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Affiliate Application

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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006

Affiliate Application Guidelines

When you apply, you must also send in a traffic report of your site. These reports will better determine your chances of being accepted.

Many affiliates have been removed due to no traffic activity or no referrals.

By applying for an affiliation, you agree that the Hive administrators and or moderators reserve the right to remove your site's link at any time. If you are the owner or administrator of another Warcraft (or Blizzard) related website, and would like your website added to the affiliation list, we would be glad to review it.

If accepted your site will be added as a image link within the "Affiliate" section at the bottom of the site. In return you must link back to our website (www.hiveworkshop.com, The HiveWorkshop) and give us some recognition.

How To Apply
To apply for affiliation, please create a new thread in the Admin Contact forum, with the following information completed and set the subject of the topic to "Affiliate Application: Your Site".

  • Your site's official name
  • Website URL
  • The founding date
  • Your site's purpose and or objective
  • Future plans or goals
  • Why should we affiliate
  • Report of traffic/views activity
How It Works
We have the right to reject your application for affiliation, if we feel the need is necessary. If your site passes the application process, you will be added to the bottom of the list. Depending on how much traffic we receive from your site, your link in the list will either rise or lower.

If we do not see a link referring back to us on your website, your affiliation will be removed. If this happens you cannot apply for affiliation again. If we are not receiving much traffic from your website, we will simply take it down.

Link Back
When you link back you can use this image below or use a text link. If you do a text link name it "Hive Workshop".


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