Valve's DotA 2 Official Trailer, What can you say about it?

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Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
It looks rather similar to HoN or LoL's trailer though, but thank God that Warcraft III would continue to have players flooding in because of this game which will promote DotA even further:)
Anyways, I doubt I'd be buying it as I already have the first game.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
I like the art & character design I just wish it had some more detail to it or something since it feels a little bland, but besides that this is one of the few times Dota 2 looks interesting to me.
What kind of archer would run towards his enemies?

I would just shoot enemies from afar.

I'm pretty sure that was to make the video interesting.
Its like in Diablo 3 trailer where the demon hunter shoves a tooth in the crossbow bolt.
Makes no sense, but its cool.

Oh yeah, I also lol'd at the asian guy instead of Pandaren.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

The only thing that comes to mind is that the graphics are fairly poor considering this is a new game, but hey, it's Valve, what can one expect. I hope that winged creature is not Terrorblade, it'd be so disappointing. Can't really tell who that invisible hero is supposed to be, is it bounty? And, is it really Axe, or did they make Sven red?
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007

I'm already settled into HoN and used to all the heroes and strategies. It has all the necessary features (fully integrated replay/spectator system, matchmaking, reconnect...), which DotA claims are "major improvements" despite two games having done them already.

What could DotA 2 possibly offer me that HoN or LoL don't already provide? Slightly improved graphics because its more recent? Nostalgia?

Who gives a fuck about nostalgia.

No thanks. Sticking to HoN. Trailer also seems a bit sloppy, the Archer at the beginning looked like she was heavily sedated and acting in a bad movie.
Level 9
Mar 31, 2011
I guess, that they didn't put to much high details, for more player whose computer are low-ends, like mine,

or maybe,

this is what I'm thinking,

+Valve and Icefrog didn't add to much details to make players don't get distracted by bright things like in "HoN". I played HoN but the graphics is COOL, but it just distracts me, making me stick to WC3.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
So yeah, I'd be happy to say that I'll still prefer DotA rather than another HoN/LoL copy even though it looks okay.
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
Why are you guys bashing the game so much based on a trailer (which I liked by the way) ._. the game is still the same, Dota last version being converted to Dota 2 first version. I you liked Dota you like this one, If you hated Dota you'll hate this one. the only thing that changed is the ability to be able to compete with other game such as lol and hon without restraints.
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
I also like the trailer. I also like the leaked ingame pictures, not because of graphics and such, but DotA 2 provides a really clean, simple and organized interface, not like HoN or LoL. + it looks almost like the wc3 interface

oh and don't forget to sign up for the beta :)!


Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Why are you guys bashing the game so much based on a trailer (which I liked by the way) ._. the game is still the same, Dota last version being converted to Dota 2 first version. I you liked Dota you like this one, If you hated Dota you'll hate this one. the only thing that changed is the ability to be able to compete with other game such as lol and hon without restraints.

but LOL and HON were also made by Icefrog, just with a different companies :)
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
@Dota in-game pics, that's more likely. If I were wondering whether to buy Dota 2 (and im 100% not as Im not Dota-er), seeing the trailer I was not going to for sure. Other than seeing few battles and not so well made graphics for cinematic (too cartoony) and seeing this ugly pig faced merchant was not gonna make me buy it.

Seeing the ingame pics is better as it shows something better than Dota war3 map. However I also thought:

I mistook the grass for slime first time I saw it.

Is this some low setting on grahpics cause the grass texture looked too poor to me, from these pics even the terrain looks lacking like an empty field. War3 Dota and sc2 sotis have more details and better terrain lol.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Although I'll still promote Warcraft III's DotA more than Dota 2 (Considering I'm more of a Blizzard fan than a Valve one), so good luck to both games!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I suspect a lot of sales of DotA 2 will be targeted at valve fans. We can expect DotA 2 TF2 hats for a start. Maybe even a cameo of a famous thing from one of their games.

If you are a fan of AoS maps, I say there is little reason not to play DotA 2, even if it is just to give you a refreshing break from another AoS game you like to play. Yes, its a lot like the others but you can argue the others are a lot like it. In the end it depends on the play experience, and from footage and word of mouth alone you can not immerse yourself into that until you actually try the game.
Level 31
Sep 11, 2009
Why are you guys bashing the game so much based on a trailer (which I liked by the way) ._. the game is still the same, Dota last version being converted to Dota 2 first version. I you liked Dota you like this one, If you hated Dota you'll hate this one. the only thing that changed is the ability to be able to compete with other game such as lol and hon without restraints.

All those guys find dota awesome.. But just like everyone on wc3.. They are saying dota sucks because it's owning the game they create.. Since this is a mapmaking sites, everyone is like : Pff dota sucks, it's a bad game... Stop being so jealous

Also, Team fortress 2 = best game ever, made by Valve... And is now free. Download it and you'll see that valve is awesome, you won't bash anything made by valve after that..

Also , Dota 2 = dota with new graphics so it's not a crappy game like HoN or LoL.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I suspect a lot of sales of DotA 2 will be targeted at valve fans. We can expect DotA 2 TF2 hats for a start. Maybe even a cameo of a famous thing from one of their games.

That's so totally wrong. The AoS games cater to a very niche market, and the core fan base is going to be DotA players, and migrants from HoN and LoL. Talk about DotA 2 is prominent in both the HoN and LoL communities.

"Valve" fans are used to shooters, and that's what most of their fanbase entails. DotA 2 is going to incorporate some sort of free to play model for sure, seeing as both LoL and HoN have that and it would be silly not to compete with the business model.

People who play the game just because it's made by Valve are going to try it, and get put off very, very quickly. If you've ever played a game like DotA, especially one of its stand alone iterations, you'll know that the community is one of the most hostile, unforgiving in the gaming world.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
All those guys find dota awesome.. But just like everyone on wc3.. They are saying dota sucks because it's owning the game they create.. Since this is a mapmaking sites, everyone is like : Pff dota sucks, it's a bad game... Stop being so jealous

Also, Team fortress 2 = best game ever, made by Valve... And is now free. Download it and you'll see that valve is awesome, you won't bash anything made by valve after that..

Also , Dota 2 = dota with new graphics so it's not a crappy game like HoN or LoL.

I couldn't agree more. It's better if we Warcraft III lovers (Who love DotA as well) play both Dota 2 and DotA to experience a more interesting kind of gameplay.
Level 15
Apr 5, 2009
In my opinion, DotA was a great game and I played it for nearly 2 years. But releasing an actual trademark game is way too much, I really believed that it should remain on the Warcraft community because of the trademarks that it is using (like the Lich King and some background stories likes Naix's which is about Arthas). Some people will began to wonder "What the hell is DotA 2, I never played any DotA 1". I am sorry to say this but Valve should stick building FPS games and finished off what they have started (erhmm... Episode 3???).

But hey, its Valve we're talking about and they didn't screw up on making games, so maybe DotA 2 a smart move after all... or not....
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
the character hair looks like clay seriously just look at lina's hair in the video...
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