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The UNOFFICIAL HW Hearthstone tournament!

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Due to a high amount of interest in this tournament I've decided to see if we can't get enough players to start a tournament now that the Hearthstone public beta is up. We would need at least 16 players for this tournament, though if we could get up to 32 or 64 it would be great. The ladder will be posted here as soon as we have enough participants. The list will be randomized so don't worry that you need to meet someone just because you posted after them.


* Every player is allowed to make three decks that they are allowed to use.
* Once you've lost with a deck you may not use it again and if you loose with all three you're out of the competition and the winner goes on to the next battle.
* You may not use two or more decks of the same class, you need to use three different classes for all your decks.
* You must write your Hearthstone ID when you sign up for the tournament.
* Put up a print screen of all of your victories in order to prove that you've indeed won or film the matches if you prefer.

Current participants:
Razosh#2146 (Razosh)
yoloswaggins#2511 (Chaosy)
Saladfork#1595 (PurgeandFire)
donsvetlio#2246 (Don Svetlio)
Degilles#1714 (Gilles)
R4mes#1367 (Saphiree)
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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

I'm joining for sure. I'll post my ID later as I currently have other matters to attend to.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
add me on the list mate. Will be fun

I am glad you came up with this.

edit2: kinda unfair that we allready know eachothers decks :p

how does this work exactly? I didnt watch the whole inkeepers invitational.
if I face user X and loses 2 of my decks but I still win. Will I need to relay on the last deck until the final? O_O
also is it 3 decks per match or the same 3 decks the whole tournament?
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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

No no, every match your decks are reset. So if you manage to beat him with your last deck, you can still use all of them against the next guy.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
add me on the list mate. Will be fun

I am glad you came up with this.

edit2: kinda unfair that we allready know eachothers decks :p

how does this work exactly? I didnt watch the whole inkeepers invitational.
if I face user X and loses 2 of my decks but I still win. Will I need to relay on the last deck until the final? O_O
also is it 3 decks per match or the same 3 decks the whole tournament?

To avoid people telling other of the cards in your deck you are allowed to switch decks between matches.

If you lose with two decks and win in total you're still entitled to use three decks in your next match.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I don't know if I would put official since the site isn't actually sanctioning the contest.

Doesn't really matter though, and perhaps the staff would like to make this thing more official and post it on the news?! : D
Make it an arena thing without rewards or really minor ones?
I don't know if I would put official since the site isn't actually sanctioning the contest.

Doesn't really matter though, and perhaps the staff would like to make this thing more official and post it on the news?! : D
Make it an arena thing without rewards or really minor ones?

Sure. I'll let Orcy know to include it. And once we get enough people, I'm sure we can get it to be a site-supported thing. :)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I would suggest we got with 8 players because I doubt we will find 16 players here on hive. (considering how many users have replied in the hearthstone thread)

We might have to do that, but I'll give everyone a week to sign up (6 more days) and if the desire for for a tournament isn't enough to fill 16 slots we'll go with 8.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Uhhhhhh, I'm not sure if we can accept single post users. Sorry.
That's how I feel any ways; this isn't a contest hosted by HW, but a contest between it's users.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I still don't think 1 post users should count. First they aren't really part of the community (yet) and they could be someone trying to get multiple entries.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I still don't think 1 post users should count. First they aren't really part of the community (yet) and they could be someone trying to get multiple entries.

You're right I will upload a new ladder once we got 2 more participants from THW.
Level 9
Mar 5, 2010
I would love to, is Hearthstone anything like the WoW card game, I have entire decks of WoW cards, IDK if that helps :vw_wtf: but let me know what I need to do :thumbs_up: keep me posted :grin:

EDIT: I hope I don't count as a one post user, I would like everyone to know that I actually had a Hive account called Rpgman509, I couldn't get onto the email it was linked to though and couldn't get on the account which is why I made this one, so I am not a VERY new user xD I also do not have an account but I am making one, don't add me to the roster until I get an account :) thanks!

BATLLE.NET isn't working for me right now, i'll try again in a little bit :/
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I would love to, is Hearthstone anything like the WoW card game, I have entire decks of WoW cards, IDK if that helps :vw_wtf: but let me know what I need to do :thumbs_up: keep me posted :grin:

EDIT: I hope I don't count as a one post user, I would like everyone to know that I actually had a Hive account called Rpgman509, I couldn't get onto the email it was linked to though and couldn't get on the account which is why I made this one, so I am not a VERY new user xD I also do not have an account but I am making one, don't add me to the roster until I get an account :) thanks!

Do not worry about that, I would not have recommended this post for you had I not known that you were a hive user.

And here's the rules.


* Every player is allowed to make three decks that they are allowed to use.
* Once you've lost with a deck you may not use it again and if you loose with all three you're out of the competition and the winner goes on to the next battle.
* You may not use two or more decks of the same class, you need to use three different classes for all your decks.
* You must write your Hearthstone ID when you sign up for the tournament.
* Put up a print screen of all of your victories in order to prove that you've indeed won or film the matches if you prefer.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
If youre talking about WoW TCG cards that wont give you something in hearthstone sorry!

True, though if you've played a lot of card games through the years you might have the right line of thinking which could be more vital than the best of cards. I would suggest however that you play a few games in advance to get the hang of it. We accept every member of THW though since the goal is for everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves not to win.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
You'll need to at least unlock all the basic cards for three decks to be viable. After that you have a decent chance.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Thanks for signing up, now we're just waiting for Zzonehardy to inform us of his ID and then we will start this thing.
Level 1
Jan 26, 2014
Uhhhhhh, I'm not sure if we can accept single post users. Sorry.
That's how I feel any ways; this isn't a contest hosted by HW, but a contest between it's users.

well I am sorry, but I think that is very judgmental. who cares if someone has only put up one post and signed up for a tournament? mostly nobody cares in most cases. Never had someone say this before, then people follow up saying, you need to be "part of the community to join this or that."

Most small tournaments such as this one take up anybody, regardless of weather they have been in the community or not. Then if someone breaks the rules, ban them. That's how it works. I got directed to this tournament by Keal who is participating in this tournament. you want proof of that? go talk to him yourself.

Anyway now that all of this has gone on, you guys have left me out and basically ""kicked me out of your community." Next time make tournaments like this open to everyone. I am saying that for a reason.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
youre comparing this to real tournament? lol

this is basically a contest for fun between friends. And youre not really a part of this comminity since you only have been here for 2 days and have 2 posts. (I know it sounds very rude and "un-welcomed" for you but in lack of better words)

you dont really invite "randoms" from the street to play a game with your family.
Well, nothing wrong with meeting new people. :) I am in favor of letting all in, but that is just me. I think the rest of you guys are a bit more opposed to it (I understand why). Either way, I think if we get this first one underway, and if it works out nicely, then we'll have several more in the future, and we can always make those more open. :D
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
well I am sorry, but I think that is very judgmental.
judg·ment noun \ˈjəj-mənt\
: an opinion or decision that is based on careful thought

: the act or process of forming an opinion or making a decision after careful thought : the act of judging something or someone

: the ability to make good decisions about what should be done

So we are judgemental every time we give an opinion. So yeah I am, so what? So are you.

who cares if someone has only put up one post and signed up for a tournament? mostly nobody cares in most cases. Never had someone say this before, then people follow up saying, you need to be "part of the community to join this or that."
You frequently sign up to forums and join contests?

I got directed to this tournament by Keal who is participating in this tournament. you want proof of that? go talk to him yourself.
While he isn't exactly a new member, he's also not the best guarantee. How do we know you aren't simply a second account made by him?

Anyway now that all of this has gone on, you guys have left me out and basically ""kicked me out of your community." Next time make tournaments like this open to everyone. I am saying that for a reason.
First of all this is a wc3 modding community, so unless you plan on modding or being a part of that community, I don't see why we should really care.

Second, we didn't kick you out of the community, just this small tournament. You're more than welcome to join the modding community.
Well... I can't get it to work, so please take me off the roster, sorry guys :/ good luck!

Also @MajorEvil... of course no one has said it before, you've only posted ONCE...


If you need help, just send me a VM and I can try to help you set it up! :) Even if you don't want to join the tourney.
Level 1
Jan 26, 2014
Well first of all Gilles, I have atually signed up to many tournaments via forums like this on many games just for kicks. so yeah, nobody cared if I only posted once or not until now. They were open to everyone since it was just for fun. Not only that, it would publicize their tournaments around the internet so more people would join.

Second, what would I gain from making another account for this tournament? nothing because there is no cash prize or anything yet that has been announced. if it was a tournament with a $100 prize pool or something, someone might consider making two accounts. $5 would hardly be worth making 2 accounts for. Plus, this is a small community, so the likelihood of a big prize is low.

finally, I want to end on what I said about "kicking me out of the community". why? because I wanted to make a point clear that you are actually leaving people out by saying we don't accept one post guys. Jesus. what's wrong with you? Talk about being social on the internet and welcoming people in......Bloody hell, you are more judgmental than I am!

And on that note, because of this bs I am moving on to play in some other tournament. GZ on rejecting a new member....you did a fantastic job.
Level 9
Mar 5, 2010
I think it's funny that your only posts have been ranting about how you can't get into this TOURNEY because of your lack of posts, those three posts are what the community has, to decided what kind of member you are... so far... you've been pretty sour, given that those are probably your ONLY posts, I would go as far as to say that you really aren't part of "the community"... Sorry :/
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Well first of all Gilles, I have atually signed up to many tournaments via forums like this on many games just for kicks. so yeah, nobody cared if I only posted once or not until now. They were open to everyone since it was just for fun. Not only that, it would publicize their tournaments around the internet so more people would join.

Second, what would I gain from making another account for this tournament? nothing because there is no cash prize or anything yet that has been announced. if it was a tournament with a $100 prize pool or something, someone might consider making two accounts. $5 would hardly be worth making 2 accounts for. Plus, this is a small community, so the likelihood of a big prize is low.

finally, I want to end on what I said about "kicking me out of the community". why? because I wanted to make a point clear that you are actually leaving people out by saying we don't accept one post guys. Jesus. what's wrong with you? Talk about being social on the internet and welcoming people in......Bloody hell, you are more judgmental than I am!

And on that note, because of this bs I am moving on to play in some other tournament. GZ on rejecting a new member....you did a fantastic job.

Bloody hell, you are more judgmental than I am!
You completely missed what I said about judgement, eh? Oh well, I tried.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
It could be fun. My BattleTag is Vladadamm#1603, feel free to add me. The only problem is that i've got an ingame bug that makes my friends list to not appear and my status to not appear for other players which happens only on Hearthstone.
So, unless i manage to fix that problem, i won't be able to participate.

Awesome, now if we can get that working we'll have all the players we need, have you tried to contact Blizzard tech support regarding this issue?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Sadly it doesn't look like this will be happening since we're one participant short and there has been no signs of anyone else wanting to join.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Why not just have a smaller group? I don't see why we need more. If there is an odd number, select a user at random to receive a buy.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I could let someone play twice (unless I want to reduce the player number to 4) I know it's not that fair but it's the only thing I can do right now.
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