scope GigantCritical initializer Init
/* Ability Constants *///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private constant integer SpellId = 'Agc0' // It is the Spell Id to the caster
/* Timer, Hastable and Group Constants *////////////////////////////////////////////
private constant hashtable Hash = InitHashtable() // this is to be operate the hash table
private constant timer GenTimer = CreateTimer() // it is a general timer created to loop the acctions
private constant group GenGroup = CreateGroup() // it is a group will be locate the dummys
/* Animation Constants */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private constant string InitFx = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ThunderClap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl"
private constant string AnimationId = "Attack 2" // this is the animation to the dummy
private constant real AnimationSpd = 5 // The Speed Of the animation in the Dummy Unit(1 = 100%)
/* Time Constant */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private constant real TimeTotal = 1 // this is the time to be run the ability
/* Persent to cast Ability Constants */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private constant real InitPersent = 5 // Inital Persent to be the spell Run
private constant real PersentPerLvl = 5 // This Persent is multiplicated by the level of the Ability and sumate bt the PersentPerLvl
/* Scale Constants */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private constant real ScaleMax = 2.5 // Is the Max scale to the unit
private constant real ScaleInt = .01 // The Inicial scale to the unit
private constant real ScalePerTime = .05 // The Scale Added and Removed to the Dummy Unit
/* Transparency Constants */////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private constant real TransparencyInt= 30 // initial persent to the Dummy Unit
private constant real TransparencyMax= 80 // Max Persent to the Dummy Unit
/* Damage Constants *///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private constant damagetype DmgTyp = DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE // the type of the damage caused to the ability
private constant attacktype AtkTyp = ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS // the attack type of the ability damage
private constant weapontype WeaTyp = WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS//the weapon utilized to the dummy in the ability
private constant real AoeDmg = 200 // The Area Of Effect to cause damage to any unit
private constant real DamagePerLvl = 50 // this is the damage per level to the buff(total of his is sumate by DAmageInt)
private constant real DamageInit = 100 // this is the initial damage to the Buff
///a system created by Zendo.ExE////////AutoSet Dummys////////////
constant hashtable AutoSetDummys__Hash = InitHashtable()
function AutoSetDummys__SaveDummy takes integer Unitid, integer DummyId returns nothing
call SaveInteger(AutoSetDummys__Hash, 0, Unitid, DummyId)
function AutoSetDummys__LoadDummy takes integer Unitid returns integer
return LoadInteger(AutoSetDummys__Hash, 0, Unitid)
// you need set all heroes will have this ability and her dummyes to work correctly
function AutoSetDummys__SetUpDummy takes nothing returns nothing
call AutoSetDummys__SaveDummy('H000', 'hdum')
call AutoSetDummys__SaveDummy('H001', 'hdu2')
private function TriggerCount takes nothing returns integer
local integer Index = 0
local real Scale = ScaleInt
exitwhen Scale >= ScaleMax
set Scale = Scale + ScalePerTime
set Index = Index + 1
return Index * 2
private function TimeOut takes nothing returns real
return TimeTotal / TriggerCount()
private function PersentPT takes nothing returns real
return (TransparencyMax - TransparencyInt) / (TriggerCount() / 2)
private function DamagePerTime takes real Lvl returns real
return (DamageInit + (DamagePerLvl*Lvl)) / TriggerCount()
private function Persent takes unit u, integer abil returns real
return InitPersent + (GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, abil) * PersentPerLvl)
private function Loop_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit temp
local unit Hnd = GetEnumUnit()
local unit Trg = LoadUnitHandle (Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 1)
local real Tns = LoadReal (Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 2)
local real Scl = LoadReal (Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 3)
local boolean Bol = LoadBoolean (Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 4)
local real Lvl = LoadReal (Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 5)
local group Temp_G = CreateGroup()
local real Trg_X = GetUnitX(Trg)
local real Trg_Y = GetUnitY(Trg)
local real Dgr = GetUnitFacing(Trg)
call SetUnitX(Hnd, Trg_X)
call SetUnitY(Hnd, Trg_Y)
call SetUnitFacing(Hnd, Dgr)
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(Temp_G, Trg_X, Trg_Y, AoeDmg, null)
set temp = FirstOfGroup(Temp_G)
exitwhen temp == null
if (IsUnitEnemy(temp, GetOwningPlayer(Trg)))/*
*/ and (GetUnitState(temp, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0)/*
*/ then
call UnitDamageTarget(Trg, temp, DamagePerTime(Lvl), true, false, AtkTyp, DmgTyp, WeaTyp)
call GroupRemoveUnit(Temp_G, temp)
call DestroyGroup(Temp_G)
if Scl < ScaleMax and Bol == true then
call SaveReal(Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 2, Tns + PersentPT())
call SaveReal(Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 3, Scl + ScalePerTime)
call SetUnitVertexColor(Hnd, 255, 255, 255, R2I((100-Tns)*2.55))
call SetUnitScale( Hnd, Scl, Scl, Scl )
elseif Bol == true then
call SaveBoolean(Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 4, false)
elseif Scl > 1. and Bol == false then
call SaveReal(Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 2, Tns - PersentPT())
call SaveReal(Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd), 3, Scl - ScalePerTime)
call SetUnitVertexColor(Hnd, 255, 255, 255, R2I((100-Tns)*2.55))
call SetUnitScale( Hnd, Scl, Scl, Scl)
call FlushChildHashtable(Hash, GetHandleId(Hnd))
call RemoveUnit(Hnd)
call GroupRemoveUnit(GenGroup, Hnd)
set Hnd = null
set Trg = null
set Temp_G = null
set temp = null
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit Trg = GetAttacker()
local unit Dum = null
local player Pla = GetOwningPlayer(Trg)
local real Drg = GetUnitFacing(Trg)
local real Trg_Y = GetUnitY(Trg)
local real Trg_X = GetUnitX(Trg)
local real Index = GetRandomInt(1, 100)
local real Lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(Trg, SpellId)
if Index <= Persent(Trg, SpellId) /*
*/ and GetUnitAbilityLevel(Trg, SpellId) > 0 then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(InitFx, Trg_X, Trg_Y))
set Dum = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(Trg), AutoSetDummys__LoadDummy(GetUnitTypeId(Trg)), Trg_X, Trg_Y, Drg)
call SetUnitColor(Dum, GetPlayerColor(Pla))
call SetUnitVertexColor(Dum, 255, 255, 255, R2I((100-TransparencyInt)*2.55))
call SetUnitTimeScale(Dum, AnimationSpd)
call SetUnitScale(Dum, ScaleInt, ScaleInt, ScaleInt)
call SetUnitAnimation(Dum, AnimationId)
set Index = 1
exitwhen Index > 100
call QueueUnitAnimation(Dum, AnimationId)
set Index = Index + 1
call SaveUnitHandle(Hash, GetHandleId(Dum), 1, Trg)
call SaveReal (Hash, GetHandleId(Dum), 2, TransparencyInt)
call SaveReal (Hash, GetHandleId(Dum), 3, ScaleInt)
call SaveBoolean (Hash, GetHandleId(Dum), 4, true)
call SaveReal (Hash, GetHandleId(Dum), 5, Lvl)
call GroupAddUnit(GenGroup, Dum)
set Trg = null
set Dum = null
set Pla = null
private function Group_Loop_Calls takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = FirstOfGroup(GenGroup)
if u != null then
call ForGroup(GenGroup, function Loop_Actions)
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local integer index = 0
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED, null)
set index = index + 1
exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
call TriggerAddAction(t, function Actions)
call TimerStart(GenTimer, TimeOut(), true, function Group_Loop_Calls)
call AutoSetDummys__SetUpDummy()
set t = null