15:19, 31st Jul 2010
ap0calypse: Rejected
ap0calypse: Rejected
(10 ratings)
well, one of the main quest of playing this game is to protect the city ,isn't it?![]()
thorns aura isnt an attack -.-- poring has attacks, when you attack him
i dont complain about the job but the item to reveal him...its cd is way too long-.-- invisible job? none of the people complains about that
merchants arent only there for trading...they have enough offensive skills like cart rush etc.- merchant class? can you make it to vend in this warcraft3 map? no one could do it
I DID ffs i did everything written in f9 but it didnt work- about whitesmith/blacksmith, everybody has its job, they read f9 quite well and know how to change the job
its still extremely annoying.- hmm, i'll reconsider about the city attacks. anyway, you should only defend the aldebaran city and the next waves. the other can be defended well by the guardian. even if you're clever enough, you can gain exp more faster with those attacks
read properly-.-- job 2-> job 3 should be lv 40? well, i don't think it should be lv 40 as it is too fast to be done.
as i said... some ppl did it before worked...and well its map size wasnt that much more than yours if i remember right- job 2-> high novice -> high job 1 -> job 3, well, if you implemented this, the mapsize would greatly increased, and i have had many problems about that properly ffs- again, should i imitate the names exactly like "priest -> high priest?" just think weird that a female acolyte become a priest... priestess name should be better
wtf... plzz anyone answer to my question i cant fint a pyramid i need it forr thief quest ;(
i not triple post i olny souble u post and thna i post.. plzz where to find pyramid for thief quest?
whats the name of mapmaker
@ fenrir who the hell are you? are you the official ragnarok specialist? thats not ragnarok just wc3 go and look for the naruto maps and critisise those mapmaker because they realy do mistakes...
hm i looked on the skill list again and ye some arent that wc3 friendly...@fenrir
about the merchant, well, i'm kinda have difficulties when creating merchant's skills. because its original skills are only vending/overcharge/discount/enlargeweithlimit?
so i made the custom one.
the merchant -> blacksmith is only a text error.