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I almost build vanguard for all heroes because it's so good.
Max hp, hp regen and block. Especially on squishy ranged chars. Always on junglers.
Just wondering what are your thoughts on this. I'm no pro but I feel that vanguard is a good choice for any hero.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Vanguard is actually a good item for early game but in late it's not a big deal. Yeah, it blocks some damage but if you get someone with 200 damage that vanguard will not give you great defence. Then, it's not that good for ALL heroes. For ranged units, it's less effective so I usually don't pick it for them.
Level 17
Mar 21, 2011
as already mentioned, vanguard is a weak lategame item. that's why they made it upgradeable to crimson guard (which is a really decent support item).
you usually don't build it on any carry because it interrupts your farm. supporter can buy better items for that gold like mekansm or force staff/dagger.
however there are some heroes that have a great use of this item.
Axe - obviously
Ogre Magi - if you can afford it very quickly he gets really fat and is nearly unkillable, in addition with his 7 base armor and 2,5 base hp regeneration




as already mentioned, vanguard is a weak lategame item. that's why they made it upgradeable to crimson guard (which is a really decent support item).
you usually don't build it on any carry because it interrupts your farm. supporter can buy better items for that gold like mekansm or force staff/dagger.
however there are some heroes that have a great use of this item.
Axe - obviously
Ogre Magi - if you can afford it very quickly he gets really fat and is nearly unkillable, in addition with his 7 base armor and 2,5 base hp regeneration


I didn't know of the crimson guard until now.
Its great for supporters. But no, vanguard is still my favorite item.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
Vanguard, is an item more for early and half of game in majority, 10-35 minutes. Earlier is a the best items, especially for most of starters heroes like Axe and Centaur. Try Kill an Axe Feeded with Vanguard in the beginning, can compromise to die all the team.

Now only need an item for cause taunt. Lol. Joke. :)

Is one of the items I like the game, and of custom map (DotA 1).
Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
I rarely pick vanguard if I'm the carry or support. I don't even pick it for tanks unless it's necessary. It is a good item but I find it better to build HoD -> Pipe rather than vanguard ->crimson.

I will respect your opinion. But I disagree, if most of the enemy team has more skills favorencedo to physical damage that to magic, will be wasted of money. Remember that Vanguard help the farming in creeps and make the most part of damage is annulled (of the creeps).




To each their own, all playstyles are valid.

I like vanguard lot because its natural and easy choice of what to invest my early game money:

Item Reasons
- Stoic Shield is something I buy in 60% of the games (melee jungler/lane)
- Ring of Health is a great buy early on to sustain me all the time (less money on tango and salve)
- One or two kills is all I need to get that last vitality booster

Enemy Reasons
- In most games I play (more than 80%) there is an enemy attack carry that wins games if fed
- To ensure not feeding the enemies, you buy vanguard which makes their job very hard at killing you
- Enemy team has to gank up on you (which takes 2 or more) and leaves the other lanes free for allies to farm
- Less feeding equals better chance to win the game (3 heroes to gank one hero isn't much of a score unless they also get tower)

Its even better now that there is the crimson guard upgrade to vanguard. However, even later in the game, its still an item that I'd sell last if I was to buy something better (like Tarrasque)



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I tried getting Crimson Guard the other game on Silencer, it saved me in at least 1 fight against a Phantom Lancer who was targeting me. I think a few items suffer too much from having a penalty for ranged though. Vanguard feels like a waste waste on ranged because 20 damage is so little compared to 40. They could have made it 30 or so. Orb of Venom goes the same way, 12% ms slow is huge, 4% is meaningless, you can't even tell that the enemy's moving slower.




I tried getting Crimson Guard the other game on Silencer, it saved me in at least 1 fight against a Phantom Lancer who was targeting me. I think a few items suffer too much from having a penalty for ranged though. Vanguard feels like a waste waste on ranged because 20 damage is so little compared to 40. They could have made it 30 or so. Orb of Venom goes the same way, 12% ms slow is huge, 4% is meaningless, you can't even tell that the enemy's moving slower.

It tells something that vanguard has ranged stats but heart of tarrasque doesn't.
It means vanguard is really good and they don't want ranged chars to abuse it. Same with the orb :D

Also crimson guard looks good too. I haven't tried it.
Have they added it in dota 1?


I see no crimson guard in dota 1. I guess it will take some time until it is added.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
That's because a 12% movement speed slow on a ranged character would be pretty OP. Melee heroes would be too easily kited. Same goes for Basher really. The only victims of this compromise are heroes with short ranged attacks like TA or Morph.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
But TA gets a good range by upgrading her passive and morph can change its agility continuously to get an incredible AS. Probably that's why they have short ranges.

So my conclusion about all this discussion is "get the items you feel that are fitting to the hero". Every hero has different ways of being played according to the items e.g with my dear legion. Some use to get the dagger and things like assault cuirass to increase AS and decrease enemy armor. I, personally, get things like lothar and stygian to focus more on the damage and stealthy attacks (unless enemy buys damn wards!!!)




That's why I said 12% ms is op overall. They should make it 9% for melee, 6% for ranged or something, but as it stands, it's totally useless for ranged.

Its far from totally useless. At least in my point of view. Here's why:

- It cancels healing effects like Bottle, Salve and even Clarity (HUGE PLUS)
- Stacks with lifesteal
- Great for chasing

Those two reasons are good enough for me. Even if the slow and damage are minuscule.
Doesn't kill enemies below 1 health. That's okay though. Forcing someone to base
because poison canceled salve is a big reason to buy the item. It's like the item says:

"Orb of Venom cancels one enemy hero XP worth of X seconds/minutes"
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Orb of Venom: 12 damage and 4% slow that lasts 4 seconds. 275 gold.
2 Mantle of Intelligence: 6 intelligence, 300 gold. 6 damage if primary attribute. (Just buy the agi or str items if you have a different primary)

Unless you're planning on building an eye of skadi later on for your hero, I wouldn't get it for a ranged hero.




It does not.

It does in dota 1. It also could prevent use of blink dagger
Maybe it doesn't in dota 2, idk I don't play dota2.
But believe what you will.

vengerd sux. buy heart, like what real men do.

Your comment is so troll like. I think its only fair to respond in kind:

You're not a man. You're a woman. Only women need hearts.
Real men use big ass shields like Vanguard

Go back to your barbie dolls and hearts you woman!

We're speaking about early game. You cannot get heart in the first 15 minutes of the game!! Of course in late game vanguard will be sold and heart will be bought.

Agreed. Or buy crimson guard. Its not a big improvement to vanguard
but that active looks very useful. Especially vs physical heavy enemy teams.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2014
It does in dota 1. It also could prevent use of blink dagger.
Maybe it doesn't in dota 2, idk I don't play dota2.
But believe what you will.

Went ahead and tested it on Warcraft 3 using DracoLich's 6.79 Test Mode map to confirm if it was a bug, but no, it still doesn't. (It does of course prevent blink dagger but that wasn't your first argument)

But believe what you will. It's not like DotA1 players are known by its mechanics...

The effect is dispelled by any damage greater than 20 (before reductions), including self afflicted damage.




Went ahead and tested it on Warcraft 3 using DracoLich's 6.79 Test Mode map to confirm if it was a bug, but no, it still doesn't. (It does of course prevent blink dagger but that wasn't your first argument)

But believe what you will. It's not like DotA1 players are known by its mechanics...

The effect is dispelled by any damage greater than 20 (before reductions), including self afflicted damage.

I believe I am right, but to skip endless banter I'll just ask on the playdota forums. You may be right, but in my mind I remember this as true and also know it as a bug in dota 1 since the salve's text is "effect ends when you take damage" unlike in dota 2 where it says "effect ends if you take more than 20 damage after reductions".
Level 3
Jan 24, 2015
I'm sure you've already got the answer on the DOTA forums, but salves, clarities, etc. use the hardcoded non-combat consumable method, which has the same 20+ damage restriction on being broken. I think, in fact, that poison damage doesn't break consumables no matter what, although I doubt that orb of poison actually does poison damage. I'm not even sure if any hard coded spells do poison damage.

WC3's damage types are weird.




I'm sure you've already got the answer on the DOTA forums, but salves, clarities, etc. use the hardcoded non-combat consumable method, which has the same 20+ damage restriction on being broken. I think, in fact, that poison damage doesn't break consumables no matter what, although I doubt that orb of poison actually does poison damage. I'm not even sure if any hard coded spells do poison damage.

WC3's damage types are weird.

Here is the reply from the play dota forums (the one that explains it)

OoV does not break salves or Blink Dagger. The rule for breaking hardcoded consumables is that they break on any damage greater than or equal to 20 before reductions or any damage with Damage Type: Normal or Damage Type: Enhanced.

Orb of Venom does have something like Attack Type: Spells, Damage Type: Enhanced, but it isn't really Enhanced. There are actually a whole bunch of damage types in WC3 including four (Poison, Slow Poison, Disease, and Demolition) which appear to be identical to Enhanced in every respect except for their ability to cancel consumables with damage less than 20. That is, those damage types are treated the same as DT: Magic and DT: Universal in terms of cancelling pots, rather than like DT: Normal or DT: Enhanced. So the assumption is that Envenomed Weapons uses DT: Poison or DT: Slow Poison (or perhaps Disease or Demolition--there's really no way to know) rather than the true DT: Enhanced, and that's why it doesn't cancel salves.

Either way, it certainly does not break Blink Dagger or Heart of Tarrasque, since those require the damage to be strictly greater than 5, regardless of type.
Guys, most things in dota are situational.

For example, you can buy a heart on a strength hero, that will really help you tank!
...unless the enemy lifestealer spots that, gets into a hero you might want to gank, and then gets out and owns your heart, you hit back but he heals more. He chews up all your HP quickly.

You can buy magic wand, but be up in the lane against somebody like Sven, who can cast only one spell that has an effect on you - and it has a large practical cooldown (because he has no mana). His spell hits hard and is not spammable. Now your magic wand is going to be useless during the laning phase. But if you are up against bristleback? No way you are getting into that lane WITHOUT magic wand!

Vanguard? Those shield-based items are great against enemies that hit often, but for little. That IS why they are great for jungling, or lane defense against creeps, etc. At the start when an average hero deals somewhere about 58 damage, the shield is REALLY GOOD, too. However, later in the game, the tiny damage reduction when average damage hit (even taking supports into an account) is about 160 damage, and it happens pretty often because suddenly everyone has much more agility, and HP pools and armor do not get proportionally larger - you will still die quickly and the shield wont do crap. You will not have the time to use vanguard's regenerative properties because you will be promptly dead. You can still aid your team by upgrading to crimson guard.

Orb of venom is a very cheap item that builds into a very expensive item - but is REALLY good if you need to chase down your enemies, whether you are ranged or melee. Sometimes your enemies will run away because they have 5ms more than you. This can break your lane ganks, or any ganks in partcular, especially if you're a masochist like me and play low mobility melee carries/gankers. Bear in mind that 12% movement speed reduction might even be op on this item, for the price that you pay. If your enemy has 340ms WITH BOOTS, and you have 300 without (you are slightly faster than him), and you get the orb as a melee, you will have his speed reduced by 40.8, and suddenly you're 0.8 points faster than him! Still, for that money, and a bit more, you could've just bought boots, so there's that, but hey don't offer more damage by themselves. And it's not exactly +12 dmg, as I do not believe attack debuffs stack - you would have to attack every 4 seconds to get the real benefit of the item, and if you're attempting to kill people and not just harass them, that's a bad idea. Still though, if you're a lane support this is a really good troll item, however, as it will let you deal deceptive amount of damage and make the opponent chew up his tangos faster. But keep in mind this might also make you focused as a target, because you can slow (and consequently get opponents killed more easily), as you're suddenly a greater threat. So orb of venom is viable on most heroes, but most of the time, you're better off just buying better items that'll help you more later - 275 gold is a lot at the start, and the +12 damage bonus gets old pretty fast.




For example, you can buy a heart on a strength hero, that will really help you tank!
...unless the enemy lifestealer spots that, gets into a hero you might want to gank, and then gets out and owns your heart, you hit back but he heals more. He chews up all your HP quickly.

That isn't totally true. Naix deals more damage on heroes above 50% hp.
When you drop below 50% hp, so does his damage.

You can buy magic wand, but be up in the lane against somebody like Sven, who can cast only one spell that has an effect on you - and it has a large practical cooldown (because he has no mana). His spell hits hard and is not spammable. Now your magic wand is going to be useless during the laning phase. But if you are up against bristleback? No way you are getting into that lane WITHOUT magic wand!

True. Though magic wand gives +3 to all stats and is very useful early on.
That little boost of hp and mp helps even if you get little charges.
Also sven has 3 actives now. Though that doesn't change the fact he has
so little mana pool.

Vanguard? Those shield-based items are great against enemies that hit often, but for little. That IS why they are great for jungling, or lane defense against creeps, etc. At the start when an average hero deals somewhere about 58 damage, the shield is REALLY GOOD, too. However, later in the game, the tiny damage reduction when average damage hit (even taking supports into an account) is about 160 damage, and it happens pretty often because suddenly everyone has much more agility, and HP pools and armor do not get proportionally larger - you will still die quickly and the shield wont do crap. You will not have the time to use vanguard's regenerative properties because you will be promptly dead. You can still aid your team by upgrading to crimson guard.

I whole kindheartedly disagree. Vanguard is one of those suspicious looking items that you feel doesn't do enough late game, but I sold vanguards late game only to get chewed hard and I wondered why.

Like you said, some heroes attack really fast and some deal ton of damage.
Against troll or alchemist, heart won't do you much good because they will just cancel the regeneration of the heart with the first few swings and keep you under a stun forever. But vanguard will make it so hard for them to actually kill you. The faster they attack, the more the chance that you will absorb some of their damage. It doesn't help against Legion Commander that's fed but nothing helps against fed heroes anyway.

Orb of venom is a very cheap item that builds into a very expensive item - but is REALLY good if you need to chase down your enemies, whether you are ranged or melee. Sometimes your enemies will run away because they have 5ms more than you. This can break your lane ganks, or any ganks in partcular, especially if you're a masochist like me and play low mobility melee carries/gankers. Bear in mind that 12% movement speed reduction might even be op on this item, for the price that you pay. If your enemy has 340ms WITH BOOTS, and you have 300 without (you are slightly faster than him), and you get the orb as a melee, you will have his speed reduced by 40.8, and suddenly you're 0.8 points faster than him! Still, for that money, and a bit more, you could've just bought boots, so there's that, but hey don't offer more damage by themselves. And it's not exactly +12 dmg, as I do not believe attack debuffs stack - you would have to attack every 4 seconds to get the real benefit of the item, and if you're attempting to kill people and not just harass them, that's a bad idea. Still though, if you're a lane support this is a really good troll item, however, as it will let you deal deceptive amount of damage and make the opponent chew up his tangos faster. But keep in mind this might also make you focused as a target, because you can slow (and consequently get opponents killed more easily), as you're suddenly a greater threat. So orb of venom is viable on most heroes, but most of the time, you're better off just buying better items that'll help you more later - 275 gold is a lot at the start, and the +12 damage bonus gets old pretty fast.

I agree. Orb is a deceptive item. People laugh at ranged heroes that buy it, but a hero like sniper that harasses you hard will get so much out of the poison. And as you said, it builds into the only hard slow item in the game.

Orb is worth tons on melee champions like Troll, Alchemist, Legion Commander, Sniper. I almost always buy it and the cost is so worth it. But for your slow attacking melee or ranged hero, it might not be worth buying it.
That isn't totally true. Naix deals more damage on heroes above 50% hp.
When you drop below 50% hp, so does his damage.

Obviously, but you're quickly going to chew the upper 50% of their 100% damage, rendering the hero's heart less then usually efficient. You can have lifestealer enter your 1st, let the hero initiate, then leave, and chew up the upper portion of HP, making it easier for your 1st to slay the hero. Even if something goes terribly wrong and your 1st dies, there are still good chances you're gonna kill the high HP target, since you basically have a free BKB, really good lifesteal, unusually high attack speed for a strength hero, and should have a basher handy (it's basically core on lifestealer). But meh, it's all situational. It really depends on the setup. In a way you could say the same thing about Phoenix and Enigma (since some of their spells deal % damage), but they are going to depend on positioning (Phoenix) and the opponent's positioning (Enigma) to get killed, where Lifestealer is just annoying.

True. Though magic wand gives +3 to all stats and is very useful early on.
That little boost of hp and mp helps even if you get little charges.
Also sven has 3 actives now. Though that doesn't change the fact he has
so little mana pool.
Three actives, and only one that affects the opponent's wand. Still, if you're an int hero (and especially if you are a heavy nuker like zeus, lion or lina), and are not going to face any cheap nukes or magical harassment in the lane, wand might be a bad option since for a little more gold you can get Null Talisman which gives you overall better stats AND builds into Dagon and Veil of Discord, so you're probably not going to outright sell it later. The problem with the wand and stick is that they account only for the number of spells that affect you, and not their intensity, which means that bristleback's annoying harassment is going to give you one charge, just like laguna blade. But it can still save your life in certain conditions, so those items should never be overlooked if they ARE a good option.

I whole kindheartedly disagree. Vanguard is one of those suspicious looking items that you feel doesn't do enough late game, but I sold vanguards late game only to get chewed hard and I wondered why.

Like you said, some heroes attack really fast and some deal ton of damage.
Against troll or alchemist, heart won't do you much good because they will just cancel the regeneration of the heart with the first few swings and keep you under a stun forever. But vanguard will make it so hard for them to actually kill you. The faster they attack, the more the chance that you will absorb some of their damage. It doesn't help against Legion Commander that's fed but nothing helps against fed heroes anyway.

The problem with the lategame vanguard is the following:
1) It does not work late game because it does not scale at all, it can help you survive, but so can an iron branch
2) Having just platemail in your inventory (a 1400 gold item) will increase your EHP by +60% base HP. Which means that if you have 2000 HP, 10 base armor, and 10 armor from platemail, you'll effectively have 2000+120%*(2000) = 2000 + 2400 = 4400, where with vanguard it is 2250 + 1200 + ? where ? depends on the attacker's damage (and since it should be huge late game, vanguard is just useless). Talisman of Evasion will let you evade an attack every four attacks on average, which effectively gives you 25% more EHP, on top of your current EHP. A pudge with 8000 EHP will get 25% more EHP (so he will have 10000) if he has a Talisman, where withvanguard (which is a more expensive item) he will only get 250 more EHP, flat, without scaling, and since he's going to get focused by heavy attacks, it will do next to nothing. So lategame, in most scenarios Talisman or Platemail are going to be better picks, and you're probably not just going to carry them around, but more likely build them into items like butterfly or heaven's halberd, assault cuirass, etc. With Vanguard you can go for Crimson Guard which is also a situational pick, and for the exact same reason vanguard is.

And not only is this reliable, this also scales really well. All this being said, platemail is not a practical item to rush at the beginning because you'll need a ton of other things. Unless you're rushing Assault Cuirass which I can see being done on WK, Sven and similar heroes (in which case you'll likely wait for a bit more money to get hyperstone in order to be able to gank). Bear in mind though, that Vanguard is a GREAT item if you're gonna get focused by early windranger. It'll just soak up the most of her damage, and she'll windrun and cry in a corner. Her ult is practically blocked by vanguard and crimson guard, so if you're laning against windranger, you should at least get a stout shield. So if you're not a carry but need protection, vanguard is viable, easy to build (cheap parts, no need to save much gold), and you can start right away from the 0:00 with stout shield.

Conclusion? It IS all situational, but math does not lie.

I agree. Orb is a deceptive item. People laugh at ranged heroes that buy it, but a hero like sniper that harasses you hard will get so much out of the poison. And as you said, it builds into the only hard slow item in the game.

Orb is worth tons on melee champions like Troll, Alchemist, Legion Commander, Sniper. I almost always buy it and the cost is so worth it. But for your slow attacking melee or ranged hero, it might not be worth buying it.

My favorite hero, Sven, also benefits from it greatly. Since he has severe problems with mobility, he's often one hit away from finishing the target. Orb should negate this, he has a 12% movement speed buff at level 1 warcry, and then you slow your enemies by 12%. Even if they have boots, they are USUALLY going to be slower then you, and thus unable to outrun you. Unless they're Abaddon, Enchantress, or some other high base speed hero.




Obviously, but you're quickly going to chew the upper 50% of their 100% damage, rendering the hero's heart less then usually efficient. You can have lifestealer enter your 1st, let the hero initiate, then leave, and chew up the upper portion of HP, making it easier for your 1st to slay the hero. Even if something goes terribly wrong and your 1st dies, there are still good chances you're gonna kill the high HP target, since you basically have a free BKB, really good lifesteal, unusually high attack speed for a strength hero, and should have a basher handy (it's basically core on lifestealer).

This is too situational to look at it as an argument. Lifestealer 1v1 vs any other hero usually means that after the 50% max hp mark, Naix's damage drops significantly. Also naix works good with orb, much cheaper than basher and does the same job (when not in late game and money is abundant)

Three actives, and only one that affects the opponent's wand. Still, if you're an int hero (and especially if you are a heavy nuker like zeus, lion or lina), and are not going to face any cheap nukes or magical harassment in the lane, wand might be a bad option since for a little more gold you can get Null Talisman which gives you overall better stats AND builds into Dagon and Veil of Discord, so you're probably not going to outright sell it later. The problem with the wand and stick is that they account only for the number of spells that affect you, and not their intensity, which means that bristleback's annoying harassment is going to give you one charge, just like laguna blade. But it can still save your life in certain conditions, so those items should never be overlooked if they ARE a good option.

Wand adds a charge each time a visible hero within range casts a spell and only doesn't work with toggle-able abilities. All 3 of Sven's spells affect wand, if he casts them near an enemy with a wand. But since sven isn't a spam caster, they won't benefit as much from his spells.

Also Null Talisman into Veil? That's new. That must be from a recent update. Only thing Null built into was Dagon so it wasn't all that useful. But if you can build Veil now as well, that's awesome!

Conclusion? It IS all situational, but math does not lie.

Chance on hit is chance on hit. It might proc each time you're attacked and that means something. It doesn't really matter vs high damage threats like Sven, Legion Commander that chew you up in the minimum amount of hits possible. But vs high attackspeed targets, it helps plenty.

Obviously your argument stands and I support it. In the late game, that evasion is much better than chance to absorb static damage that doesn't scale.

My favorite hero, Sven, also benefits from it greatly. Since he has severe problems with mobility, he's often one hit away from finishing the target. Orb should negate this, he has a 12% movement speed buff at level 1 warcry, and then you slow your enemies by 12%. Even if they have boots, they are USUALLY going to be slower then you, and thus unable to outrun you. Unless they're Abaddon, Enchantress, or some other high base speed hero.

Well each player has its playstyle. I wouldn't go Orb of Cuirass on Sven, because I've always like Sven with Mask of Madness. Squishy, but brutally powerful.
This is too situational to look at it as an argument. Lifestealer 1v1 vs any other hero usually means that after the 50% max hp mark, Naix's damage drops significantly. Also naix works good with orb, much cheaper than basher and does the same job (when not in late game and money is abundant)

While it's true his damage drops a lot, it's also true that with an armlet, mjollnir and basher/abbysal you're gonna hit really hard and really fast, with a good chance to make your opponent unable to really retaliate, especially with rage combined. You're supposed to kill your targets quickly. If you do not, you either wait to outbash/outlifesteal them or try to escape.

Wand adds a charge each time a visible hero within range casts a spell and only doesn't work with toggle-able abilities. All 3 of Sven's spells affect wand, if he casts them near an enemy with a wand. But since sven isn't a spam caster, they won't benefit as much from his spells.

Good, then I messed something up.

Also Null Talisman into Veil? That's new. That must be from a recent update. Only thing Null built into was Dagon so it wasn't all that useful. But if you can build Veil now as well, that's awesome!

Yeah, that's how it works now. This makes it easy for heavy magic nukers to get something out of their talisman, get harder to kill by physical force and also get some decent enough health regeneration for roaming. This assures your null talisman won't be wasted if you decide to go this route.

Chance on hit is chance on hit. It might proc each time you're attacked and that means something.

Nope, this is not at all true, at least in Dota 2. It uses a pseudo random mechanism, meaning it will proc much more consistently, but STILL not absolutely reliably.

It doesn't really matter vs high damage threats like Sven, Legion Commander that chew you up in the minimum amount of hits possible. But vs high attackspeed targets, it helps plenty.

Yeah, pretty much, against heroes who spam illusions at you or those that have abilities that improve attack speed greatly at the cost of damage (windranger) one or even two stout shields is a great place to start, then even mid game building vanguard from one of them might be viable. And yes, if somebody has high attack speed (sven with mjollnir, assault cuirass and MoM, which is how I like to do it) BUT also dishes ridiculous damage, you're screwed either way as long as you do not get the fuck out of there.

Obviously your argument stands and I support it. In the late game, that evasion is much better than chance to absorb static damage that doesn't scale.

Yep, that's about it.

Well each player has its playstyle. I wouldn't go Orb of Cuirass on Sven, because I've always like Sven with Mask of Madness. Squishy, but brutally powerful.

Orb of Cuirass? I build MoM before boots, aside from letting me actually survive in the lane longer due to lifesteal, it also lets me run away faster than I would've been with boots, in case I have to run away. Also, in case I want to brutally murder something, I am more likely to do that with a single MoM than just PT. I also go for MoM first if forced to the jungle, just makes things easier, and you're gonna farm up 450 gold for boots faster with MoM than you're gonna farm up 900+900 for MoM with whole PTs. And also, the counterargument to orb on sven is simply making him deal so much damage that running away is not a choice, as his stun + fast MoM run to the target (or simple close gank) + warcry + ult = dead hero. So yes, making sven builds around chasing enemies is counter-productive to say the least, but can still work if you want to troll people.

Also, with MoM, you're supposed to be everything but squishy - if you attack, you're quickly gonna make up for the 30% more damage received by dishing crazy amounts of damage. This is why people lock sven down as soon as he gets to the range to attack people, or even before - if he's stunned with all his actives up, he's really easy to kill (if you've had anywhere close to his farm, obviously) as long as you don't get into his melee range.




Yeah, that's how it works now. This makes it easy for heavy magic nukers to get something out of their talisman, get harder to kill by physical force and also get some decent enough health regeneration for roaming. This assures your null talisman won't be wasted if you decide to go this route.

Veil will work wonders on any nuker. Im glad its easier to build now

And yes, if somebody has high attack speed (sven with mjollnir, assault cuirass and MoM, which is how I like to do it) BUT also dishes ridiculous damage, you're screwed either way as long as you do not get the fuck out of there.

Shiva and Blademail are the answer for such threats. Especially Blademail.

Orb of Cuirass?

I meant to write Orb or Cuirass.

Also, with MoM, you're supposed to be everything but squishy - if you attack, you're quickly gonna make up for the 30% more damage received by dishing crazy amounts of damage. This is why people lock sven down as soon as he gets to the range to attack people, or even before - if he's stunned with all his actives up, he's really easy to kill (if you've had anywhere close to his farm, obviously) as long as you don't get into his melee range.

Mask can screw you over badly if you activate it and get cc'ed. Then that 30% bonus damage will get you in the arse. This is where high attackspeed or low cd damage spells will get you killed.

Also I just thought about it and you're semi right. Orb works wonders with Mask on Sven when you activate the mask. Its a cheap cc that will most likely help you alot in the early game.
Veil will work wonders on any nuker. Im glad its easier to build now

It'd be a core on lina if people didn't force her right-click. It's a really good item to build on lion, but only after aghanims. If you play a semi-carry lion, and get these two items quickly enough, you might be able to almost one-shot teams if lucky if they are particularly squishy or have standard or lower magic resistance.

Shiva and Blademail are the answer for such threats. Especially Blademail.

Yes, what I meant is if it is early game and you have the option of having vs not having stout shield/vanguard. Blademail will obviously screw high damage low hp heroes like clinkz for example.

I meant to write Orb or Cuirass.

Makes sense now :x

Mask can screw you over badly if you activate it and get cc'ed. Then that 30% bonus damage will get you in the arse. This is where high attackspeed or low cd damage spells will get you killed.

Yep, that's why charging towards the team without BKB kinda sucks :x And that's also why people get bkb piercing disables (bane being favorite, as it also lets you reposition well before striking back, or enigma, when you know you should have the DPS to deal with 3-5 heroes in 5 seconds) when they know they'll face opponents like this. Also a carry might build an Abyssal blade which is rarely ever a wasted item. Not in shit tier pubs, but should be the case anywhere above.

Also I just thought about it and you're semi right. Orb works wonders with Mask on Sven when you activate the mask. Its a cheap cc that will most likely help you alot in the early game.

Yep, if you're playing the roamer build where you don't get much farm from creeps, going MoM + Boots of Speed + Orb of Venom = good to go. If you get lucky enough you can even go for skadi just for the lolz (not that sven does not appreciate a really good slow, stats that scale extremely well, etc). Still, today it's often a wrong way to play Sven, since he needs tons of items to properly roam like good mobility heroes that can get by with very little itemization (nightstalker, bounty, etc) and since his carry potential is already boosted ridiculously. In the next patch he even gets a buff to Warcry, where it'll be 5/10/15/20 armor instead of 4/8/12/16, as if he wasn't already practically impervious to physical damage lategame.




It'd be a core on lina if people didn't force her right-click.

Lina has that passive after casting a spell her attackspeed is increased? Right click to win is the dota style since its based around static damage spells and high amount of damage items.

Yes, what I meant is if it is early game and you have the option of having vs not having stout shield/vanguard. Blademail will obviously screw high damage low hp heroes like clinkz for example.

Does Orchid stop Blademail activation? Since Orchid is a core on Fletcher.

Yep, that's why charging towards the team without BKB kinda sucks :x And that's also why people get bkb piercing disables (bane being favorite, as it also lets you reposition well before striking back, or enigma, when you know you should have the DPS to deal with 3-5 heroes in 5 seconds) when they know they'll face opponents like this. Also a carry might build an Abyssal blade which is rarely ever a wasted item. Not in shit tier pubs, but should be the case anywhere above.

Does Mask apply even when you're under BKB?

Abyssal is too late game to be considered viable. Its not worth to get only for the stun, its only good as a further upgrade on basher and only if gold leaks from your ears.

Yep, if you're playing the roamer build where you don't get much farm from creeps, going MoM + Boots of Speed + Orb of Venom = good to go. If you get lucky enough you can even go for skadi just for the lolz (not that sven does not appreciate a really good slow, stats that scale extremely well, etc). Still, today it's often a wrong way to play Sven, since he needs tons of items to properly roam like good mobility heroes that can get by with very little itemization (nightstalker, bounty, etc) and since his carry potential is already boosted ridiculously. In the next patch he even gets a buff to Warcry, where it'll be 5/10/15/20 armor instead of 4/8/12/16, as if he wasn't already practically impervious to physical damage lategame

A Sven roamer build? I wouldn't go Sven for roaming. He has zero ways to stay undetected and sneak behind enemy lines. His only chance is to find invis rune and that is too low of a chance to be considered a strategy build. IMO, Sven is a lane fighter / pusher / carry. He isn't for roaming. He is an initiator and a team killer, but not a ganker or an assassin.

Bounty Hunter, Rikimaru, Nightstalker, Fletcher, the Murloc... those are the roamers and assassins. They need little items and manpower to pull off a sneak and stab and get away with it.

20 Armor isn't that big of a deal. It doesn't apply to spells, and no fool is gonna take on Sven 1v1 anyway. Its more an escape than a proper boost spell.
Lina has that passive after casting a spell her attackspeed is increased? Right click to win is the dota style since its based around static damage spells and high amount of damage items.

Yes, obviously, but instead of taking farm from your 1 and 2, you should (as a Lina) be focusing on using your spells, and not getting farm for a freaking Daedalus or Mkb. Seriously, it is a really nice idea to have another strong right-click hitter in your team, and you see this a lot in pub Linas, but in a team vs team match, Lina getting carry items to support her right click is just often way too wrong. Instead of that, should she somehow get really good farm (her ult finishes off heroes often) she should use that money to buy high tier support items and let her carries prioritize the right-clicking instead. Obviously, Lina should still right-click if she's in position to do so (safe from ranged heroes, has max attack speed, no blademail in sight), but her farm is often better spent on actually playing the rest of the support role. She just lacks so many things to be a really good, consistent and viable core right clicker (good survivability OR an escape mechanism, right off the bat), that building right-click damage through damage items is often just wrong. Instead of that, building support items that also give INT is a great idea - it gives you right click damage when you're in position to do it, and it gives you a great way to otherwise support your team. Lina buying a Daedalus instead of Scythe or Shiva can easily break the game. Better get a Shiva and let your carries finish the other team off, or get a Scythe and destroy the enemy carry or nuker that's now unable to retaliate, or get Eul's to... well, do pretty much a shitton of different things, and STILL get some right-click damage out of it, as well as a huge mana pool. The point is - just because something can and will work in certain circumstances, it does not mean it is a good strategy or a general idea - some things work just because people are dumb (like for example - shadow blade on really any hero on pubs), and I think it's wrong to play with that assumption - if you want to win more matches than you lose, you should probably use tactics that will work more often than not. Lina getting Daedalus and Mkb can make her go on a murderous rampage... if the opposing heroes are terribly underfarmed, reeeally squishy, nobody comes to actually kill her, they are all melee, nobody thought of building blademail, or some other situation you should not really count on to build your strategy.

Does Orchid stop Blademail activation? Since Orchid is a core on Fletcher.

Nope, it doesn't really work like Doom that does. But it will make most people unable to stun or get away from Clinkz easily. Still, if you see people are building blademail and still want to gank them, as a Clinkz you should bait it out, and then murder your target if they do not get help or go to the tower's range once blademail is off, or just get a BKB if you can (though it might not do well if you engage blademail targets frequently, even though forcing the whole team to buy blademail means you're sorta winning). But Clinkz, like Riki, really depends on a disorganized team that does not buy wards frequently enough (or at all) and has no coordination necessary to shut down heroes like this, so blademail baiting can still work mostly on pubs.

Does Mask apply even when you're under BKB?

Yep, but majority of magic nukes won't hit you at all, meaning it's essentially +30% physical damage, so building high armor or making sure your opponents cannot really fight back is crucial.

Abyssal is too late game to be considered viable. Its not worth to get only for the stun, its only good as a further upgrade on basher and only if gold leaks from your ears.

Abyssal blade becomes necessary once the other team has really farmed agi carries at level 25. As a carry, you should be able to outbash them more often than not. And don't forget, people who boost agility - get attack speed, damage and physical damage reduction all from one stat, meaning that agility is the most efficient stat to focus rightclicking, and putting a bash on top of it means that your target will mostly be stunned while you're killing them. This is why strength carries are going to suck it against most well farmed agility carries lategame - because they simply cannot get the most "bang for their buck" so to speak. Agility carries with some sort of a bash will have the most consistent bash procs (and those go through BKB). A typical str carry is just going to be run over once both him and the agility carry have all the best 6 slot items. During the mid game, a good Sven player with good farm is supposed to be able to stun a few players, and slash them to death before the 2 second stun is over. How can you do this to really farmed agility carries past the 50th minute mark? The answer is: you mostly don't, instead you get bashed to death unless you somehow get help from supports, and their supports suck in comparison.

A Sven roamer build? I wouldn't go Sven for roaming. He has zero ways to stay undetected and sneak behind enemy lines. His only chance is to find invis rune and that is too low of a chance to be considered a strategy build. IMO, Sven is a lane fighter / pusher / carry. He isn't for roaming. He is an initiator and a team killer, but not a ganker or an assassin.

Bounty Hunter, Rikimaru, Nightstalker, Fletcher, the Murloc... those are the roamers and assassins. They need little items and manpower to pull off a sneak and stab and get away with it.

Sven was not always the hard carry he is today, his carry potential was incrementally buffed over the years. Building Sven like a ganker today would be really stupid and a waste of potential, as I've pretty much covered in my previous comment.

20 Armor isn't that big of a deal. It doesn't apply to spells, and no fool is gonna take on Sven 1v1 anyway. Its more an escape than a proper boost spell.

It gives 20 armor to you AND your teammates. And any summons you might have. Keep in mind that 20 armor means + 120% base hit points against physical damage. If you have 2000 base HP and 15 armor, you'll have 2000 + 90%*2000 = 3800 ehp. Add assault cuirass and warcry at lvl4, suddenly the numbers are 2000+300%*2000=8000 ehp. This number is just crazy, but perfectly viable lategame, and not a problem if they have great attack speed, a way to bash you, and 1500+ physical DPS (which they should have).

If the other team's really hard with magic nukes, you should obviously have one support build Pipe, so there's that. But lategame, when everybody has as much base HP as they can or should, and killing is mostly done by right clicking, 20 bonus armor means A TON. Killing takes very little time at that stage in the game (because DPS increment should be way greater than EHP increment), so warcry actually "lasts longer" in terms of teamfight time.




Yes, obviously, but instead of taking farm from your 1 and 2, you should (as a Lina) be focusing on using your spells, and not getting farm for a freaking Daedalus or Mkb. Seriously, it is a really nice idea to have another strong right-click hitter in your team, and you see this a lot in pub Linas, but in a team vs team match, Lina getting carry items to support her right click is just often way too wrong. Instead of that, should she somehow get really good farm (her ult finishes off heroes often) she should use that money to buy high tier support items and let her carries prioritize the right-clicking instead. Obviously, Lina should still right-click if she's in position to do so (safe from ranged heroes, has max attack speed, no blademail in sight), but her farm is often better spent on actually playing the rest of the support role. She just lacks so many things to be a really good, consistent and viable core right clicker (good survivability OR an escape mechanism, right off the bat), that building right-click damage through damage items is often just wrong. Instead of that, building support items that also give INT is a great idea - it gives you right click damage when you're in position to do it, and it gives you a great way to otherwise support your team. Lina buying a Daedalus instead of Scythe or Shiva can easily break the game. Better get a Shiva and let your carries finish the other team off, or get a Scythe and destroy the enemy carry or nuker that's now unable to retaliate, or get Eul's to... well, do pretty much a shitton of different things, and STILL get some right-click damage out of it, as well as a huge mana pool. The point is - just because something can and will work in certain circumstances, it does not mean it is a good strategy or a general idea - some things work just because people are dumb (like for example - shadow blade on really any hero on pubs), and I think it's wrong to play with that assumption - if you want to win more matches than you lose, you should probably use tactics that will work more often than not. Lina getting Daedalus and Mkb can make her go on a murderous rampage... if the opposing heroes are terribly underfarmed, reeeally squishy, nobody comes to actually kill her, they are all melee, nobody thought of building blademail, or some other situation you should not really count on to build your strategy.

I don't play dota 1 vs people anymore and I don't play dota 2 either. So I can't really say what pub matches look like or how people play heroes in general. All my knowledge about dota is the fact that I overplayed the dota AI map and have a few dota 2 matches.

Crazy item builds is what might just work in pro formats. People play around a meta, and when you show up and defy that meta, less than more people don't know how to counter you. And dota like other games, hearthstone, League etc. has a meta with item builds and play styles.

But your point of view is okay too. I wouldn't build dps items on Lina, but I would build something if I have at least one or two core items. Her damage can skyrocket just because of that passive. I'd maybe build Mjolnir, cuz that's awesome even for a nuker since like I said many times, dota is a game of attack damage versus spell damage.

Nope, it doesn't really work like Doom that does. But it will make most people unable to stun or get away from Clinkz easily. Still, if you see people are building blademail and still want to gank them, as a Clinkz you should bait it out, and then murder your target if they do not get help or go to the tower's range once blademail is off, or just get a BKB if you can (though it might not do well if you engage blademail targets frequently, even though forcing the whole team to buy blademail means you're sorta winning). But Clinkz, like Riki, really depends on a disorganized team that does not buy wards frequently enough (or at all) and has no coordination necessary to shut down heroes like this, so blademail baiting can still work mostly on pubs.

Well, that is skill in itself. To bait out something to happen by acting like you are going for it. Though, might be tough if you have no escape mechanic to back up that plan.

Yep, but majority of magic nukes won't hit you at all, meaning it's essentially +30% physical damage, so building high armor or making sure your opponents cannot really fight back is crucial.

Well attacks still hit you, but yeah armor helps tons with that.

Abyssal blade becomes necessary once the other team has really farmed agi carries at level 25. As a carry, you should be able to outbash them more often than not. And don't forget, people who boost agility - get attack speed, damage and physical damage reduction all from one stat, meaning that agility is the most efficient stat to focus rightclicking, and putting a bash on top of it means that your target will mostly be stunned while you're killing them. This is why strength carries are going to suck it against most well farmed agility carries lategame - because they simply cannot get the most "bang for their buck" so to speak. Agility carries with some sort of a bash will have the most consistent bash procs (and those go through BKB). A typical str carry is just going to be run over once both him and the agility carry have all the best 6 slot items. During the mid game, a good Sven player with good farm is supposed to be able to stun a few players, and slash them to death before the 2 second stun is over. How can you do this to really farmed agility carries past the 50th minute mark? The answer is: you mostly don't, instead you get bashed to death unless you somehow get help from supports, and their supports suck in comparison.

I don't agree. Abyssal is too expensive of an item to be considered viable for a counter strategy. And there are too many great alternatives that are cheaper and work even better to go against a hard carry with tons of agility. Sure, Abyssal stun is the best, but its also short range, long cooldown.

Heaven's Halberd is a nightmare for right click heroes. You basically take away its only way to kill you. Blademail as we discussed is great. You can Force Staff them away as well or slow them from Shiva or Rod of Atos. And ultimately, you can Sheep them. And as you said, its a good way to bait out that BKB if they have it.

Sven was not always the hard carry he is today, his carry potential was incrementally buffed over the years. Building Sven like a ganker today would be really stupid and a waste of potential, as I've pretty much covered in my previous comment.

No, actually Sven was always the hard carry he is today. Only today he has more active spells unlike in the past where he only had a single player stun, devotion aura, cleaving attack and ofc his signature ultimate. I played dota since its very early days, but I stuck most of the time at 5.84c version and Sven was a god to be feared with his pushing and team killing capabilities.

It gives 20 armor to you AND your teammates. And any summons you might have. Keep in mind that 20 armor means + 120% base hit points against physical damage. If you have 2000 base HP and 15 armor, you'll have 2000 + 90%*2000 = 3800 ehp. Add assault cuirass and warcry at lvl4, suddenly the numbers are 2000+300%*2000=8000 ehp. This number is just crazy, but perfectly viable lategame, and not a problem if they have great attack speed, a way to bash you, and 1500+ physical DPS (which they should have).

If the other team's really hard with magic nukes, you should obviously have one support build Pipe, so there's that. But lategame, when everybody has as much base HP as they can or should, and killing is mostly done by right clicking, 20 bonus armor means A TON. Killing takes very little time at that stage in the game (because DPS increment should be way greater than EHP increment), so warcry actually "lasts longer" in terms of teamfight time.

Well that math is logical, though I can't say I thought about it like that. To me armor was always reducing a portion of his damage, not adding an invisible max health to me.

Since Warcry affects allies too, I retract my comment. That is OP in many ways. 20 armor might not be lot in a late game, but if you give 4 other heroes + summons around you that armor that is 100+ armor gain. That's insane
I don't play dota 1 vs people anymore and I don't play dota 2 either. So I can't really say what pub matches look like or how people play heroes in general. All my knowledge about dota is the fact that I overplayed the dota AI map and have a few dota 2 matches.

Yeah, AI will hardly give you an idea of how players actually play :x

Crazy item builds is what might just work in pro formats. People play around a meta, and when you show up and defy that meta, less than more people don't know how to counter you. And dota like other games, hearthstone, League etc. has a meta with item builds and play styles.

Sure, you can do it, and you can own people like this, or you can get owned much worse. In pro matches money's on the table, and you want to get it as safely as possible.

But your point of view is okay too. I wouldn't build dps items on Lina, but I would build something if I have at least one or two core items. Her damage can skyrocket just because of that passive. I'd maybe build Mjolnir, cuz that's awesome even for a nuker since like I said many times, dota is a game of attack damage versus spell damage.

Mjollnir is a terrible idea because it will give her attack speed (and the attak speed aspect costs more than 2500 on that item) which she should not need. With proper +int items she'll usually use every single aspect of it. It's not that I hate some builds, it's just dota economics - just don't waste your money on less efficient items if you can get more efficient ones. Especially since your lina is not a 1 in your team, and every gold coin counts.

Well, that is skill in itself. To bait out something to happen by acting like you are going for it. Though, might be tough if you have no escape mechanic to back up that plan.

Much like you're trying to bait the opponent's blademail, they should want to bait your invisibility and then stun you or dust you. It's not an one sided game at all, you're squishy and against enemy carries you should die in a few hits lategame.

I don't agree. Abyssal is too expensive of an item to be considered viable for a counter strategy.

Is a Mkb also too expensive for a counter strategy? If you want to kill those people and need them in place, a BKB piercing 2 sec reliable stun is one of the best things you can have.

And there are too many great alternatives that are cheaper and work even better to go against a hard carry with tons of agility. Sure, Abyssal stun is the best, but its also short range, long cooldown.

If you're Sven, it lets you use your 2sec stun, then prolong it by 2sec for another target so they can't bash you. If you play against Naix, halberd should be useless once he gets his rage up, but abbyssal goes through it, which gives you a lot of time to deal tremendous damage. Then as a Sven you can prolong it by 2 seconds more, or just happen to proc a bash.

Heaven's Halberd is a nightmare for right click heroes. You basically take away its only way to kill you.

But it does not go through BKB, nor does it last for long enough - once it's over (and they should've moved away from you for a while), you're toasted. With an abbyssal you have a mostly consistent barrage of bkb-piercing bash chance. It's way more annoying, and gives you more damage and a reliable bkb piercing 2sec stun. You have to keep in mind that I am talking REALLY late game, when money is no longer really a problem, you should be able to flash farm really well, push-farm a lot, etc, so even abbyssal becomes viable against agi hard carries and annoying attack-speed based carries like naix that can easily bash you to death and survive an encounter with you.

Blademail as we discussed is great. You can Force Staff them away as well or slow them from Shiva or Rod of Atos. And ultimately, you can Sheep them. And as you said, its a good way to bait out that BKB if they have it.

Well, the way to win a teamfight is you're underfarmed is often to employ tactics that bait things out, like illusions, or in some cases, even sacrificing a support that's no longer nearly useful as much as they were at the beginning, and they are a five in the team.

No, actually Sven was always the hard carry he is today. Only today he has more active spells unlike in the past where he only had a single player stun, devotion aura, cleaving attack and ofc his signature ultimate.

Well, his ulti is buffed beyond what's tasteful, his warcry is now as well, his 65% pure damage cleave has way too long range, and his agility gain is actually pretty nice, and I am not sure things used to go this well for him back in the day - while he might have been feared, he's even more powerful now, and if you look at his winrate against match time, he's actually just going up, and not diminishing, probably because of his insane damage with proper itemization, as well as 300% base damage ulti.

I played dota since its very early days, but I stuck most of the time at 5.84c version and Sven was a god to be feared with his pushing and team killing capabilities.

I have just seen clips of this, and haven't actaully played Dota 1 to this extent, but from what I see, he was really buffed a lot, lot, lot over the years.

Well that math is logical, though I can't say I thought about it like that. To me armor was always reducing a portion of his damage, not adding an invisible max health to me.

Since Warcry affects allies too, I retract my comment. That is OP in many ways. 20 armor might not be lot in a late game, but if you give 4 other heroes + summons around you that armor that is 100+ armor gain. That's insane

Yep, it's a deceptive spell - if you don't put the numbers on the table, it looks simple, but in reality, if they haven't got good AoE magic nukers or pure damage heroes (like omni and timbersaw), you can actually screw the other team very nicely, especially if you also have Assault Cuirass, which makes them have 30%*base hp reduced from EHP, and your team that much hp MORE. Also, as I said, unlike pure hit points, armor scales into late game because it uses base hp. If you buy a heart and on top of it a ton of armor, you're really going to screw people unless they devise a strategy to bait all you have out, then lock you down, and do their best to kill you, and ignore the rest of the team. But both too many armor items and too many hit point items are bad strategies in a general case. You should boost both to a point, and I think there's even a mathematical equation for what works best - I think if you have about 3000hp or something, you are really better off boosting armor, if you're below you should boost HP more if it's up to you and not your allies, but in reality, if you're playing Sven, you're going to get tons of armor anyway, so Heart is often viable along with AC and Warcry.

Warcry also lets you or creeps around you tank the tower while you're destroying it. Instead of dying in 2-3 tower hits, a ranged creep can now sustain 5-6 which is REALLY significant when you're pushing and don't yet have a ton of HP to tank it all up.




Yeah, AI will hardly give you an idea of how players actually play :x

Yes, but it does teach the very important stuff that is almost never learned when playing against people. Because players vary in styles, reaction, lag etc... someone is gonna punish you while others will let you slip. VS an AI, they will almost never leave you unpunished when you make a mistake. And that consistency will build your dota skills immensely.

I am not a good team player, which sucks for me when going with people. But alone in a lane, I don't do stupid shit and I always farm well and deny their farm to the best of my ability. Item wise I am also smart.

So while AI isn't gonna teach me to play versus people's tactics, it will and has taught me how to play and how dota works.

Sure, you can do it, and you can own people like this, or you can get owned much worse. In pro matches money's on the table, and you want to get it as safely as possible.

And those who risk it reap the rewards, most of the time. Those that play out of fear of losing money or losing the rewards almost 100% of the time lose, in any game. Fear is an important motivator, but if you let it dictate your play style, you're dead weight.

Mjollnir is a terrible idea because it will give her attack speed (and the attak speed aspect costs more than 2500 on that item) which she should not need. With proper +int items she'll usually use every single aspect of it. It's not that I hate some builds, it's just dota economics - just don't waste your money on less efficient items if you can get more efficient ones. Especially since your lina is not a 1 in your team, and every gold coin counts.

Your logic stands. Maybe that item isn't that good on Lina. But some damage item to utilize that passive most efficiently is good. I don't think pure INT items are best, since she has spells to deal damage with - her attack barely hitting though. Desolator maybe? Armor reduction is always welcomed.

I did say IF you have core items and IF you have lots of gold. Then investing into something unorthodox will catch them by surprise too. Nobody expects Lina to deal lots of damage with auto-attacks.

But it does not go through BKB, nor does it last for long enough - once it's over (and they should've moved away from you for a while), you're toasted. With an abbyssal you have a mostly consistent barrage of bkb-piercing bash chance. It's way more annoying, and gives you more damage and a reliable bkb piercing 2sec stun.

But its 3850 gold, unlike Abyssal which is 6750 gold.
You build it mid game and it lasts all game. That BKB won't do the carry anything good because he/she will try to counter your halberd and won't build other items until they get BKB, only to escape you. You basically won the game because of this.

And it has a 30 seconds cooldown, while Abyssal has 60.

You have to keep in mind that I am talking REALLY late game, when money is no longer really a problem, you should be able to flash farm really well, push-farm a lot, etc, so even abbyssal becomes viable against agi hard carries and annoying attack-speed based carries like naix that can easily bash you to death and survive an encounter with you.

Ok, in this scenario Abyssal is worth all the money.

Well, the way to win a teamfight is you're underfarmed is often to employ tactics that bait things out, like illusions, or in some cases, even sacrificing a support that's no longer nearly useful as much as they were at the beginning, and they are a five in the team.

Sacrificing team mates to win a fight? How cruel of you.

Well, his ulti is buffed beyond what's tasteful, his warcry is now as well, his 65% pure damage cleave has way too long range, and his agility gain is actually pretty nice, and I am not sure things used to go this well for him back in the day - while he might have been feared, he's even more powerful now, and if you look at his winrate against match time, he's actually just going up, and not diminishing, probably because of his insane damage with proper itemization, as well as 300% base damage ulti.

Its 300% now? Damn. No seriously. Damn.

I have just seen clips of this, and haven't actaully played Dota 1 to this extent, but from what I see, he was really buffed a lot, lot, lot over the years.

While Warcry is insane, nothing beats a consistent armor buff. And devotion aura back in the days was a +3/4/5/6 armor boost (if I remember correctly) to everyone in a large area around Sven. Desolator was a must for all carries that went against Sven back then, unless you are Slardar and sometimes even him went Desolator.

Yep, it's a deceptive spell - if you don't put the numbers on the table, it looks simple, but in reality, if they haven't got good AoE magic nukers or pure damage heroes (like omni and timbersaw), you can actually screw the other team very nicely

Combined with the new Crimson Guard, that Warcry is even more insane. Though I have to wonder if Dota is gonna become the new LoL.

I hate League of Legends since way back, but now to me its garbage. They buffed champions magic resist and armor, and their items are kind of shit as well.
Either your champion deals TONS of damage or it deals none. That's how LoL feels to me right now and I always want to go back to Dota where consistency is king.

I don't want Dota to become like League. League has an almost balance between armor and damage items. Dota always had more damage items than armors.
And this adds to the pressure of using builds rather than spam buy all armor items and just charge into fights.

Then again, I'm trying to compare completely different games. And I don't know if my explanation makes any sense, but to me it feels like this is the case.
Yes, but it does teach the very important stuff that is almost never learned when playing against people. Because players vary in styles, reaction, lag etc... someone is gonna punish you while others will let you slip. VS an AI, they will almost never leave you unpunished when you make a mistake. And that consistency will build your dota skills immensely.

You have to rely both on the fact that people can do something smart, and something stupid, and that there's a thing called reaction time and ping, which bots hardly have (seriously, if you blink into bots you're often insta-stunned, which very often does not happen even in pro play). Playing against a robot when you know what they're going to do is actually you having an advantage, not the robot, they cannot anticipate your moves, but you can obviously anticipate theirs, and even if their time response is better, you already know how to dodge all of it if you play against bots a lot. This simply does not happen neither in pubs nor in competitive play, you can know how certain players play and what they usually do, but it's not that they're programmed. The robot can be programmed to perform various tasks very well, but you (should) now exactly what it's gonna do.

I am not a good team player, which sucks for me when going with people. But alone in a lane, I don't do stupid shit and I always farm well and deny their farm to the best of my ability. Item wise I am also smart.

So while AI isn't gonna teach me to play versus people's tactics, it will and has taught me how to play and how dota works.

If you're not a good team player, your farming skills will go to waste, and if you deny and take last hits against bots you'll obviously be up for a surprise against real players, who can be reckless and try to tower dive you when you least expect it, or not attack you at all when you do expect it. Some players will risk their life trying to take yours (which bot supports hardly do, even if you are carry), some players won't have map awareness even if their hero completely depends on it (pub spirit breakers), some players will actually blindly go into your jungle without any indication you might be there, and catch you completely unprepared because your support didn't put wards where he should've, and he had no reason whatsoever to roam your jungle. Bots are too calculated and programmed to perform certain tasks, that they won't do things typical players do.

Huskar players will often get killed while also killing you, which does not happen with bots - they have more rational calculations. Bots are only good to practice certain mechanics against them, but you're really not practicing the GAME against them, if you understand what I am saying. Faceless Void players in pubs will use Chronosphere to do a variety on things, like running away with other hurt carries, while pub Voids will only use it to attack, etc. An underfarmed Void that's aware he cannot kill anybody won't even use chronosphere if he's a bot. He had already calculated that he cannot dish enough damage for it. Bot Windrangers will never play the carry build for her, even given proper farm, though they can still be deadly, because +int items hurt a lot if built on her anyway.

And those who risk it reap the rewards, most of the time. Those that play out of fear of losing money or losing the rewards almost 100% of the time lose, in any game. Fear is an important motivator, but if you let it dictate your play style, you're dead weight.

Not really, the reason why the pro scene does not improvise much is because they practice certain lineups and simply do not want to risk getting owned playing heroes they barely play. Risking a bit can pay off, risking too much often does not. Playing heroes in the most efficient way to play them is still the best way to do it. Building BKB and heart on Naix might even be a good idea against certain lineups, but is absolutely atrocious in majority of cases, and they know it. So if somebody picks Naix, chances of them getting Heart AND BKB on him are very, very, low, but WILL happen if the opposing team has a ton of magic nukers (BKB blocks magic damage, Heart helps with what does get through, and Naix effectively already has a BKB built in). Another reason is that certain lineups just work much better than something random mashed together, and even better than something that seems like a good idea on paper, but does not work at all. Pro players use statistics to their aid too, they know what heroes are countered by what heroes, and WHY, etc. There's no place for too much experimentation if you have a GOOD correct answer. Where things are more vague, you can, and will experiment. So basically, pro teams actually think their lineups and builds through, and don't experiment to try if something will work simply because they know it simply wont - they have thousands upon thousands of hours playing dota and have seen all kinds of stuff, and often remember well enough when somethings works vs when it does not.

Your logic stands. Maybe that item isn't that good on Lina. But some damage item to utilize that passive most efficiently is good. I don't think pure INT items are best, since she has spells to deal damage with - her attack barely hitting though. Desolator maybe? Armor reduction is always welcomed.

You got it at "she has spells to deal damage with". Well, Lina has high damage spells, good int gain, and good right click after spells are spammed a bit. Getting +int items on her is ULTRA EFFICIENT when it comes to both right click and spells. She might be the hero with the highest benefit from +int items, due to this, when it comes to actually dealing damage. And on top of that, most +int items you are gonna get are also gonna help your team because they have utilities, so your killing and supporting potentials skyrocket. You're squishy, but you can also kill VERY fast, so there's that. Reaction time and proper chain stunning and teamplay are keys to playing Lina well, as well as knowing when to start spamming right click on somebody, and when to back out (realizing you might get killed and not get a kill in return).

I did say IF you have core items and IF you have lots of gold. Then investing into something unorthodox will catch them by surprise too. Nobody expects Lina to deal lots of damage with auto-attacks.

EVERYBODY expects lina to deal lots of damage with auto attacks, if she's farmed at all, this is due to crazy attack speed. That's why you focus and shut down her like you'd do with a carry - she can get kills too easily if you do not do that (and have no map awareness, so she walks in and ultis you while you're at low health), and that can make her snowball. Since you're playing against bots, they are hardly going to get Lina this farmed, but in pubs, and even in the pro scene, a farmed lina is a menace - speaking of unorthodox builds - if the other team deals a lot of magic damage, and your lina is farmed, it's perfectly ok for her to buy items like BKB - because if she survives their nukers and stuns, while also getting to cast her devastating spells, she then has right click damage to finish them off, and you're hardly going to walk up to lina with 10% health and attack her. And even if you do, she should have items like vyse and shiva, and you're toasted because her attack speed isn't getting worse, but your HP is. Don't forget she also has huge attack and spell cast range, and movement speed, so she can simply run away if she needs to, and can also come close enough to you to cast everything she has. And as I said, if she's farmed well, you do not even want to get close to her, as she'll probably still kill you. Lina definitelly has a semi-carry potential, but she's also an INT hero who can use high mana cost and +int items very efficiently, so getting 60% more right click damage is wasted if you could get a lot of damage + mana pool + utility from another item. It just doesn't add up with Daedalus. If you're a hero likе Sven, however, who does have mana problems, and does not get damage from +int items, building high tier support items on him is also inefficient, getting items like mjollnir and daedalus is obviously better in majority of cases.

But its 3850 gold, unlike Abyssal which is 6750 gold.
You build it mid game and it lasts all game. That BKB won't do the carry anything good because he/she will try to counter your halberd and won't build other items until they get BKB, only to escape you. You basically won the game because of this.

And it has a 30 seconds cooldown, while Abyssal has 60.

It's situational. If you have really high attack speed and you're melee, going basher + attack speed gives you something rather consistent that neither costs you mana nor has a long cooldown. It really depends on how long you're going to trade hits. If you can kill a hero in a few seconds if they cannot fight back, disarming and attacking them might be an option. Lifestealer is a perfect choice of target here - if he cannot attack, he's just dead - he has low base armor, and depends on chewing people to survive, if she can't attack for 3 seconds and he's in a middle of the fight, or tries to chew on Halberd carrier (evasion, ha ha), he might be toasted, so there's that. BUT, if you need to outcarry your enemy 1vs1 or in the middle of a teamfight, attack speed + basher are going to help a lot more in most cases, and going abbyssal after many successful kills is going to help a lot too. You have to remember that lategame Abbyssal will have 60sec cooldown, but heroes will be dead for double that time. Lategame, getting that ONE kill might solve a lot, and lategame, if you have halberd, they might also have MKB, in which case your 3850 item is worth way less. And if you picked Halberd INSTEAD of bash, they can walk away, then go back and kill you, and bash you to death, since they have a better idea of what to do. Instead of getting abbyssal, sometimes having fast attack speed is just good enough to lock down enemies long enough to kill them, but it depends on so many variables that this discussion might make absolutely no sense.

Also, you do not buy a BKB to counter Halberd. Halberd might not even be much of a deal in some scenarios - you buy BKB to protect you from anything the enemy can throw at you - most high tier support items just don't go through bkb, most spells don't, etc. That's why you buy BKB as carry, halberd is really likely to be the least of your worries if they have heavy magic nukers or heroes like earthshaker who can stun you to death. So you're getting BKB anyway as a carry. To counter a halberd - you instead bait it out and let them waste it (since you're not really disabled in terms of movement, you can often just kinda ignore it in most case), buy a MKB, which is a great item on all accounts and you won't regret buying it anyway. If you farm up a BKB and MKB, and hard counter enemy carries who should also be getting their halberds/butterflies/evasion going, as well as high magic damage supports, you're still likely going to win, those two items have a hefty win rate, where halberd is more of an utility item than you're really going to benefit from evasion - there are almost always better items to buy for your hero, because if you're an agility carry, you're saving up for a butterfly, if you're an int carry/support, you're getting a good utility item with a lot of +int, if you're a strength support/carry, you're still going to get something better in most cases, as you really don't need evasion in most cases, and it's easily countered by the very players you're using it against (you want halberd against hard right-click agi carries, the type of a hero most likely to buy a MKB anyway), so halberd is ultra situational, but in some cases might even be the best item to buy ultra lategame (when both yours and enemy's farm is already maxed out), when you're already six-slotted, but still deal high enough damage to kill a target if they don't retaliate. I had a fed ursa one on one as sven, if I had not bought halberd, he would've killed me - he did not even understand what was happening, he was just standing there unable to attack, previosuly he was abbyssal'd for 2 secs, but then he bashed me a few times before I used halberd on him, because he simply had better attack speed. Does not happen against good players who first check your inventory, they run away if you're melee and they're faster. I actually killed ursa, despite us both being lvl 25 and 6-slotted and str carries kinda sucking really late game. They still won, but ursa could not kill me with his setup. In most other cases, though? Halberd would probably be a bad idea, it's an ultra-situational item, and in almost all cases, getting some other utility, or damage/bash/disable/anything really is often a better idea. So it's not that it's bad, it's just that there are better things for equal or a bit more money (with high attack speed, basher's gonna help you way more than a halberd, if you're not a good right clicker or have bad attack speed, halberd is an obvious choice if you're a str hero, otherwise just get something else).

Sacrificing team mates to win a fight? How cruel of you.

It's all in calculations - if you realize that support will die anyway and can't do much lategame, baiting just one thing from the enemies is gonna help you in a teamfight is really good, especially if it's something with a short cooldown and they don't expect you to counter-initiate after your support gets killed (even a blink dagger with a 12sec cooldown can be wrecked this way, and expecting people to be greedy often pays off).

Its 300% now? Damn. No seriously. Damn.

+200% bonus, 300% total. But still, really crazy. The counter (running away from him) is often way too easy to pull off, though, especially now they've nerfed MoM.

While Warcry is insane, nothing beats a consistent armor buff. And devotion aura back in the days was a +3/4/5/6 armor boost (if I remember correctly) to everyone in a large area around Sven. Desolator was a must for all carries that went against Sven back then, unless you are Slardar and sometimes even him went Desolator.

Warcry is up 50% of the time, it's cooldown is 200% of its duration. It's not really a problem, you're not going to be able to sustain hits more than 6 seconds anyway, against really good players. It's a teamfight tool, and now takes some actual skill to execute, aside from just staying around with an aura. With good timing, warcry is amazing, with bad timing, it does nothing. With devotion aura, people are going to attack you anyway, with warcry they might wait till its off, or just waste their right clicks on your team, which now has 120% more health against that kind of attacks. Realizing when to turn it on is now a crucial thing.

Combined with the new Crimson Guard, that Warcry is even more insane. Though I have to wonder if Dota is gonna become the new LoL.

Well, you can also have an omni on your team, who can cast Guardian Angel. The point is, nothing lasts forever, and there's nothing you can't counter somehow. Warcry is really good, but works 50% of the time, and that's IF sven has enough mana, which he mostly won't unless supports are good with arcanes. Crimson guard has a pretty hefty cooldown. Guardian Angel as well, and you just wait till its over, and attack then. There's no spell or strategy you can't counter with wise choice of when to attack and jump into the fight, what build to use, etc, so you can't really depend on those things to be so OP they lead to victory easily. Look at winrates, OMNI has the highest one in pubs - because people can't coordinate against such heroes in pubs. Items with high winrates are ones that provide damage, not protection. No matter how much protection you have, damage is still going to fry you at some point.

I hate League of Legends since way back, but now to me its garbage. They buffed champions magic resist and armor, and their items are kind of shit as well.
Either your champion deals TONS of damage or it deals none. That's how LoL feels to me right now and I always want to go back to Dota where consistency is king.

In DotA, timing is the king. Most ways to buff armor are temporary (unless you have pure armor items or a lot of agi, I am talking about crazy armor buffs and reductions), and most ways to boost damage are permanent, keep that in mind. Attack is the best defense still works very well in DotA, even Assault Cuirass, one of the better defensive items - is also an offensive item.

I don't want Dota to become like League. League has an almost balance between armor and damage items. Dota always had more damage items than armors.
And this adds to the pressure of using builds rather than spam buy all armor items and just charge into fights.

As I said, armor is time-based mostly. If you cannot kill them while your armor buffs are up, you might be dead. You need damage+armor to dominate those who only build damage, in most cases, speaking against heavy-right clickers. You will also need good ccs, so it is not at all a simple equation.

Then again, I'm trying to compare completely different games. And I don't know if my explanation makes any sense, but to me it feels like this is the case.

The new DotA patch promotes killing and aggressive play in practically EVERY aspect. Afk farming now often does not pay off, killing towers is easier and gives more gold, killing heroes gives more gold to you and your teammates, etc. If new patch promotes more killing, you're hardly going to see more defensive play, but people are still going to buy items that protect them against physical and magical damage BECAUSE they know everybody should play more aggressive now.

Demand for damage means there's more demand for protection too, so I don't see protection and aggression as different things, rather negative and positive sides of the same scale - on some heroes building more protection means you get to do more damage. BKB and AC might be mostly defensive items, but they are the two items that sometimes let Sven run into enemies and destroy them without interruptions. Without a defensive BKB he's just gonna get stunned, take 30% more damage because of the Mask, get his warcry and ulti wasted to a point, and just simply - not gonna deal the damage he could had he not been stunned.




You have to rely both on the fact that people can do something smart, and something stupid, and that there's a thing called reaction time and ping, which bots hardly have (seriously, if you blink into bots you're often insta-stunned, which very often does not happen even in pro play). Playing against a robot when you know what they're going to do is actually you having an advantage, not the robot, they cannot anticipate your moves, but you can obviously anticipate theirs, and even if their time response is better, you already know how to dodge all of it if you play against bots a lot. This simply does not happen neither in pubs nor in competitive play, you can know how certain players play and what they usually do, but it's not that they're programmed. The robot can be programmed to perform various tasks very well, but you (should) now exactly what it's gonna do.

If you're not a good team player, your farming skills will go to waste, and if you deny and take last hits against bots you'll obviously be up for a surprise against real players, who can be reckless and try to tower dive you when you least expect it, or not attack you at all when you do expect it. Some players will risk their life trying to take yours (which bot supports hardly do, even if you are carry), some players won't have map awareness even if their hero completely depends on it (pub spirit breakers), some players will actually blindly go into your jungle without any indication you might be there, and catch you completely unprepared because your support didn't put wards where he should've, and he had no reason whatsoever to roam your jungle. Bots are too calculated and programmed to perform certain tasks, that they won't do things typical players do.

Huskar players will often get killed while also killing you, which does not happen with bots - they have more rational calculations. Bots are only good to practice certain mechanics against them, but you're really not practicing the GAME against them, if you understand what I am saying. Faceless Void players in pubs will use Chronosphere to do a variety on things, like running away with other hurt carries, while pub Voids will only use it to attack, etc. An underfarmed Void that's aware he cannot kill anybody won't even use chronosphere if he's a bot. He had already calculated that he cannot dish enough damage for it. Bot Windrangers will never play the carry build for her, even given proper farm, though they can still be deadly, because +int items hurt a lot if built on her anyway.

Have you played vs dota 1 bots? They are the best AI I've seen in any wc3 map. Rarely such a treat for a solo player. They do everything you said they don't. They will tower dive you and sometimes they will fail. Not everything is calculated as you say, or that's how it appears to me.

Playing against tougher opponents will always raise your skills. The blink in and they stun you doesn't happen as often as you think it does. Rarely even. I can only recall jumping in on a Tidehunter and eating an ulti.

I've seen Void use ulti just to get away. Though in 80% of the time, he will just use the blink spell instead. And Huskar bot is relentless. He will burn you to death and chase you, even tower dive you.

You're right about the anticipation thing though. But I don't see that as a bad thing. A human player is a robot as well, only built on much more complex triggers and responses. These bots you cannot win against with pure anticipation and calculation. They are good as a player. Maybe not a pro player, but they are very good.

Not really, the reason why the pro scene does not improvise much is because they practice certain lineups and simply do not want to risk getting owned playing heroes they barely play. Risking a bit can pay off, risking too much often does not. Playing heroes in the most efficient way to play them is still the best way to do it.

Yes, too much risk will backfire on you often. I'm not saying risk everything. And I like consistency which is what pro players excel at. Just saying that fear plays often backlash.

It's situational. If you have really high attack speed and you're melee, going basher + attack speed gives you something rather consistent that neither costs you mana nor has a long cooldown.

Well if we are treading that water, Crystalys will be more consistent way to chew an enemy. Add Basher to that.

It's all in calculations - if you realize that support will die anyway and can't do much lategame, baiting just one thing from the enemies is gonna help you in a teamfight is really good, especially if it's something with a short cooldown and they don't expect you to counter-initiate after your support gets killed (even a blink dagger with a 12sec cooldown can be wrecked this way, and expecting people to be greedy often pays off).

A player that knows he will die yes. But purposefully sacrificing a player is kind of meh in my book.

+200% bonus, 300% total. But still, really crazy. The counter (running away from him) is often way too easy to pull off, though, especially now they've nerfed MoM.

Yeah xD Sven has a hard time with that counter after his stun is over.

In DotA, timing is the king. Most ways to buff armor are temporary (unless you have pure armor items or a lot of agi, I am talking about crazy armor buffs and reductions), and most ways to boost damage are permanent, keep that in mind. Attack is the best defense still works very well in DotA, even Assault Cuirass, one of the better defensive items - is also an offensive item.

Timing is the key in every game. Any type of game that involves real time gameplay. That's why I can't consider it unique to dota. However, consistent progress with items and leveling is. Since they kept the wc3 INT, AGI, STR those 3 stats micro manage every other stat, except magic resist and movespeed. There's no Ironwood Branch in other games that lets you have a mini-boost of everything at the very start of the game.

Demand for damage means there's more demand for protection too, so I don't see protection and aggression as different things, rather negative and positive sides of the same scale - on some heroes building more protection means you get to do more damage. BKB and AC might be mostly defensive items, but they are the two items that sometimes let Sven run into enemies and destroy them without interruptions. Without a defensive BKB he's just gonna get stunned, take 30% more damage because of the Mask, get his warcry and ulti wasted to a point, and just simply - not gonna deal the damage he could had he not been stunned.

The thing is though, in other moba games you counter a weapon with an armor. In dota though, you counter a weapon with a weapon. You are actually going in to do more damage than their weapon. And after you kill them, then they buy a bigger and nastier weapon. And the cycle continues.
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