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Top 8 Strange Tips About Warcraft 3 Cheats You Never Knew

What is your most favourite cheat?

  • Iseedeadpeople

  • Whosyourdaddy, obviously!

  • Warpten

  • GreedisGood

  • TheDudeAbides

  • PointBreak

  • Nah! I do not cheat!

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Level 7
Dec 17, 2017
Hello! I have been playing Warcraft III for many years and recently I started some research on Warcraft III cheats and discovered some facts that even I did not know before. There are two types of players in Warcraft III (actually no, in any game) - The Cheat-Lovers and The Fair-Players. The former loves to use cheats while the latter loves to play the game without cheats. I admit that I fall in both categories. I am not a fan of using "whosyourdaddy" cheat because it spoils the fun, but I use other building cheats which enables fast buiding. Well, here are some facts about cheats you didn't even know:
1. The iseedeadpeople cheat also enables the opponent to see the whole map. But since they are bots, we are unable to tell the difference. Yes! Check the Blizzard cheat triggers, it has been designed like this.
2. This is known by a lot of people, but still, the pointbreak cheat does not extend the maximum food limit. You still can build upto 90 in Reign of Chaos and 100 in Frozen Throne. It just allows you to build without making additional farms/burrows/spirit tower/moon well.
3. The pointbreak cheat also allows opponents to train troops without making food producing structures. Seriously! Try making an AI without ordering them to build farms. In-game, activate pointbreak and you will see that they can build units.
4. The warpten cheat also allows your opponent to build faster. You must be thinking that it is unfair. Think againa thats what you're doing!
5. You cannot use the allyourbasearebelongtous cheat to win custom campaigns. That is maybe known to all. But the interesting part is that in vanilla Blizzard campaigns, there are some levels that you cannot activate this to win. Maybe they have faulty triggers. Undead 04, Night Elf 06, Sentinels 02, Alliance 03 & 05, Bonus 02 are the levels. (I may have missed some others)
6. The TheDudeAbides cheat is not what it says in its description. ("Decreases Spell Cooldown") Actually, when it is typed, the spells which are in cooldown, they get reset. For eg: You use Starfall ability and it goes into cooldown. If you type this cheat, you can use the Starfall ability again. But that does not mean that all spells will not have cooldown.
7. Did you know there was a cheat "=" ? When you type this, the previously entered cheat will be entered again.
8. Did you know there was a cheat called "TenthLevelTaurenChieftain" which when typed, plays the Storm, Earth and Fire theme song? (only if you have TFT)
Hope you enjoyed this!
It would be great if someone stickied this.
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Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
I always like to play the game the way it was intented, so I never cheat, or very rarely. I use cheats only to debug my custom maps.

I did not know about 7 and 8, that's nice :)
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Why is your text green? Do not try to defeat the forum styles as they use these colours for a reason...
5. You cannot use the allyourbasearebelongtous cheat to win custom campaigns. That is maybe known to all. But the interesting part is that in vanilla Blizzard campaigns, there are some levels that you cannot activate this to win. Maybe they have faulty triggers. Undead 04, Night Elf 06, Sentinels 02, Alliance 03 & 05, Bonus 02 are the levels. (I may have missed some others)
That cheat was never intended for normal use. It was likely used by Blizzard developers to test the campaign. Certain missions might not have required being skipped, or by the time they were finished other ways of testing were added so the code was no longer necessary.
6. The TheDudeAbides cheat is not what it says in its description. ("Decreases Spell Cooldown") Actually, when it is typed, the spells which are in cooldown, they get reset. For eg: You use Starfall ability and it goes into cooldown. If you type this cheat, you can use the Starfall ability again. But that does not mean that all spells will not have cooldown.
Was likely used to test ultimate abilities in melee play for bugs. Far easier to type something than wait 2-3 minutes for a cooldown.
8. Did you know there was a cheat called "TenthLevelTaurenChieftain" which when typed, plays the Storm, Earth and Fire theme song? (only if you have TFT)
Everyone knows that...

Now here is one for you!

Did you know that whosyourdaddy takes an integer argument? Yes "whosyourdaddy 999999" is a valid cheat code command. As far as I am aware the integer argument does nothing but I assume at some stage it was intended to alter the strength of the code. This is likely why ones units do not one shot everything with damage, but instead only deal 1,000 times or so more damage.
Level 7
Dec 17, 2017
Why is your text green? Do not try to defeat the forum styles as they use these colours for a reason...

I believe that red is reserved only for moderators use...
Whoops, I never knew about the colours! Sorry!
Did you know that whosyourdaddy takes an integer argument? Yes "whosyourdaddy 999999" is a valid cheat code command. As far as I am aware the integer argument does nothing but I assume at some stage it was intended to alter the strength of the code. This is likely why ones units do not one shot everything with damage, but instead only deal 1,000 times or so more damage.
Yes, Abelhawk told me this recently. Forgot to add it though. I experimented a little more also, and found some more facts. Will be added later, when I have time.
why is this in WEHZ?
Ummm... Where should I post it? :confused::eek:
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