Units walk underneath waterlevel

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Level 6
May 31, 2008
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I have a rather anoying problem at my hands, which is that units totally ignore that it's water on my map and just walk forward on the ground. So if there is a big sea on my map the units just walk into it and appear as a black dot on the water surface. But the strange thing is that ships can sail on the water so at least the water is there, but just that units walk below water level. So do anyone know how i fix the waterlevel so it's normal?

I need solution so units DON'T walk ontop or under water.

Could this have something to do with miscdata file? (Since i'm using that)

----==[ I solved this, it was miscdata that was messing around, since i had the wrong file i guess. ]==----
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Level 10
Aug 15, 2008
Okay, check collision size, if its 0 then it is disabled and then they can walk past anything, so you need to increase it to minimum 0.01, also check pathing, and use pathing blockers, when you are editing your map, press P and you can see all pathing, add pathing blockers where neccessary...
Level 6
May 31, 2008
Okay, check collision size, if its 0 then it is disabled and then they can walk past anything, so you need to increase it to minimum 0.01, also check pathing, and use pathing blockers, when you are editing your map, press P and you can see all pathing, add pathing blockers where neccessary...

Well, the problem is i tested with normal start units, and they can walk through water. i always have pathing visible and i realised something was wrong when i was lowering the ground to water level and the pathing never turned red. But i can't place pathing blockers in the water since boats can't travel on water then.
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