minutes.

You should also remove critical strike chance from creeps. This chance causes wave to be pushed to the tower without any user control!

I will review again after you update these things, but for now I'll rate *** (map is playable, has some desirable features, much time has been put into it)
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
I just tried your map and I must admit that it's an interesting one even if I'm not fond of AoS maps!

One detail though, some models could be changed to better ones (you still have 0.6Mb to use ^^)! I have plenty of LOTR models, you can check some of them on my current project development thread.

And could you send me your Gandalf, Faramir, and Boromir models please? They could be usefull for my project!
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Level 14
Jul 19, 2007
I just tried your map and I must admit that it's an interesting one even if I'm not fond of AoS maps!

One detail though, some models could be changed to better ones (you still have 0.6Mb to use ^^)! I have plenty of LOTR models, you can check some of them on my current project development thread.

And could you send me your Gandalf, Faramir, and Boromir models please? They could be usefull for my project!
Yes I can send u the models of Gandalf, Faramir and Boromir but where can I download your LOTR models? Pls answer, they all look awesome! :O
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Yes I can send u the models of Gandalf, Faramir and Boromir but where can I download your LOTR models? Pls answer, they all look awesome! :O

There aren't online but I can send you via pastebin. Just tell me the ones you would like? Because there's plenty of them ^^"... I'm waiting for your three models, you could send them the same way :)