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Thread Bumping and Revival Rules

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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
The Hive Workshop
Thread Bumping

To bump a thread on an Internet forum is to post a reply to it purely in order to raise the thread's profile. This will typically return it to the top of the list of active threads.
»Source and complete details here«

  1. Hive Workshop users are permitted to bump their own threads.

  2. Threads bumps must include new details and / or information, not just simply a word or vague comment.

  3. Threads cannot be bumped within 48 hours of the most recent post.

  4. Posts that violate these rules may be deleted by moderators without warning.

  5. Threads that consistently violate these rules may be closed after the author has been warned.
Thread Revival - Necroposting

Bumping old or inactive ("dead") threads is occasionally called "necroposting" or "thread necromancy" and the bumping posts referred to as "frankenposts."
»Source and complete details here«

  1. Hive Workshop users are permitted to post in threads within six months of the thread's most recent post.

  2. Posting in a thread 15 days after the most recent reply is considered necroposting.

  3. Necroposts are permitted if:
    • The thread is being revived for a valid reason.

    • The reviving post asks an important question, adds relevant detail and / or enhances the topic under discussion.

    • The user alerts moderators prefacing the reviving post with a notation such as: Bump! *revive* [necro]

  4. Posts that violate these rules may be deleted by moderators without warning.

  5. Users who consistently violate these rules may be punished.
This document is subject to future revision and/or amendment.
Last edited:
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Usually between a week and 10 days.

Threads generally not included in necroposting;

-Old threads about a topic, wanting to get more info about the same topic (question) (Note: this one is disputed, and does NOT apply to giving an answer to an old topic)



-Bumping your own threads (up to 2 or 3 weeks old)
It all depends on the forum aswell whether or not it is bad to revive. Like in the terrain forum which is mainly a gallery it is okay to revive threads if you have comments/input on the terrain other than "greet terrin!!", but in forums such as WE Help Zone it is not okay to revive old question threads, no matter if you have been away on holiday for 2 months or not, it needs to be something that adds a lot to the topic before it is okay.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
You can always in a new thread, post a link to an old thread.
If say your asking a similiar question, but the old thread didnt quite answer it.
(Stops ppl saying 'did you search?' & posting the same answers in the old thread).
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

Rather than creating a new thread to continue this discussion, I have simply copied the existing information into a new post at the top of this one.

These rules are not necessarily set in stone, they're (at this point) just recommended guidelines. They may be adjusted in the future based upon valid feedback from our community.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Sure. Users may post in any thread that's open.

The Chieftain's custom vBulletin thread closer script automagically closes threads six months after every thread's last post. Until they're closed, any thread may be posted in. It's far better to post in an existing thread than to create a new one to discuss the same subject.

Please revive threads for valid reasons only. Thanks.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

These rules are now official Hive Workshop policy: a copy of them has been included in our FAQ:

[self="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/faq.php?faq=rules#faq_bump"]Thread Bumping / Thread Revival[/self]

Amendments or revisions to these rules may continue to be discussed freely by the community in this thread.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Wanted to offer a suggestion (if this was at all possible)
It would appear a good deal of our necroposters do it without harmful intent, and rather don't notice the dates of which the last post has been created.
Perhaps, if possible, our Weblord could do some vB haxxing to redirect threads with the last poss older than a month to a page that says:
Warning: The thread you are about to post in has not been posted in since Month Day, Year. Continue?
Then there would be a button that says "Continue" or "Back".
While it may be unnecessary and a bit difficult, if it could be pulled off it might be a nice feature.
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
> Let's wait to see what kind of haxXing Ralle needs to do to implement it.

You would probably have to write some plugin around the area of the threadbit or forumdisplay templates that would use some PHP to get the date now, and the date the thread was posted, and compare them to some standard, and if it returns true, add something on to the title.
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