[Spell] Using an ability during wind walk does not break invisibility

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Level 4
Jul 26, 2017
How would you go about enabling an ability to be castable during Wind Walk but not break invisibility? I'm trying to get wind walk's exact effect except slowing the caster down rather than speeding it up and have another ability boost the caster speed without breaking invisibility. casting any other ability should still break invisibility tho, and that speed boost ability can still be cast individually of wind walk.

so, any ideas?

P.S. I'm not opposed to any amount of triggering but I would want to minimize it as much as possible because of a trigger system already associated with the wind walk spell
Level 4
Jul 26, 2017
First thought is Berserk, though I haven't tried it myself. I know it doesn't break attack swings or spell casts.
I used berserk too at first but it did break invisibility.

I'm gonna go ahead & try ghost which I hadn't tried before.
Level 4
Jul 26, 2017
You could order a dummy unit to cast a movement speed buff on the caster.
I tried that too but it seems that activating any ability regardless if it's just a dummy will break invisibility.

Does anyone know how to cancel spell casting before any effect starts? I tried using the "Unit starts channeling an Ability" but I don't know what action to use,

EDIT: then I realized canceling the effect will cancel the cooldown too.
Level 4
Jul 26, 2017
the Ghost ability does indeed make the unit invisible which does not break regardless of what the unit does.
so I added the Ghost Ability using trigger on "starts the effect of an ability" event and removing it on attack removes the invisibility too.
so yeah thanks for the tip.

EDIT: Now I just need to stop the caster from auto acquiring enemies. Any ideas?
EDIT2: Ghost has a Stop Auto-Acquire Enemies field....
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