((Killing unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
This condition is an event-response from Unit - A unit Dies Event, not Destructible dies event.
Well, does it matter whether the killing unit is a Hero or not for the Lever ?
I'm guessing that this Lever has something to do with opening gates or unlocking something, right ?
Well, does it matter who kills it ?
I think that once a lever is destroyed, it will trigger any gates/doors/etc no matter who kills it.
Try this trigger;
Melee Initialization
Destructible - Lever 0000 <gen> dies
-------- YOUR ACTIONS HERE --------
Since it's a Lever, it should be pre-set inside the map, right ?
Meaning that, the Lever is created via World Editor, not in-game, right ?
Therefore, you can use the Event
Destructible - Destructible Dies and just select the Lever.