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User Icons

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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Hm. I have an idea to change the icon of users that are more active here. I think that users with more than, say, 1000 posts or something should get the Grunt icon (the one that used to be for resource mods, but got taken away with the new changes). Why? Well I just don't like being a peon, that's all! :grin:
Honestly, I would like people with over 800 or 1000 posts to get a Grunt Icon. People with 0 rep and their last activity being several months ago are ranked the same as people who post everyday. I, along with a lot of others, don't like to be thought of the same way as the people who are not active at all.

I mean no offense to those people but it's just my opinion.
Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
The problem is that no automated system can actually gauge how useful / active a community member you are. Any benchmark that is set is just arbitrary. There are inactive people with a lot of rep, inactive people with a lot of posts, people who do shit fuck all for the community with _tons_ of spammy posts. Besides, there is already the reputation system...

The rank images just indicate moderator rank... and thats really how it should stay.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Not a fan of these at all. The color system was far better, and cleaner. These seem really out of place imo. Or at least stick them on the other side of the name.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Winning contests give icons and rep, and some people submit things and vanish. Some people lack the talent to submit the resources they can submit, and the physical ability to submit resources they have the talent for.



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
Winning contests give icons and rep, and some people submit things and vanish. Some people lack the talent to submit the resources they can submit, and the physical ability to submit resources they have the talent for.
Well, if you was thinking on my suggestion, if they delete/lose all their resources and had no prize award or less than 1000 posts or similar, they revert to peons perhaps.

I don't know if only 1000 posts should trigger grunt status like ~Void~ is suggesting, but also other achievements too should give you grunt status imo.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Why not make the users which has submitted an approved resource (except icons) grunts.

I think that's basically a good idea, but not with 1 approved resource, maybe 10-15 would do the trick.

i would agree, if someone would add all races as icons

How would you decide that which race is the strongest? And also, if you'd add all the units of all races, that would be anarchy.
I think that's basically a good idea, but not with 1 approved resource, maybe 10-15 would do the trick.

How would you decide that which race is the strongest? And also, if you'd add all the units of all races, that would be anarchy.

First off all, it has always been Orcs, it should stay that way. I mean the set of icons not the strongest race.

That resource idea is bad. Because not everyone submits resources but they do a lot of other things at the Hive. Like Cinematics, Terrain, some GUI.

Also, take a look. The names are smaller now, as well. It was best how it was originally, imo.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
First off all, it has always been Orcs, it should stay that way. I mean the set of icons not the strongest race.

I never said they shouldn't be orcs. I just anwsered to the dude who posted before me.

That resource idea is bad. Because not everyone submits resources but they do a lot of other things at the Hive. Like Cinematics, Terrain, some GUI.

Then they'll get a grunt icon too. Constructive users should be rewarded with some bonus besides rep. If not, well, I think active users should be distinguished from inactive users anyway.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
They're small because the icons would cause some of the longer names to be bumped into a second line. If the names appear in smaller text, none of them are that long.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Oh, here's an idea. How about our status as grunt/peon is arbitrarily assigned based on how much Ralle likes us at the moment. That would be awesome.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
The problem is that no automated system can actually gauge how useful / active a community member you are. Any benchmark that is set is just arbitrary. There are inactive people with a lot of rep, inactive people with a lot of posts, people who do shit fuck all for the community with _tons_ of spammy posts. Besides, there is already the reputation system...

The rank images just indicate moderator rank... and thats really how it should stay.

The reputation system just indicates how popular you are, not how much you help people out, especially because new users give no rep.
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