Tr1NiTY's ORPG v1.3

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A Rpg made based on Ragnarok World...
Hunting and leveling your character
Change the job to the higher one
Grouping and defeat the Boss MVP
Face Loki and defend Prontera at all costs!

- Mostly based on Ragnarok World (monsters, items, jobs, quests, systems, terrains, dungeons, bosses, etc),
- Has more than 200 custom items,
- Has more than 15 boss MVP fights,
- Save/load systems (not available in single player mode),
- Has a storyline. 1 1/2 hours later, you'll face the Loki, defending the prontera like hero siege and kill the Loki!
- Max hero level is 100,
- Epic map size, 256x256 mostly playable with 8 cities and many dungeons!
- Many secrets to be revealed!
- 4 steps of jobs! (ex : Novice lv10 -> Swordman lv50 -> Knight lv99 -> Lord Knight),
- Imported models and icons,
- Custom spells and gameplaying (exp, hero attributes, hero skills, etc),
- Novice has 2 skills, Job 1 has 4 skills, Job 2 has 8 skills, Job 3 has 14 skills,
- Credits available for Hiveworkshop,
- Custom hero quests to be solved,
- See Quests *f9 for more informations, tips, and user credits!

please download as you like
and enjoy the map

Critics, comments, and suggestions can be posted here!
Thx, GBU

ragnarok, Ro, Online, RPG, great, ORPG, Tr1NiTY, Trinity, RO RPG, good, new

Tr1NiTY's ORPG v1.3 (Map)

15:19, 31st Jul 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
i'm desperately searching a new rpg (Defiance won't release v0.008 of his rpg XD) so i set many hopes in your RPG :D
Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
ok i played .. i still play BUT one first BIG MINUS i'm searching for this DAMN "invisible" (why the hell invisible) job 1 tester and nobody can find anywehre such a tester like this...can you please help us XD?

second i looks like the entry into the archer hall in payon city won't work :D .... wrong ... ;( XD

HEEEELP in need somebody HEEELP XD
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Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
while i can't find the jobchanger (wich seems to be invisible) i will seed your map in the battlenet and wait for your answer trinity XD

i found another bug i loaded my char and my stats where 10 ,10 1,0 again i thought i could set them new but i only got 2 lumber(i'm lvl 10) you should save the stats or give the player his lumber back after restart not just delete the stat points...

edit: finally i found the jobchanger :D but the archer hut still is bugged (you can't get inside)
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Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
invisible job tester :
well, just buy a True Sight in Potion Specialty
then use it in any city...
(the clue is : the job tester's start location is not in the middle of the city.. It has wander abillity which can walk around the city... no exact position about it)

well, it's the matter
you must spend all lumber before you save your char...
about the status, well, i tried it and everything was saved. All status are saved!
maybe you've forgotten to use ESC button and increase them manually?

don't worry, when you get your job changed, your stats will be reseted again :p
Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
k... :p another annoing thing .. the attacks ... it makes no fun and the map ends before the timer becuase some important guy dies... in my opinion the attacks are unimportant 4 the map and they just reduce the fun....
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
about the bug
some of my friends just noticed it :p
and i was trying to fix it
thx for reporting

about the attack
should i remove it?
some people also said that it's annoying
but some people also said that it's fun
well, in my opinion, it's also used as an anti-bot system..
no one can botting in this map coz they should protect those attacks!
Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
well but you cant protect those attacks if you're a newbie... :p

bye the way i died( by trying to protect the town XD ) and found another annoying point by that .. XD you should decrease the gold/exp decrese when you die .. you can increase it with higher lvl'S but when you are an lvl 8 swordsman an die you lose 800 G ... remember that the enemies give 6-18 G in (this lvl area)

in ym opinion you should delete those attacks... because .. who cares bot users i just wanna play the map its not important 4 me if someone other has al lvl 999 hero

PS: one of my friends i sad because he said in the Original Ragnarok game are 12 more jobs included and the one he wants to play isnt in this map
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Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
changelog for v1.1
- Fixed the unsaved status n attributes bug
- Rebalanced Hunter's skills
- Fixed Archer's Arrow Shower's Skill
- Changed Change Job Hunter Quest
- Reduced experience rate a bit
- Fixed the Prontera Elite Bug
- Reduced Death penalty from 100xlevel -> 50xlevel
- Make the Boss MVPs' become stronger
- Fixed some minor tooltips errors
- Make Captain Aldebaran a little bit stronger
- Add some trees in orc encampment (making it unable to get through from orc village -> kobold village)

thats it

well, one of the main quest of playing this game is to protect the city ,isn't it? :p

12 jobs? well, of course in the later versions I will add those other remaining jobs like crusader/paladin, and so on!
Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
great that you can fix the bugs so fast :D


well, one of the main quest of playing this game is to protect the city ,isn't it? :p

so can you maybe add a non "defend the city" version or ask in the beginning "do you wish to protect cities?"|<yes>| |<no>| just like more and lesser exp mode :p (city defend is the more exp mode in that case)

would be nice if that is possible

Edit: oh i just forgot in the Job description of the merchant(F9) stand that he becomes a blacksmith with lvl 15 but i dont know if that is true ... maybe only the description is wrong otherwise thats a BIG BUG :p

EDIT2: the archer house is still not usable...

Edit 3 xD: where can we find the acolyte shop ?
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Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
well ive tested the map and there are so many flaws...

-why to hell does every poring-like creep have no attack?
not even angeling?

-that invisible job tester thing...meh...make him bigger so u can see him earlier in those 8 secs(its pretty short) and ffs reduce the cd of that item by takes ages

-ive tested the merchant-class so far and has nothing to do with RO...the only original spell was mammonite... which was also not really like the original...

-...why is every hero agi based? it doesnt make any sense...

-looks like the blacksmith quest doesnt work...the description says that u have to give your coal to the "guildmaster" who i guess is the whitesmith in the guild...but u cant give him any items...i placed it at near as possible to him but it didnt work either. neither with the other npcs in the guild.

-those attacks are extremely stupid. sorry but what the hell were u thinking? u have always to stay at town just to protect the city? cmon thats ragnarok, not a hero defense.ppl are SUPPOSED to walk around and not stay at the city

-the level needed from 1st job to 2nd shouldnt be 15 but the original 40 -.-
the 2nd job doesnt directly become to the transcend job...which means for example: knight doesnt become a lordknight... its knight->reborn to high novice->high swordsman->lord knight

-wtf priestess becomes a "goddess"? its high priest(ess) not goddess-.-
seriously...with that many flaws i really have my doubts if u played RO more than 10 minutes
no offense but there are better ro maps out there

the only good thing i could tell was the terrain. the cities seemed to be on their original places(havnt checked all).

a barely 2/5 if u dont fix the bigger flaws
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
this is my map and i have my inspirations there...
why should i made this map to become 100% pure ragnarok onlinee

- poring has attacks, when you attack him
- invisible job? none of the people complains about that
- merchant class? can you make it to vend in this warcraft3 map? no one could do it
- about whitesmith/blacksmith, everybody has its job, they read f9 quite well and know how to change the job
- hmm, i'll reconsider about the city attacks. anyway, you should only defend the aldebaran city and the next waves. the other can be defended well by the guardian. even if you're clever enough, you can gain exp more faster with those attacks
- job 2-> job 3 should be lv 40? well, i don't think it should be lv 40 as it is too fast to be done.
- job 2-> high novice -> high job 1 -> job 3, well, if you implemented this, the mapsize would greatly increased, and i have had many problems about that
- again, should i imitate the names exactly like "priest -> high priest?" just think weird that a female acolyte become a priest... priestess name should be better

thx for your critics, but then again, i don't want to imitate 100% from ragnarok online.
coz i made this by improvements too..
no offense :D

quite good idea!
well, that's only error message
Level 3
May 26, 2009

can anyone tell me about this rpg

Tr1NiTY's RO RPG v1.1

i cant find for thief qyest i kill invisilbe man.. and now i cant find pyramid where is pyramid for thief quest?? i cant find it damn plzz somone tell

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Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
- poring has attacks, when you attack him
thorns aura isnt an attack -.-
giving angeling no attack is like giving baphomet a 10dmg splash dmg attack with very slow attackspeed and if u killed him he drops a 3 slotted knife...-.-
- invisible job? none of the people complains about that
i dont complain about the job but the item to reveal him...its cd is way too long-.-
- merchant class? can you make it to vend in this warcraft3 map? no one could do it
merchants arent only there for trading...they have enough offensive skills like cart rush etc.
- about whitesmith/blacksmith, everybody has its job, they read f9 quite well and know how to change the job
I DID ffs i did everything written in f9 but it didnt work

- hmm, i'll reconsider about the city attacks. anyway, you should only defend the aldebaran city and the next waves. the other can be defended well by the guardian. even if you're clever enough, you can gain exp more faster with those attacks
its still extremely annoying.
please remove it...its definately no fun for new players without a char...or make at least that mode that neogecko mentioned...

- job 2-> job 3 should be lv 40? well, i don't think it should be lv 40 as it is too fast to be done.
read properly-.-
the level from job1(merchant) to job2(blacksmith) should be 40 not 15 as u written in the f9 description
- job 2-> high novice -> high job 1 -> job 3, well, if you implemented this, the mapsize would greatly increased, and i have had many problems about that
as i said... some ppl did it before worked...and well its map size wasnt that much more than yours if i remember right
- again, should i imitate the names exactly like "priest -> high priest?" just think weird that a female acolyte become a priest... priestess name should be better properly ffs
its about the "goddess" uve written
the job name is "high priest"/"high priestess" and not "goddess"

if u have that many edited stuff stop calling it ragnarok
Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
the pyramide i left to the city (doesn't look like a pyramide) its the dungeon with the corpses laying around the entry (inside the pyramide are lvl 13 skeletons)

@ fenrir who the hell are you? are you the official ragnarok specialist? thats not ragnarok just wc3 go and look for the naruto maps and critisise those mapmaker because they realy do mistakes...
Level 9
Aug 21, 2008
First i enjoid playing this but, beginning with the first job change, it got extremly frustating. I mean unnassercary frustating.

First i didnt get how i should warp to morton city. I went to the yellow famele but nithing happend. i tried to attack aptrol wait jsut everything but in the end i just went to the city.

The invisible jobtester is primary ok but the cooldown is much to high. Dont forget he is moving so i had him once but till the i could use the item again he was gone.

After a long time i got him. Then i should go to the pyramide. Where on earth is a pyramade?, i cheked all citys but there wasnt one(remind that i could'nt use warp)
. After i cheated(sry but it was annyoing) i found out that there is one next to morton city.-.-
I went in just to get killed by a skeleotn. I tried it several times but i hadnt a chance with a lvl 10 noivize. So i cheated again(WTF i have to cheat just to get my class?)
Finally i found the Thiefs in the pyramide. But o holy crap the letter was gone since i died..

This was the point were i just closed wc3.
Next day i tried again at bnet but noboady had a load code so nobody was able jsut to find his frst job-.-

a and one time i lost at the first monster attack cause the guy of the city died. i couldnt defense cause i deid after 3 hits..

So pls make the map more newbie friendly until now its just frustating to play it.
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
well, the most problem of this map is balancing
i made those thief quests to become the hardest quest of all jobs because the assassins is the "best" player in the ragnarok (because of its base-agi-increase and solo-skills)
so you'll have kinda difficult to make an assassin cross...

but believe me, only 1 acolyte is enough to escort the novice to go to the thief guild inside morroc.

about the city attacks, in 1.2 i'll add it as option. you can enable/disable it.

about the merchant, well, i'm kinda have difficulties when creating merchant's skills. because its original skills are only vending/overcharge/discount/enlargeweithlimit?
so i made the custom one.
the merchant -> blacksmith is only a text error.

yup, the cooldown in next versions will be reduced
ew? you've lost @1st prontera city attacks? wew, that never happened to me...
i can survive at least until Loki's arrival time @35 minutes
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
@ fenrir who the hell are you? are you the official ragnarok specialist? thats not ragnarok just wc3 go and look for the naruto maps and critisise those mapmaker because they realy do mistakes...

i agree there are some very crappy naruto maps but also some very well done.
im comparing this map to other ro maps and well...this one atm below/close to average.
some did a much worse job but some made u partly feel like u were in ro.

about the merchant, well, i'm kinda have difficulties when creating merchant's skills. because its original skills are only vending/overcharge/discount/enlargeweithlimit?
so i made the custom one.
the merchant -> blacksmith is only a text error.
hm i looked on the skill list again and ye some arent that wc3 friendly...
u could do the skills like this:

Pushcart: summons a pushcart(box) which has its own inventory and follows you. the quest-items wont drop if u put it in there and die.
the higher the skill-level the higher the movementspeed of the cart
u could do maybe with an aura which only affects the cart cause of its small range.the card is invulnerable. cd hm...240secs. the card can teleport itself to the owner.
lvl1: 20%MS
lvl2: 40%ms
lvl3: 60% MS
lvl4: 80%MS
lvl5: 100%MS

Crazy Uproar: after activation, the user gets a certain of str(maybe u should make swordsmen/merchants be str type instead of agi...if not, this skill wont increase the str but the dmg )
buff lasts 2mins but costs much mana
lvl1: +5str
lvl4 +20str

Cart revolution:
only useable while the cart is out.
deals dmg in a small aoe.

lvl1: 80dmg

the 4th spell would be your mammonite

they shouldnt be that hard to make

as for the typo...well i didnt know that...
as i said i was only testing the merchant class
would be nice if u would look over the blacksmith quest cause it still doesnt seem to work (tried it again like its written in f9 but still nothing happens)
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
not bad
but, the first problem is; i need at least 1 passive abillity for each warrior type.
second ; i have my own reasons why the merchant's role should be a Money Collector *you'll know as soon as you've mastered this game.

third; merchant class is a low stamina character...
fourth; this merchant is too different with the one in RO online, but this sounds unique to me :p

1.2 is already done, with the major change of tooltips, an option to disable the city attacks, and some spells improvements.
anyone found any bugs again?
i'm kinda worry because i released those versions too frequently.
Level 3
May 26, 2009
how to disable that attacks to citys?? and hey i go to that big pyramid there was skekelots i kill them all thna i go in whiite circle and there was 40 lvl mobs lol
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
it's a minorous...
don't try to hunt them before you've reached a minimal lv 50 job2

thief guild is inside pyramid
pyramid has 4 circle of power (warps)
1 -> out of the pyramid
2 -> thief guild
3 -> minorous place
4 -> osiris boss mvp

well, 1.2 is surely rebalanced...
many monsters,items, and skills are reworked
add a new place to hunt - poring's island
reworked how kafra works
add pvp arena and the commands
change job changing diffilcuties (merchant n aco)
until now i don't find any bugs left...

and now i'm confused with this option, should i reset the code?
Level 3
May 26, 2009

but this rpg have big big minus... its ssucks... can anyone tel lme how to save stat points?? i play from lvl 1 to lvl 30.. i add stats.. thna i save and load and the stats points reset all.. lol... every time i load stats points reset pz... :(

and help plzzz where is secret shop i push f9 and read legendary items can get only in secret shop can anyone tel lwhere is it please tell mapmapker or somone else where is secret shop ; :9 i beg u....
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Level 2
Feb 9, 2008
You know if you're not gonna make it like RO, then just have an original map name and original names for monsters, items, towns, areas, and says it's inspired by RO.
Level 3
May 26, 2009

can anyone tell how to save stats

and where is scret shop i want buy here legend items plzz tell

and i am thief 50 lvl i want do job 2 there is step.. go to green cirlce in thief guild than go to front circle. thna u get fake prontera unit.. well i go to green circle and white circle but i dont get any unit of prontera

what need to do?
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
well, the location is not at thiefguild (inside pyramide)
but the location is in assassin guild (somewhere in morroc dessert)

about the status
weird, yesterday i tried saving and everything is ok
the bug then re-appeared again
i'm fixing this problem now
Level 3
May 26, 2009

trinity help me plzz.. my friends cant save status too... ; ( we have all tiems reset stats ; (( we are so weak wihout stats ; ((.... and can u tell me my friend is merchant he get gola quest item he go to albarta city in guild merchant he need giv quest item to guld leader but he is not in merchant guild in... where is he than..? can do u have skype ????? if u have plzz tell the nick...
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
just wait the v1.2,
explanations should be exactly there
well, i only have the MSN :D

merchant -> blacksmith. you need to be at least lv 50, after getting the Coal, go to the upper green circle in merchant guild
Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
well trinity i'm not sure if i asked before XD (too lazy to read all the post now :p) where is the Shop for the Acolyte? :D? by the way you could make v 1.1b so you don't have to release 1.2 :p

c'mon releae the new version and cal her 1.1b so i can play XD i won't play 1.1 again if there is already a better version on your pc :D
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Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
acolyte use the staffs, just buy them @geffen city :D

here's it

changelog v1.2

- You can now disable the City Attacks (player 1 only)
- Reset the code (too many bugs and unbalances in the previous version)
- Rebalanced many monsters
- Rebalanced almost all skills
- Fixed all detected bugs (Status reduction, etc)
- Redid many changing job quests
- Reworked how Kafra works
- Quest items and Potions are now saved
- Harder diffilcuty @ Loki's Arrival
- Harder diffilcuty of All Boss MVPs
- Added some new items
- Added a new hunting place ; Poring's Island
- Added Command Informations (-save/-load/-enterpvp/-exitpvp/-saveposition)
- Fixed some unstucking critical and skills
- Fixed some unneccesary typos and texts, as well as making them easier to be understood
- Reduced cooldown of True Sight usage
- Changing some terrains
- A bit different game starting
- Changed how the Attribute Points work
- Reduced the LEgendary items cost by 20000
- and many more!

i'm very sorry to reset the codes...
please enjoy again
and please comment me!
Level 3
Aug 27, 2006
reset.. means....old savegames doesn't work? -,- ... shame on you XD no... ok thats no problem i like your rpg so i have no problem with restart so i can try hunter this time (Hope the Hunterhut is fixed)
Level 3
May 26, 2009

1.12 is on??? where to download!!!!!!!! tell plzzzz... i want without bugs play plzzzzzzzzz

and no save games??? omg.. i got 4 red items from boses :((((((( duude!!! ; (((((

where to download 1.12 plzzz tell me

and... i am knight where to find quest mob mvp bos job tester 3 where is he???? and again tell where to download 1.12 plzz??
Level 3
May 26, 2009
omg dubult post very sory... but in this version will be not stat bug??? i can save stats pooints? it wont reset whne i load????... and.... what bugs left..? ou yee how to disable attakcs and what u mean (1 player) it means only single can disable??? and how to disable attacks plzz tell me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008

ive tested the merchant and the quest description is now okay.
its hard to figure out where that stupid job3 test mvp is...(ive found by running around)
now ive tested the archer but it seems there are only 2 instead of 3 class npcs in the forest below payon.
ive used iseedeadpeople to see the whole map but the 3rd npc doesnt exist there(ive only found the hippogryph rider and the other one with the moonwolf)
hope you can fix it/give the 3rd one a better place...if he exists then hes definately not in the forest =O
Level 4
Aug 5, 2007
the third one, luna moonfang, is located quite at right side from the payon forest, well, the road to there is guarded by spores and trees...

you can download the 1.2 in this site
on the first page of this thread
i've updated it
Level 3
May 26, 2009

i dont understand 1 thing lol... why all clases primary stat is agility???? wtf...

i take str hero... swordman primary stat agility.. but he need str primary stat if he have agi primary stat he cant be high hp but in f9 have writed swordmans high hp/high armor but if primary stat if agility how u can get high hp??? can u fix this fast and put primary stat str on swordman guild?

where is pooring hunting zone?

and xp is smaller?
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