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Some lore questions

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Hi I´ve some lore questions. Will give +rep for answers.

1. How did Galakrond die?
2. If I´m not wrong I thought that C'thun was one of the old gods that the titans locked inside the prisons maid to keep them awey from Azeroth, then what is he doing in the ancient Aqir city Ahn'Qiraj?
3. There is not much known about the green dragonflight and the only place we can found them is in Sunken temple and outside an cave in swamp of sorrows (If you not incloude the 2 dragons you can find in dragonflight and the ones in ICC and Occolus). But beacose of that the ones you can find in swamp of sorrows atacks you i find it hard to belive that they serve Ysera. And where is the outher green dragons then? I know that they are in emerald dreams but it is only their minds that get inside emerald dreams and not their bodies?
4. What did ever happen to Neltharions mate Sintharia?
5. I know about Sylvanas and Vereesa Windrunner but I´ve also heard about a third sister who was she and who were their parents?
6. I know about 2 of the old gods C'thun and Yogg-Saron but what is the names of the outher becose the titans made 3 jails for them Ulduar, Uldaman and Uldum but yet we have only seen the prisoner in Ulduar (Yogg-Saron).
7. I know that Galakrond was the father of Alexstrasza, Ysera, Malygos, Neltharion and Nozdurmo but who were their mother? I mean as far as I know it´s pretty hard to get kids witheout a male and a female.
8. I dont think that Pit of Saron got it´s name for no reason so why is it called that? If i would bet I would bet that it have something to do with Yogg-Saron.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Can't answer all, but I'll try to.
2. C'Thun's locked there
4. Eaten by her creation, Dargonax the Devourer
5. Alleria Windrunner. Appears in Wc2. Currently in Draenor, exact position unknown. Parents unknown.
7. Actually, Galakrond doesn't mate with other Proto-Drake. The Titans used his essence to create the Aspects. A little magic and Ta-Da! The Generatio Spontanea Theory becomes true! :p
8. Yogg-Saron. Seriously, take a hint.
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
lowe257 said:
2. If I´m not wrong I thought that C'thun was one of the old gods that the titans locked inside the prisons maid to keep them awey from Azeroth, then what is he doing in the ancient Aqir city Ahn'Qiraj?

When C'thun was imprisoned, he was alone and the place was jus his prison. He then created the Quiraji as his avatars and they built the city there so that they could eventually free him.

lowe257 said:
4. What did ever happen to Neltharions mate Sintharia?

It's described in "Night of the Dragon" that Sintharia (or Sinestra, as she preferred to be called) attempted to create a new breed of dragons (Twilight dragonflight). The first Twilight dragon, however, devoured his creator shortly before he was destroyed himself.

lowe257 said:
5. I know about Sylvanas and Vereesa Windrunner but I´ve also heard about a third sister who was she and who were their parents?

This is Alleris Windrunner, the eldest sister. She was the Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas during the Second War. Later she, along with an Alliance expedition called the Sons of Lothar, ventured into Draenor to defeat the orcs under Ner'zhul. Her current status is unknown. Her lover was the paladin Turalyon, the chief commander of the Sons of Lothar. Their son Arator can be found in Outland.

lowe257 said:
6. I know about 2 of the old gods C'thun and Yogg-Saron but what is the names of the outher becose the titans made 3 jails for them Ulduar, Uldaman and Uldum but yet we have only seen the prisoner in Ulduar (Yogg-Saron).

Uldaman, Ulduar and Uldum were Titan vaults for storing creations and creating new specimen. Ulduar was only additionally used as prison. And different sources indicate different count of imprisoned old gods.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Ok Thanks for the help every one have gave you some rep but if I´m not wrong I still dont got any answer on questions 1 and 3 and your answer has given me another question

9. If they used galakronds essence to create the five dragonflights how was the proto drakes created? Becose as far as I know the titans left Azeroth after creating the five dragonflights and as you said Galakrond had no mate.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Just because Galakrond didn't have a mate doesn't mean there weren't other Proto-drake females around. From what I understand, the Proto-drakes were on Azeroth when the Titans came along and beat up the Old Gods. Then, the Titans sprinkled a bit of their own power on the newly-created Aspects and changed them into more intelligent and powerful versions of their Proto-drake ancestors, creating the 'true' dragons.
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
3. There is not much known about the green dragonflight and the only place we can found them is in Sunken temple and outside an cave in swamp of sorrows (If you not incloude the 2 dragons you can find in dragonflight and the ones in ICC and Occolus). But beacose of that the ones you can find in swamp of sorrows atacks you i find it hard to belive that they serve Ysera. And where is the outher green dragons then? I know that they are in emerald dreams but it is only their minds that get inside emerald dreams and not their bodies?

The Sunken Temple is the temple in which the trolls prepared the coming of Hakkar into the physical world. When Ysera learned of this she smashed the temple beneath he marshes and ordered a group of green dragons lead by te wyrm Eranikus to make sure nobody would enter or leave the temple. However, Eranikus is believed to have become corrupted by the Old Gods.

There are 2 possibilities:
1) The dragons do indeed serve Ysera and do indeed prevent anyone from enterin or leaving, regardles who they are.
2) The dragons are corrupted and now serve the Old Gods.

The majority of the green flight is asleep while their minds are inside the Emerald Dream. Obviously they choose to dream at locations where they aren't easily disturbed, hence why you don't see many of thier kind.
Level 3
Jun 3, 2010
1. Not sure.

2.If I remember right, AQ was his prision.

3.Most are fighting in the emearld dream. Yes, in some instances, such as Yersa, her body went etheral and he spirit entered the dream, however bodies can enter also. Far as we know, that is where the rest of the Green Dragonflight is.

4. Not sure. Been awhile since I played. But I think she makes an appearance on Netherwing Ledge about taking the eggs from the Fel Orcs there. Not sure. Dont recall that dragons name that lands.

5. Alliera Windrunner. 'Hero' from Warcraft 2. Thought to be dead or lost in Outland after the closing of the Portal.

6. Gold gods are crafty and rarely appear in the open.

7. Not to sure. Then again, It is unknown if dragons are A-sexual, reproducing without a mate.

8. Its called that because it is a quarry that is loaded with Saronite Ore, the blood of Yogg-Saron.
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