For a long time now there has been a debate of how many Old Gods are out there because the actual number is difficult to predict. The main argument against there being 5 or more Old Gods on Azeroth has been the book the Sundering where the Dragon Aspects state that there are 3 remaining Old Gods. Who are these three? I thought it was C'Thun, Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth while Y'Shaarj was not referenced as he is dead. I first now realize how blind I've been as the Dragon Aspects couldn't possibly have referenced C'Thun. The reason is that the book the Sundering took place prior to the War of the Shifting Sands. In other words the Dragon Aspects would still at this point believe that C'Thun was dead as C'Thun faked his death up until it had the army to assault Azeroth. In other words what has been used as an argument against there being five Old Gods has actually been one of its greatest supporters.
The Question that needs to be answered now is obviously where would this Old God be located? There have been different speculations one being that it's in northern Kalimdor as you can find the skull of a Faceless One at the Master's Glaive. Additionally Aku'mai is a servant of the Old Gods located in Blackfathom Deeps along with a few other Faceless ones found in Darkshore.
A second theory is that it would be located in Stranglethorn Vale as the Cataclysm revealed a 150 000 year old relic that is related to the Old Gods. This content bares resemblance to Saronite but is confirmed not to be the same material. Stranglethorn is to far away from the home of Yogg-Saron and C'Thun to logically be their relics and it's far inland so it's not likely to be of N'Zoth. Additionally had it been Y'Shaarj's relic we would probably have seen some indication that this could have been its work. Additionally Yogg-Saron is the only one of the known Old Gods who leaves a Saronite like material so it's the only one of them who could actually be responsible for this artifact. Yogg-Saron is also the Old God located the furthest away from this location which means that he is the least likely to have left it.
The third possibility is that the Old God is located in some undiscovered place such as an island in the Great Sea or in the Veiled Sea. I personally believe that it would be located either in Stranglethorn Vale or one of the islands in the Southern Sea that used to be connected to Stranglethorn. Please post what you believe if you agree with me or if I'm the most arrogant idiot who has ever walked the face of the Earth.
The Question that needs to be answered now is obviously where would this Old God be located? There have been different speculations one being that it's in northern Kalimdor as you can find the skull of a Faceless One at the Master's Glaive. Additionally Aku'mai is a servant of the Old Gods located in Blackfathom Deeps along with a few other Faceless ones found in Darkshore.
A second theory is that it would be located in Stranglethorn Vale as the Cataclysm revealed a 150 000 year old relic that is related to the Old Gods. This content bares resemblance to Saronite but is confirmed not to be the same material. Stranglethorn is to far away from the home of Yogg-Saron and C'Thun to logically be their relics and it's far inland so it's not likely to be of N'Zoth. Additionally had it been Y'Shaarj's relic we would probably have seen some indication that this could have been its work. Additionally Yogg-Saron is the only one of the known Old Gods who leaves a Saronite like material so it's the only one of them who could actually be responsible for this artifact. Yogg-Saron is also the Old God located the furthest away from this location which means that he is the least likely to have left it.
The third possibility is that the Old God is located in some undiscovered place such as an island in the Great Sea or in the Veiled Sea. I personally believe that it would be located either in Stranglethorn Vale or one of the islands in the Southern Sea that used to be connected to Stranglethorn. Please post what you believe if you agree with me or if I'm the most arrogant idiot who has ever walked the face of the Earth.