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Thehelper.net Affiliating

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The Helper, psh...

I dn't like thehelper but its yr choice really. Well an campaign section awesome...


Lol... Extreme lack of reasons by both of you... :smile:

Well, I'm glad THW has an affiliate with TH cause they are both one of my favorite wc3 webs.

Hooray for the campaigns! I was looking for a section like that a long time ago. :p
Level 2
Jun 11, 2007
Just checking to see if anyone is listening. Trying to bring as many into the TheHelper.net chat as I can so if you have any questions for The Hive's affiliate - TheHelper.net then come in now as all the admins are in the chat.


You have to be a TheHelper.net member to chat and follow the instructions on the forum to get in but I suspect you guys are smart enough for that. Feel free to come and tell us how much better The Hive is than us because we love that :grin:

We love you guys!
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

[RAINBOW]Woohoo! Helpful new chat room The Helper, Thanks![/RAINBOW]

I have already visited once and am sure to do so again. The only problem I experienced was trying to type in two chat rooms (yours and ours) at the same time.

I guess I need to grow another pair of arms! :grin:
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
To anyone having trouble with or not wanting to use the Java chat applet (and I don't blame you)...

You can connect directly to TheHelper.net's IRC using your favorite IRC client:

Host: irc.thehelper.net
Port: 8080
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
Indeed, the Java(tm) crapplet can be a bit cumbersome at times.
I use ChatZilla with great success.

However, I would like to note that you must be:

1. A member of TheHelper.net.
2. In possession of at least 25 reputation points.
3. Not in a group restricted from the chat. (Unlikely, unless you are banned.)

in order to participate. At least at the moment.
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