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The Warcraft 3 prerelease material thread

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Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
Your SISTERS bed. Well anyways, gimme a sec.

OK, could you find some more pics of the stickers, because i am not completely sure if that is the one i have...
Level 6
Feb 17, 2006
Your SISTERS bed. Well anyways, gimme a sec.

OK, could you find some more pics of the stickers, because i am not completely sure if that is the one i have...

Yeah, it's my sister's bed were I placed all these things for the photos^^

Sry, that's the only photo of the Australian sticker, I could find, but you could post a picture of your sticker :)
Level 6
Feb 17, 2006
pics or it didn't happen :grin:

Reminds me of /b/ :D
I've got a few pics, but I'll have to wait until it arrives^^
The press kit arrived today :)


  • !BqI6RR!!mk~$(KGrHqQOKjwEuv-7t73PBLufq!Mc1w~~_12.JPG
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  • 2.PNG
    366 KB · Views: 199
  • 3.PNG
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  • presskitcd.jpg
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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
The press kit arrived yesterday and you may have ssen the scan of the cd I uploaded and the 2700x3600 footman picture. Here's a rare trailer from the press kit, that I actually had never seen before

Wow, yea thats definitely a new one.. I've seen a good deal of the scenes used in this before.. but not in this combination. Also Blizzard is really making some big claims in this trailer, like the Ultimate intensity :eek:
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I'm pretty much amazed, hope that Blizzard would consider a Warcraft IV poster looking better, to surprise players with both the game release as well as the graphics:)



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Indeed, those doodads were awesome. Either Blizzard just likes their games not to have quality stuff or they have higher and lower quality stuff and eventually need to make a mid-line -- let's not forget the hidden icons, most of which are of great quality but were never used in the game.
Interesting that they made the decision to cut out the Demons in such a short interval of time. The files that related to them could be hacked to turn a player's units and buildings to sheep until a recent patch fixed the exploit.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
I'm pretty much amazed, hope that Blizzard would consider a Warcraft IV poster looking better, to surprise players with both the game release as well as the graphics:)

You do know that what he shows is the Wc3 Poster, not IV? :wink:


But yea, a constant wondering is why better graphics was skipped, when they already had them.. and at least why they didn't include them at any point. :bored:
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Level 6
Feb 17, 2006
And again a little page from a magazine (PcPlayer January 2000). Completely in German, sorry.

UPDATE! I added 11 screenshots from the Korea version.


(Articles with many pages are underlined)

(German magazines:
-PC Games
-PC Player

US magazines:
-PC Gamer
-PC Accelerator

06 Pc Gamer, 6 pages, Warcraft Adventures

01 PC Games, 4 pages, Article about Bill Roper
11 PC Gamer, 7 pages
11 PC Games, 2 pages
11 GameStar, 4 pages

01 GameStar, 1 paragraph
02 PC Games, 6 pages
03 GameStar, 3 pages
03 PC Player, 7 pages + 5 bonus pages
04 PC Accelerator, 10 pages + 1 bonus page
05 PC Games, 1 page
05 GameStar, 1 paragraph
06 GameStar, 3 pages
07 GameStar, 1 paragraph
08 Incite, 1 page
09 GameStar, 1 paragraph
11 GameStar, 2 pages
11 GameStar, 1 paragraph
13(Christmas) PC Player, 2 pages

01 PC Games, 1 paragraph
01 PC Player, 1 page
01 GameStar, 9 pages
02 GameStar, 1 paragraph
04 PC Games, 2 pages, Blizzard Anniversary
05 GameStar, 1 page
05 PC Player, 1 paragraph
06 GameStar, 1 paragraph
06 PC Gamer, 1 page
07 GameStar, 1 paragraph
10 GameStar, 1 paragraph
11 GameStar, 1 page

08 PC Games, 1 page, Warcraft 3 Ad

When looking through the Beta mpq I found some graphic files that are quite interesting.
I put them into one picture and scaled it to double width and height so you can see it better on big screens^^

This is a screenshot from a video filmed by NipoGames (as far as I remember)
The Wacrraft 3 Version is from around March 2001 or earlier and I call it the Three Resources Nightelf Version, because it was the first version that featured Nightelfs and there are 3 version of it:
-no top bar
-orcs/humans/nightelfs/(undead) and gold as resources (no undead screenshots)
-humans(/orcs/nightelfs/undead), mana stones and gold (only human screenshots)

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Level 12
Sep 28, 2012
This is amazing! Thanks everyone for compiling this exhaustive list. I thought there was very limited information about WarCraft 3's past versions, but I've learned a lot from these. I remember some of these screenshots from looking at them online when I was like 11 years old. A part of me wishes that there were a playable version of that old version that was more RPGish. The world looks so much bigger and funner to explore.
Besides those vague memories, all I had were some interesting screenshots on the back of my box that showed different models (e.g. peons pushing catapults).
Level 15
Jan 12, 2011
You can see how the quality as dropping from 1999 to 2002. The 1999 version looks prety futuristic and HD. Even better than the game wich 1920X1080 resolution.

I would be mostly interested in Beta picture of abilities. e.g. the Mountain King's goldmine, the Dreadlord's dress, and the old version of the Lich's death and decay, which was very demonic.

How do I remake the old WC3 ablilties? How do I find the old MPQ file to make them?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You can see how the quality as dropping from 1999 to 2002. The 1999 version looks prety futuristic and HD. Even better than the game wich 1920X1080 resolution.
WC3 has never supported 1080p. It only supports 4:3 ratios. Sure you can use 1080p but the aspect ratio is wrong which ruins the play experience.

A lot of early development footage is a combination of mockups and prototyping. It does not reflect what is functional, practical or even obtainable in an end product. One can still take screenshots of a game even if it runs at 1 FPS on the best hardware of the time. One cannot play a game running at 1 FPS no matter how good it looks.

I would be mostly interested in Beta picture of abilities. e.g. the Mountain King's goldmine, the Dreadlord's dress, and the old version of the Lich's death and decay, which was very demonic.

How do I remake the old WC3 ablilties? How do I find the old MPQ file to make them?
The code needed to run the abilities was almost certainly removed from the release versions of Warcraft III. Even if you can get the assets used by the ability from the MPQs, the ability mechanics cannot be recovered as they are part of the executable.

Keep in mind that the abilities were likely removed for a reason. This could be anything from buggy mechanics that could not be fixed to being impossible to balance.

As cool as all the cut prototype stuff seems, someone at Blizzard decided that what we got in release was better and he likely did so with good reason/intent.
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