I think you need to create ability and find the correct effect - add it and try.
Hmm. You can do it in at least one wierd way.
Collision off method. It's probably as unreliable as easy trigger evasion, and maybe you already thought of the method. If two units have collision turned off, one of them can walk through the other. Turn collision off for casting unit. Make a new buff instead of wind walk buff and assign it to your custom Wind Walk ability. Whenever a unit with this buff (slipthrough buff) gets very close to a ground unit, turn that ground unit's collision off as well, and turn it back on when the unit isn't within that range anymore of unit with slipthrough buff. Actually, I don't think this way will be too dangerous to use.
is it possible to make wind walk ability that will not make the casting unit invisible but able to walk trough units?(and not make him walk trough structures...)
Or create a dummy unit and order it to Human Sorceress - Invisibility (Casting unit).
is it possible to make wind walk ability that will not make the casting unit invisible but able to walk trough units?(and not make him walk trough structures...)
Effect "Invisibility" does not exist![]()
Ghost (Visible) works that way, but its a passive abillity.
I used that but i cant walk trough units
damn you will get 2 rep later...You read my post? Wind Walk with a longer Transition time than the Duration, will give the effect to walk trough units, not buildings, but still attack able by others.
I don't understand.. I thought you wanted the unit to be visible but with 0 collision. If that's still the case, then just follow what Sinizi or I said: use the normal spell windwalk but make sure that the transition time is higher than the duration of the spell.
What do you mean by "when you want to remove the invisibility"? Does that mean that you want the invisibility to have a certain duration or you want to arbitrarily remove it at some point without a predetermined time? Do you only want to be invisible near trees? While moving? Etc. I need more details as to what you want to happen.
Instead of using permanent invisibility, have a dummy unit cast invisibility on the unit, and then whenever the unit comes within range of the unit with truesight, remove the invisibility buff.
y dun u just give ur custom true sight the ability to cast invisibility so when ur guy comes near it with wind walk casting....it will cast it on ur guy....then when he leaves take it off with a trigger
the trigger to take it off would be UNIT remove specific Buff