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Skinning Tutorial - Part 1

Skinning Tutorial - Part 1
Adding Armor or other Metallic Surfaces

Tools Required:
War3Viewer - Most useful modding program
Macromedia Fireworks MX, or Photoshop 6 - No Paint, Ninguna Pintura, Aucune Peinture, N0 P41nt.
Get demos for both of them at the respective websites (google its name)

Step 1 - Getting a Skin
For starters grab an easy to understand skin, stray away from skins that have their pieces everywhere, like Arthas, the Dreadlord, and some others. For this tutorial go textures/bandits.blp and extract it as .tga. Open it in Photoshop/Fireworks. Once its opened it should look like this...
Bandit Skin

Step 2 - Making Metal
Use the Polygonic Lasso Tool to select an area of his armor. Then grab your brush (make sure its set to normal) and color in the selection Dark Grey.


Then select the Burn and Dodge tools, Dodge the outter edge that would be towards the light source (preferably at the top left is what i use) and burn the edges away from it (I prefer brush size 6 for this but use whatever suits you).

Dodged and Burned

Step 3 - Making a Metallic Surface
Now select the smudge tool, set the strength to 50%, and smudge the light grey towards the edges -!Be Careful!- use a brush size of about 6 for this or else you'll drag other colors into it. Do the same for the burned area, you should come up with something like this
Now you should have a basic shiny surface right? Think again! Select the blur tool (strength 50, brush about 6) and blur the area slightly to remove those massive changes in shade. About this time run the dodge tool over the original dodged area, to brighten the shading slightly. (Strength 50, brush about 6) Then Blur it into the other colors some more.
The Result

Step 4 - Adding Details
Use the Polygonic Lasso Tool again to select an area where you would like to place some details, for this I'll add some gold trim to the armor. Color it the basic color you want, for this, i use a basic gold (159R,152G, 34B) and use the dodge and burn tools to detail the armor more, use the steps from making the armor.

This was what it came out to when I finished...

This is where I stop showing images of the skin, this is what the basic armor change turned out to look like...

Step 5 - Finishing Touches
Add some more details, fix up the armor more, and vula you have your own skin that DOESNT suck.

If you've finished this tutorial, I'd like to see what you accomplished, post an image at photobucket and use the tags to show it here!

I created this to help all those newbies who are making those horrible skins and flooding the skin section, I DO NOT want to see any of the skins you made using with this tutorial in the skins section, in other words, no armored bandits PLEASE. Anything else you made using the advice of the tutorial is ok.
Level 1
May 8, 2005
Umm I am new to skinning, and modeling first of all where would be the best place to start? I have Milkshape 3.0, ... I think that is to make the model if I am correct? Somebody please tell me where to get started thanks.
Level 1
Aug 1, 2005
I don't get it... I have Photoshop 7.0 and could you please be more clear, no offense but this is the worst Tut I have ever seen...
Level 1
Aug 2, 2005
this tutorial sucks i need a utuorial that explains how to do everything from the basics

i dont even know what youre talking about half the time the other half my dad is explaining it or doing it for me :twisted: :evil:
Level 4
Aug 22, 2005
Could you link the programs i need to get for this or something? i cant seem to find either.

Also: some pictures would be nice, putting a link to the picture is no good, especially when they are broken like in this tutorial. Switching pages sorta phases me out, and people with dial up would most definantly hate the linking system. :cry:
Level 5
Jun 13, 2005
Ok i got a problem. I use The Gimp 2 and i use for modeling just a regular vertex modifier that is on this site to kind of alter the models. How do i get A skin that i made on to a model that i made? Like i made an archimond model with no tail and a different head and really bulky, but i don't know how to make a skin for and put it on it like all the models in the models section and such. Do you know any way i can get my skins onto my models or what i have to do?
Level 4
Oct 1, 2004
how exactly do I get to the skins? I tried the MPQ but I can only get it and then It comes out in WC3 Model Editor and then I cannot convert it into .tga. Please Help.

EDIT: I figured out my problem, I was opening it directly from the MPQ file, I now know you have to open it directly from the Warcraft 3 Viewer Treeview.
Level 1
Feb 19, 2005

Okay Im am new to mostr of this...I know how to import stuff, I know how to use models...but I have no IDEA how to use skins...I download them adn I cant find out how to get them to work....CAN anyone explain to me how this is done...
Level 1
Jul 12, 2006
can some one tell me how to get rid of the white spots in the mod like on the chains of wepons
sorry im new to skins i use photo shop