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The Orphin? (movie) Give your opinion

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Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
For the people who have watched the movie named The Orphin.

If just seen the movie The Orphin 5 minutes ago and its a movie that i almost would say it should be forbidden :p if you see what happends in the movie. A boy that gets almost killed by a sister (fake sister) and a father that gets seduced by a underaged girl that is praticly family? ok so she is in real 33 years old but still and a young girl that has to get a gun in her hands and is forced to kill her sister cause she trys to kill her mom. I would like to know what you people think of this movie and if it should be forbidden or not and what the scary factor is.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Don't you mean The Orphan?

Yes, he does, and around here it's just called Orphan. Wikipedia names it Orphan too, without the "the."

I really liked this movie, and I don't see why on Earth it should be "forbidden" as you put it. It wasn't really scary, but it was interesting to watch and it was interesting to see how the events transpired.

I dislike how Esther's English is impeccable in the beginning of the movie, then she sounds like an immigrant towards the end.

Additionally, there were a couple golden comments in the movie. I only remember one, though, since it's been a while since I saw it, it went along the lines of "If you tell, I'll cut your hairless prick off before you even know what it's for." I laughed so hard, seeing as that came from what I presumed to be a nine-year-old.

Lastly, although you could plainly see that Esther was evil, the best part of the plot wasn't revealed until the end of the movie, which I liked.

I'd give it a 4/5.
Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
The part i sayed it should be forbidden isnt that sirious and i dont think this movie is made to be funny so i dont see the point why you would laugh about somthing like that. although if you think about she being a 9 year old i understand it a bit but still it isnt supose to be funny.
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Orphan was a humorous comedy film, filled with surprises and witty remarks throughout as the characters play their parts incredibly well. Overall I'd say this is a film for the family as its in your face laugh out loud style makes it a one hit wonder that will tickle your funny bones from start to finish.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Wikipedia: Pedophilia (or paedophilia) is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children.

Here we go: No adult in the movie "The Orphan" experienced a sexual preference for prepubescent children.

The reaction of the family's father? Something along the lines of "No, no, this is WRONG!" He pretty much panicked.

I think you should learn your terms before attempting to use them. :|
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