Tutorial Posts

Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
Welcome to the Wc3Search Tutorial forum!

Here you will be given the oppurtunity to post your tutorials, and for Map Makers to learn Map making in Warcraft III.

Users are only able to comment to posts, so tutorial authors must post their tutorials here. If your tutorial complies with all the rules and is not already covered, than a new topic with your tutorial will be posted here.

Here are the rules for this forum:
  • 1. All tutorials must be posted in this thread.

    2. Try to include pictures in your tutorial to help illustrate your points. I understand this is hard since you are unable to upload files, but try if you can.

    3. All questions on tutorials must be posted in the respected topic. Don't post in this thread anything besides tutorials, even if you have suggestions.

    4. Tutorials should be written neatly and in proper english. Don't type anything like iF u Wnt To UndrsTanD, LoOk iT uP. If you use colors to make a tutorial easier to understand, try to use easy to read colors, like red or orange.

    5. Make sure the subject of your tutorial explains clearly what you are trying to teach, and include a short description, as well as a list of tools you need and where the user can get them before the tutorial.

I hope everyone can benefit from this tutorial, and if you have any comments or suggestions, please post them in the Tutorial Comments thread.
Level 1
Apr 4, 2006
can anyone post a map unprotecting tutorial(with WinMPQ)? didn't find any here...
Level 1
Jul 27, 2006
PLz Help me

I have made a new campain on warcraft 3 the frozen throne. I am farly new to this so I dont know mutch about the map makeing. I wasnt sure were to post this so I posted it here. I really need help with getting the ai to work in my campain. I figured out why it isnt working I tryied ai scripts evrything I can think of, but wene I told it to use a default loading screen I saw that there was only 1 player me but no computer slot so I checked the player proporties and thats all ok. Player two, blue is set to computer user. Still wene I load the campain there is no computer slot visable so the units owend by the computer just sit around looking stupid I dont know what to do plz help me.

ps: exuse my spelling im not to great at spelling
Level 1
Jul 30, 2006
Simple Request

First of all, Greetings to all :)

I'm making a map, and I didn't wanted to ppl to see the ending of the map or the areas they didn't yet explored, so I tried putting a black mask area (Never explored / unexplored parts of the map), but the black mask isn't really all black, you can see the terrain (not the units)

I wanted to know how can I make the black mask actually be all black not letting you see anything.

I know its possible, Just dont know how...
Anyone Willing to help ??

Well, Thanks in advance, an answer Will be much apreciated.
Level 11
Feb 22, 2006
Spellbook Tutorial

I've noticed a lot of people having trouble with spellbooks and since spellbooks can potentially take the game to a whole new level, I've decided to write a tutorial on the topic.

Chapter One: Spellbooks? What are those?

In the original game, Spellbook is an item ability (code: 'Aspb') that was used by the item *gasp* Spellbook (code: spok). It allowed the owner of the item to cast 3 spells: Entangling Roots, Dispel Magic, and Roar, all from one item! This is possible because every time you click on the item, the UI (User Inteface - console in the bottom right corner of the screen) resets and the spells within the spellbook are displayed, analogous to how the UI resets and shows buildings when you click the "Build Structure" ability for workers. Since Blizzard created the Spellbook ability, people have figured out you could make it into a unit ability. This is a HUGE boon for rpg makers, as it increases the maximum number of abilities a hero can have from 7 (there are only 7 open UI slots for ability buttons - 8 if the hero has no attack) to around 70-80.

Chapter Two: Basic Spellbook Facts

-Spellbooks can hold a maxiumum of 11 spells
-Spellbooks may only hold unit abilities, not hero abilities (there is a way around this, which will be explained later)
-Auras, and abilities based off of any aura spell, cannot be put into spellbooks
-Maximum of one spellbook per unit (there is a way around this, too, which will be explained later)

Chapter Three: Spellbook Data Fields

Below is a list of the five most important data fields the Spellbook ability contains. All of the other data fields are pretty much identical to those found in every other ability.

Data - Base Order ID: Spellbook
This data field isn't very extraordinary in itself, and the only reason it is important is that it MUST be changed if you are to have more than one Spellbook per unit.

Data - Maximum Spells
The maximum number of spells that the Spellbook will show on the UI when opened. The actual number of spells will be a random number between this value and the value of Data - Minimum Spells.

Data - Minimum Spells
The minimum number of spells that the Spellbook will show on the UI when opened. The actual number of spells will be a random number between this value and the value of Data - Maximum Spells.

Data - Shared Spell Cooldown
When this is set to true, if a spell within the Spellbook is cast, the cooldown for that spell applies to all spells within the Spellbook. When set to false, if a spell within the Spellbook is cast, the cooldown for that spell will not apply to the other spells within the Spellbook.

Data - Spell List
This is the list of spells that the Spellbook will contain. Note that the order of the buttons displayed in the UI in-game depends on the order of the spells presented in this data field, NOT on the button position data fields for each individual spell. Also, just because a spell is in this list does not necessarily mean it will show up in the Spellbook in-game. The actual number of spells that show up will be a random number in between the maximum and minimum spells data fields. Which spells show up will be completely random. To make sure all spells in this list show up, set both the maximum and minimum spells data fields to the number of spells in this list.

Chapter Four: Multiple Spellbooks

To make a unit have more than one Spellbook, you must change the Base Order ID data field so that no two spellbooks that the unit has have the same Base Order ID. Also, none of the Spellbooks can have "Spellbook" or "NONE" as their Base Order ID. If they do, when you open one Spellbook, all of the spells from EVERY Spellbook will show up on the UI, not just the spells from the Spellbook you selected.

Chapter Five: Hero Abilities and Leveling Up Abilities

When you change the data field Data - Spell List, you will see that you cannot enter in hero abilities. However, you can easily change hero abilities into unit abilities, enter it into the spellbook, and then after it is entered in, change the ability back into a hero ability.

You must use triggers to level up abilities within a Spellbook. Use the action "Unit - Increase level of Ability for Unit" to increase ability levels. The easiest way of leveling up abilities within a Spellbook in my opinion is to use dialogs so that every time a hero levels up or otherwise gains the power to level up an ability, a player can just select the abiliy he/she wants to level up by clicking a dialog button. However, this is not the only way. One other example is using upgrades at a building in tandem with triggers so that every time a player researches a particular upgrade, the corresponding ability gains a level.
Level 3
Aug 30, 2006
I request to know where to put request :|

If this is the place to put request... I need to request two tutorials...

1) tuturial to change the display picture of the map... you know... like when your selecting what to hsot... and theres thi little minimap thingy but instead of being the terrain my own picture

2) How to export and import models
Level 3
Aug 13, 2004

I need info on using the IntegerA and IntegerB triggers. I am not sure on how to use them and think that it would help one of my maps alot. Please explain their purpose and general use.
Thank You.

If a tutorial isn't needed for this please just PM me, thanks again.
Level 4
Nov 3, 2006
Hi I need a tutorial on how to make a unit move by using the arrow keys, I need this for my map very badly so can some body post one please
Level 4
Nov 3, 2006
yes I know another one but this is the last one. For my new map I am using an ability scheme similar to defi4nc3's map. What I need to know is how do I get my abilities to go in different spellbooks when I have 2 spellbooks on the same character thanks in advance.