
A more advanced version of WE with 4 different editions,
-Newbie Edition
-All-Units Edition
-Regular-Doodads Edition
-standard edition
If you know how to edit custom excutables, like this customized WE, you are allowed to customize UMSWE to your will.

UMSWE (Binary)

00:26, 21st Aug 2009 Hakeem: This version is outdated. Please use the version in the Jass NewGen Pack.
Level 1
Nov 26, 2006
In Actions Units- there no unit damage function, can you add that please. Its already in the TFT editor : Unit-deal damage.......
Level 3
May 11, 2008
Highly Reccommended Tool

nice Highly Recommended Tool!!!!:infl_thumbs_up:

Phoenix Claw, what your computer?

:( not that version
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Level 2
Dec 27, 2008
For those of you that keep asking, I used this a couple years ago.

What does it do?

The downloaded file is an alternate executable from "World Editor.exe". This executable instead loads the world editor with files from it's own embedded MPQ that unlock many features not found in the normal editor. As an example, a Trigger Action "Custom JASS Script" was in UMSWE like a year before Blizzard put that in themselves. It also adds several groups of triggers, including Multiboard (a variation of Leaderboard that is a lot cooler to play with). It also unlocks the additional units that are normally hidden from the editor (Marine, zergling, etc.)

Will it crash my game?

Only if you try to unload it's embedded files into the main directory or replace the original World Editor.exe or something stupid like that. Also, if you use one of the custom Triggers provided in UMSWE you will not be able to load the map in the normal World Editor anymore, most like you will receive an error upon loading the map and the Editor will close. Always remember to make backups of your files/maps before trying to use 3rd party utilities.

Does it work?

It used to work wonders, but I don't think it's been set up for the current patch (1.22x). If someone wants to take the time to compare the embedded files with the current patch files and add fix the differences that would be awesome (I'm too lazy to do it myself).
Level 2
Dec 27, 2008
and it's responses like this that make me cringe.

come on... at least tell us what, how, when, did it happen again, record error messages, etc.

dont be a nub and just say "it made it crash"
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Doesent work for me. When i save the map my gay vista system says the porgram stopped working. I dont get any errors or anything, it just says it stopped working, and everything is lost. Ooh btw 2 things
1. Fuck windows vista too hard, filled with gay bugs.
2. Fuck blizzard for making such a gay WE so we have to rely on theese tools, which isnt working for all cus microsoft made windows gay vista.

Sorry for this, but im in a VERY bad mood atm. My friend keeps saying im stupid and so, and i would really like to blow his head off, and force blizzard to make a better WE!!!
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
I hate younger friends, They're just so AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!

Anyway, i would like to have this working, cus the big size you can make maps are awesome ;D I try install warcraft on both my harddrives, one which is normal, and one where i also implement this tool :D
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
What is the mavimum doodads for this tool? Btw, does all those missing strings, cause something "critical" to happend?

EDIT: Also, how to remove the annoying thing that the doodads have random scales? Its quite annoying it makes bridges on the size of a maountain...
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Also, how to remove the annoying thing that the doodads have random scales? Its quite annoying it makes bridges on the size of a maountain...

Theres a check box on the initial dialog that says "maximum scale doodads" or something like that. Just uncheck it

Edit: I thought for a moment this was the World editor unlimited thread.
I guess that there should be some kind of dialog where you can change it. Otherwise just disable the "randomly scale doodad" option in the doodad palette
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Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Well, i use JassNewGen now. It has build in USMWE 5. The only problem is, that blizzard are now planning to release their new patch 1.24, where their WE will get some new triggers which, as far as i know, never have been seen before (handles), except for in JASS.
Really annying. But then we can just hope they make a new version of the JassNewGen :D