Difference between Grunt and Peon?

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Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
The Title says All:
The Icon appearing Next to my name (currently Peon) must have a Difference with Grunt (so many people have it...).


Anytime i hover my mouse above them both, they say: ''Registered User''
I Currently know about Raider, Shaman and Tauren Chieftain, But I can't get the Difference between Peon and Grunt.

Is it related to Resources? Posts? Reputation Points? Number of Threads?
It's just an aesthetic change that comes to pass when you reach 100 posts(just like you're going to).

Hence the peon icon from 0 to 99 and the grunt icon 100+ posts.
It wasn't always like that though.
Three years ago all users(non-mods) had the peon icon. It was the administrators idea to make a small change, more like getting some bling bling for the members.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
I am still waiting for the other rank icons that were hinted might come.

Maybe it can proceed like
Peon->Grunt->Raider->Tauren(or Ogre)->?
I think that then it would be rather confusing to have so many aesthetic 'rank' icons.
It serves no function.

I've managed to get the Raider icon now.

Same story.

They're just aesthetic as the peon and grunt ones are.
Used only to differentiate between users with different permissions (mods, non-mods).
Nor does rep, yet most people like the feature a lot.

Yes, same applies to reputation.
Hive official 'like/fame/attention/appreciation' system.

That's another topic though.
People made countless threads about it and it gets old every time since most don't bother to check up the older threads for information/what has already been said/decided about it.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
The difference between peons and grunts is related to the social class in our Horde Society.

Peons are lower class of citizens, perhaps not even truly a citizen at all as they lack basic rights which are given to the Horde citizens. Those who lack the physical strength to preform their militaristic duties for their clan are marked as peons. Thus they are forced to preform the more menial tasks unsuited for proper members of the Horde such as hauling resources and construction.

Grunts are the first proper citizen class in Horde society. As the members in our great society they have duty to fight for their clan and in return they are allowed to participate in political structure of Horde. Just not to an extent of the upper classes such as Shamans for instance. I am sure we are all aware of our theocratic form of government where our men of faith have always held higher positions. We have all suffered greatly during the civil war when shamans and warlocks fought over the position of ruling class but I digress.

And so I hope I have answered your query about the difference between Peon and Grunt class in the great Horde.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Pretty much as has already been mentioned. The chat intro screen provides the following explanation for other ranks, as well:

Chieftain: Ralle is the site owner and is the only user allowed to display this avatar.
Shaman: Administrators manage the site, define rules, and establish policy. These administrators also enforce all site rules in all areas.
Raider: Forum & Chat Moderators maintain their individual areas of the site, help other users, and enforce the site rules.
Grunt/Peon: Regular users are the main strength of the Hive, each being an important member of the community.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Pretty much as has already been mentioned. The chat intro screen provides the following explanation for other ranks, as well:

Chieftain: Ralle is the site owner and is the only user allowed to display this avatar.
Shaman: Administrators manage the site, define rules, and establish policy. These administrators also enforce all site rules in all areas.
Raider: Forum & Chat Moderators maintain their individual areas of the site, help other users, and enforce the site rules.
Grunt/Peon: Regular users are the main strength of the Hive, each being an important member of the community.

Thx for the Help but it is solved already by Heinvers (Special thanks to him)

However what this Thread asks is What the Difference is between GRUNT & PEON. yours only defines Tauren Chieftain, Shaman, raider and describes peon and grunt as Same. Thx in advance :)



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Thx for the Help but it is solved already by Heinvers (Special thanks to him)

However what this Thread asks is What the Difference is between GRUNT & PEON. yours only defines Tauren Chieftain, Shaman, raider and describes peon and grunt as Same. Thx in advance :)

Yeah, I mentioned it had already been answered I just wanted to provide context for the other ranks as well. As Heinvers mentions:

Heinvers said:
[The difference between Grunt and Peon] is mainly to distinguish new users from [older] more active ones.
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