• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Treasure Guardian

Submission for the 22nd modeling contest: Mimic

A bit of Lore: This enormous gem was once the most prized possession of an ancient, powerful wizard of extreme wealth and avarice, but ultimately his greed was his downfall. Refusing to let go of his material possessions, the wizard's soul cursed the gem with a greed of it's own. Still possessed by the greed of it's former owner, this gem hoards the treasure of it's ancient master, protecting it from any would be thieves.

Updated by Frankster's request, increased the overall quality of the regular stand animation

treasure, transformer, gem, mimic, gold, golem

Treasure Guardian (Model)

Frankster : Model works in-game and in the editor and performs very well. very nice implementation of texture, animations and effects. Good work. (Rating will be up as soon as the contest is over)




Moderation: 19:52, Sunday 8th January 2012
Frankster :
Model works in-game and in the editor and performs very well.
very nice implementation of texture, animations and effects.
Good work.

(Rating will be up as soon as the contest is over)
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I love the concept as well, and I really like the whole objects being transformed into monsters.
Level 10
Jan 21, 2008
Wrong textures link, please fix it !
I must admit that your concept is good and the performing is very well done but:
- You waste too much poly on :
+ The shield
+ There ruby
+ He dont need 5 fingers, just a glove hand 'll save your poly.
And some suggest for you:
- You can add some attack or spell animation that make him lengthen his arm like rubber, because he not a human, just a mess of gold so it can make some personality for an unhuman being.
- You can add some Gold textures animation when he in human mode, and deactive it when he turn into treasure mode
Level 13
May 11, 2005
Wrong textures link, please fix it ! hum, i'll take a look at that
I must admit that your concept is good and the performing is very well done but:
- You waste too much poly on :
+ The shield yeah, probably right, i had other plans for it
+ There ruby it isn't that high poly :\ it requires an inner shell for the teamcolor and an outer shell for the bright corners
+ He dont need 5 fingers, just a glove hand 'll save your poly. i found it easier to model a glove than to make or find a proper texture of a glove
And some suggest for you:
- You can add some attack or spell animation that make him lengthen his arm like rubber, because he not a human, just a mess of gold so it can make some personality for an unhuman being. i thought about it, but i couldn't think of anything interesting enough to do with it. he streches a bit in some animations, but i couldn't exagerate it or the model would be all over the place.
- You can add some Gold textures animation when he in human mode, and deactive it when he turn into treasure mode i'm sorry i don't understand what you mean with this :\

my responses are underlined

EDIT: about the textures, they're set to the default imported file path (war3mapImported\goldpile.blp), to see them in magos' create a folder named war3mapImported and move the textures into it, to use the model ingame just import everything and keep the default path
- You can add some Gold textures animation when he in human mode, and deactive it when he turn into treasure mode i'm sorry i don't understand what you mean with this :\

judash meant to say to make a texture animation that would move the gold texture around... but i dunno how well that would do.. since i think the gold is taken from the item chest texture, right?
Level 13
May 11, 2005
@ diosilva: fixing the textures is realy easy, simply update the model and on the second page (before re-upload is complete) don't click on any of the tabs. Leave them empty! This will indicate that the model uses only ingame skins.
judash meant to say to make a texture animation that would move the gold texture around... but i dunno how well that would do.. since i think the gold is taken from the item chest texture, right?

actually it uses a custom texture. i don't know if i know how to do that texture animation thing
Level 13
May 11, 2005
i've updated the model with the changes requested by Frankster, hopefully this will get it approved in time for the contest
i've made a custom footprint using particle emitters, i hope it counts as footprints

If we paired in a team, your model 'll be better. But in fact i alway like soloist.
thanks for the offer, but i don't think that teaming up in the last 4 hour stretch of the contest makes much sense
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
Incredible model, I love it!

only issue I see it the file-size, other then that its perfect in my eyes.

A possible addition though is to make a slow crawl-like move animation for the non-morphed version, making i look like it is creeping around.
Level 13
May 11, 2005
Incredible model, I love it!

only issue I see it the file-size, other then that its perfect in my eyes.

A possible addition though is to make a slow crawl-like move animation for the non-morphed version, making i look like it is creeping around.

i like that animation idea, i'm kind of tired of this model though, so i don't think i'll work on it any more for the time being

about filesize...yeah, it's a contest submission, so i tried to make it look good. the gold textures can be reduced in definition even further with little impact ingame, and the grayscale additive shiny texture isn't exactly necessary. it's trivial to do these changes and i can do it by request, if anyone is interested

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/3d-modeling-tutorials-282/animated-textures-tutorial-158421/ this is the animated and moving texture tutorial if you're interested, mate

once you get into it (and make a few mistakes) you'll find it easy-ish

thanks, that'll come in handy
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
On another note, this adds a brand new dimension at the "kill things and take their stuff" line of work...
Level 10
Jan 21, 2008
- Still waste too much poly as i mention before. (Maybe 200 poly wasted)
- For the glove textures problem, actually you can do whatever you want with wrapping skill even without a real glove textures, glove hands 'll save your poly alot.
- There diamond mesh dont need to be duplicate to use Team Color and glow effect, just pick another textures for them and save your poly again.
- BTW Foot print is helping you in melee game play, allowing you to track enemy, but particale emitter cant do that well, think again for wise option.
Level 13
May 11, 2005
the particle emitter is static and has a long lifespan, it leaves a golden trail that is actually more helpful and trackable than the default footprints. besites, this model fits better in an rpg map, i don't see it making much sense in a melee game

as for extra polygons, eh, i don't think they make that much difference either in filesize or ressource draining, i'd say the particle emmiters, for example, are much more taxing in graphical resources, but i figure there shouldn't be more than one instance of this model on one screen, so i went to some lenghts to give him a nice shiny glitter

for the glove, i also wanted it to have some detail so it could have an open hand, relaxed version when it's standing static, and a version grasping the sword when it's animated
Level 10
Jan 21, 2008
for the glove, i also wanted it to have some detail so it could have an open hand, relaxed version when it's standing static, and a version grasping the sword when it's animated
There is many kind of glove hand: two finger or even three finger and they all can close to hold sword and open to relax aswell.:ogre_hurrhurr:
BTW one more custom textures just for "additive" textures is a waste too.
Level 13
May 11, 2005
i think it looks much better with it, but i agree that it might make the model a bit to heavy for some maps. it's a quick fix and i've already volunteered to do it for anyone who is interested in using this in an already overloaded map, here's the post:
about filesize...yeah, it's a contest submission, so i tried to make it look good. the gold textures can be reduced in definition even further with little impact ingame, and the grayscale additive shiny texture isn't exactly necessary. it's trivial to do these changes and i can do it by request, if anyone is interested
perhaps i'll do a lower filesize version and upload it as a portrait.
There is many kind of glove hand: two finger or even three finger and they all can close to hold sword and open to relax aswell.:ogre_hurrhurr:
BTW one more custom textures just for "additive" textures is a waste too.

stop trying to manipulate the guy, Judash :p
i don't think all-fingers-together gloves would be good on this model
Level 5
Jan 5, 2012
lUlS I just looked at it again, sword ain't even, one side is more smaller then other, but overall this is a fantastic idea model +REP BABY +REP