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Twelve Temples

Twelve Temples

Twelve temples were constructed to honor the elements in ancient times. The magic of the temples still remains these days, but they are being used by evil creatures. Reclaim them and benefit yourself with their power.

I am not sure if this is acurate, but I feel that this is some sort of Last refuge expandings, and twisted meadow center, but in a more compact layout.

Neutral Buildings

-1 Tavern
-2 Goblin Merchants
-2 Mercenary Camps
-2 Goblin Labs
-2 expanding per player


-4 Green
-12 orange
-2 Red
















Tested the mine creep with 1 hero L1 and 5 footmans, won the creep with no casualties.











Note: slow AI, I was wishing to find the hero attacking the green.
It may also happen that enemy may try the orange before the green like in an AOW / Militia / blademaster windwalk item hunt.
I am not pro to confirm, but the strategy seems realistic to be executed.



note: not much to say, in a hu vs hu, I think this would be the prediction.


note: I think is posible, the red creep is not that hard, and it could be interesting to confuse the enemy, and block it and force an expo vs expo situation.

Walking times

Last refuge LV: 16 secs to reach tavern
Terenas stand LV: 20 secs to reach tavern
Twelve Temples: 18 secs to reach tavern
chrono count walking hero starting from the front of townhall

First expanding creep level 14: beta test done with 3 footmans, 4 militia, 1 hero level 1.
Ladder maps comparison: min level 11 (EI), max level 16 + skills)

I was thinking in some sort of ancient temples from Azeroth, in very old times, where ancient civilizations worship primitive gods as the elements. I decided to represent Fire, Water, Nature and Light.
It could be related to the Zoram Strand in north of ashenvale, but I like to think that these temples could be anywhere, like hidden in Quel-thalas or in the Swamp of sorrows, or in Sholar bazin Northrend.
the representation is white temples in a green-lively forest.
they are 12 because it was the largest amount to put 8 at edges, 4 in center.


the Zoram Strand: ashenvale, wow

1.0: first upload, map playable.
1.1: removed marketplaces, hard goldmines gold set to 14500, swapped merc. camps - gob labs positions
1.2 added 1 green camp more near the tavern , map now has 4 green camps
1.3 changed gob lab and easy expanding creeps
1.4 did mafe sugestions, changed 3 creeps for hu balance.
2.0 changes
a) centaur green creep near tavern level 6 raised to level 7
b) murlocks unit green creeps, number of creeps changed from 3 to 4. level remains in 8
c) merc camp creeps level raised from 15 to 16
d) red creep level raised from 22 to 24, a judge pointed it was a bit easy.
e) first mine level raised from 14 to 16, a judge pointed it was easy and near.
edit: first mine creep level is now 15.
f) corner creeps level increased from 11 to 13, loot changed to charged level 2.
g) some trees removed


for their feedback that helped me to improve my contest entry

This is my entry for the Hive Cup 2020: Melee Mapping Contest #6

Twelve Temples (Map)

Approved based on the results of the recent melee mapping contest: Hive Cup 2020: Melee Mapping Contest #6 - Results I dont feel like I have anthing else to add this time that I havent written earlier ;)
Level 13
May 18, 2019
These temples have really cool details. Double book drops are interesting. Middle map shops are quite packed that might create some hot gameplay. Lets go with the feedback then!
1. only one of the two goblin labs can be used with farm
2. I would turn green camps to face player bases for more options where to start creeping
3. what should player creep if he goes tavern hero first? Looks like the tavern hero would run for green camp near home.
4. ashenvale tileset allows usage of cool creeps like dark trolls and furbolgs why not some wildkins too. Those would mix up the usual creeping. I like the merc camp with burning archer.
5. Like nudl always says: more grass feels calming to the player. I see the brown ground makes minimap very clear but maybe break up those roads little bit with more green!
Level 29
May 21, 2013
These temples have really cool details. Double book drops are interesting. Middle map shops are quite packed that might create some hot gameplay. Lets go with the feedback then!
1. only one of the two goblin labs can be used with farm
2. I would turn green camps to face player bases for more options where to start creeping
3. what should player creep if he goes tavern hero first? Looks like the tavern hero would run for green camp near home.
4. ashenvale tileset allows usage of cool creeps like dark trolls and furbolgs why not some wildkins too. Those would mix up the usual creeping. I like the merc camp with burning archer.
5. Like nudl always says: more grass feels calming to the player. I see the brown ground makes minimap very clear but maybe break up those roads little bit with more green!

1) a mistake , I am very used to do such silly mistakes.

2) I like green creeps with posibility of creep hack, makes the game even more fun very early
thats why I put them exposed. Orange creep, I prefer to have a safe AOW spot.

3) I am working on to see to have 1 more green more near tavern. edit: done

4) dark troll priest level 4 is unbalanced for 1v1, sleep skill. thats why I use forest trolls instead wich are equal in stats.
Wildkins have no ranged unit, so I need to combo it with trolls or centaurs or something.
fulborgs: the ranged shaman has rejuventation wich 2 of them to have anti air makes the creep hard.
the elder shamman has ligthining shield wich is a big no to me. So thats why I dislike fulborgs they have good melee but they lack good safe balanced ranged units. and I dislike to put fulborgs with trolls,

5) I will see to add some grass on the roads

thanks a lot for the feedback, it saved me 2 mayor things
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Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
Not much too say here. From gameplay I have barely any complaints. I'm worried that players might find a way to abuse the guaranteed lightning shield drop.
For visuals:
-Maybe consider downscaling some of the trees at the north of treelines, so that they dont obstruct vision like this (examplary screenshot, other creepcamps are similarly affected):
-I imagine the large temples will divide opinion and cause some irritation as it appears as if units could walk beyond them. And they also obstruct vision to actually playble areas in some places. But if you meant to imitate the nightelf-style buildings from classic wow, I think you did very well. If you want go all out easter-egg-style, you could place some nightelf statues in the temples.
-The terrain at both labs could be made smoother.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
Not much too say here. From gameplay I have barely any complaints.

1- I'm worried that players might find a way to abuse the guaranteed lightning shield drop.
For visuals:
2-Maybe consider downscaling some of the trees at the north of treelines, so that they dont obstruct vision like this (examplary screenshot, other creepcamps are similarly affected):
View attachment 363792
3-I imagine the large temples will divide opinion and cause some irritation as it appears as if units could walk beyond them.
4-And they also obstruct vision to actually playble areas in some places.

5- But if you meant to imitate the nightelf-style buildings from classic wow, I think you did very well. If you want go all out easter-egg-style, you could place some nightelf statues in the temples.
6-The terrain at both labs could be made smoother.

1- changed to random charged L2
but it seems I will change it for that replenish potion to be 100% safe
2-ok got it
3- well mm you cant walk inside them, thats no the idea.
4- I designed them using the C game camara to not obstruct the game-play, I did many beta-tests and I didnt feel visual obstruction, 8 of them are in no playable areas, so i will do a re-chek of the 4 center ones. as you point to be shure

5- yeah that, in north ashenvale, where there are naga, in wow, the zoram strand, that was not my main idea, thats why not NE statues, also I didnt want to mix green with white.

the 12 temples of saint seiya, I am surprised nobody figure out. but well lets say it is an honor to both things.

6- ok got it.

you dont have any complains with the greens?
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
I thought you got the inspiration from the WoW Naga ruins, honestly.

well kinda both,
-my original idea was to make the map title Zodiacal Temples, wich is also a reference to golden sun dark dawn NDS game. and put the blababla stuff of 1 temple for each zodiacal sign
- but then I had the balance problem, I couldnt make 12 different temples, imposible all together, similar to the saint seiya saga
so I did 6 paired temples, and the idea changed to elements.
wich I did, fire, water, nature and ligth., I wanted to relate it to the old Gods of Azeroth or some sort of very ancient times of wow lore. I mean I felt that praise the elements like some sort of very primitive culture.

and well it is a forest so, yeah kinda remains zoram strand in ashenvale, a wow player would relate it with that. wich I like to be more wide, like yeah it could be a wow area, but I dont want to feel the narrow of wow area, because when you do a wow area you have to stick to it, and I like my freedom of that this can be somewhere in azeroth...,
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
Wolf updated the map a bit as per my request, as I plan to use it in an upcoming cup that I'll sponsor. Stay tuned:thumbs_up:
I saw the videos, I am sorry for screwing the creep in the first expo, I shouldnt have raised the level from 14 to 16 as I did in the update, if you are still in contact with Hawk and the others, tell them I am sorry that such broken map was used in a money prize tournament.
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Level 3
Jun 3, 2021
Gameplay: The map seems balanced to me due to symmetry. You have added goblin merchant, mercenary camps and laboratory to give freedom to players, by allowing them to decide between buying a zeplin and hiring a powerful mercenary. This makes it a good melee map.
Map layout: Maps by @WolfFarkas are always beautiful. So obviously this map has excellent terrain.
Conclusion: 5 out of 5 stars